Mountain's Note Giveaway

Mirrin and silver female Inalduth

Though Mirrin is a competent rider, she does have some quirks that make her a bit hard to work with in the Weyr. Her gorgeous silver dragoness will rise regularly just like the greens around her, and Mirrin is just not willing to take a partner even though it will mean a lot of frustration for both she and her dragon's mate's rider. That said, Inalduth doesn't wish harm to come to her beloved rider, and tries to stay well away from the Weyr when she does rise.

Status: Commoner, House Born child
Age: 17 at Impression
Gender: female
Siblings: 6
Born: first
plus several half siblings on either side of their family over the years
Legitimacy: born to unmarried parents
Childhood Health: sick occasionally like a normal child
Adult Height: quite tall, unusually so
Adult Build: thin as a twig
Skin Tone: ruddy
Hair Color: auburn red
Hair Style: tied back with a ribbon or cord
Hair Length: a mullet!
Eye Color: change with moods
Literacy Level: are able to read and write fairly well
Politeness Level: they are impolite to people they ought to defer to
Focus: their attention might slip a bit but they are usually focused on their work
Though some might find them ugly, most just call them plain
They are neither truly giving or selfish

Values and Goals
Hates: their mother
Passionately hates: being far from home
Moderate goal: travel
Low fear: the opposite sex or having intimacy
Has fun with: cold places
Odd Skill (learned outside of craft if any): computer systems

Originally From: riverside community
Location size: well populated
Location climate: moderate
Searched: as a teen


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