White River Weyr giveaway

Sarpangar / P'gar and Blue Haquayth

Status: Guild Born
Age: 17
Gender: male
Siblings: no living siblings or half-siblings, that they know of
Legitimacy: born in a single-parent home
Childhood Health: sick occasionally like a normal child
Adult Height: very short, almost childish in height
Adult Build: slender and willowy
Skin Tone: lightly tanned
Hair Color: auburn red
Hair Style: knotted and unkempt
Hair Length: cut to scalp
Eye Color: forest green
Literacy Level: are able to read and write fairly well
Politeness Level: everyone knows them as a rude person
Focus: in every day life they are focused on their tasks
This character is certainly one of the best looking folks around
Given a gift or item, they won't share often

Values and Goals
Passionately hates: the unusual trait of how they can hear animals in their mind
Likes: the Great Outdoors
Practically nonexistant goal: ride a dragon or other creature
Very strong fear: horses
A wooden musical instrument is in their posession

Crafting Guild: Harper - instrument crafter, Status: apprentice
Other Skill picked up around Guild folk: town crier/announcments
Odd Skill (learned outside of craft if any): animal breeding

Originally From: high desert community
Location size: average sized
Location climate: seasonal
Searched: recently

Name: Haquayth
Colour: Blue
Length: 29'

Mother is gold Hizritarth - http://shiolar.merseine.nu/mirus/pernese.htm#nonee_hizritarth (Electranath/Kohlaurnth //Dulceth/Sarabeth (Umnorth/Alasath)/ Naresith/Polanith)

Father is bronze Paxralth - http://shiolar.merseine.nu/mirus/pernese.htm#gul_paxralth (Isurth/Makvoth // Marnath/Melinith)

Doll Palace