Her family didn't much approve of her antics around the House, using scraps of material and pretending to do dances like the wandering gypsies did. But they caught the eye of a Search rider, and pretty soon Raane (pronounced 'rain') was standing - and shortly after that, Impressed! It was an improbably red male dragon who nudged his way into her vision, with silver tips on his wings.
The Weyrleader got that look on his face, and consulted with his wife the Weyrwoman before instructing the recordskeepers to write down 'brown' on the arrival sheet. Well, red is sort of brownish... Raane enjoys having a flame-breathing dragon, and a male to boot - because she knows she'll hardly get caught up in too many flights the way greenriders do. She doesn't much want a family like her own with too many offspring cluttering things. |
Status: Commoner, House Born child
Age: 18 at Impression
Gender: female
Siblings: 5 plus several half siblings on either side of their family over the years
Born: first
Legitimacy: born to a married couple
Childhood Health: sick occasionally like a normal child
Adult Height: kind of little
Adult Build: lithe but muscled
Skin Tone: lightly tanned
Hair Color: darkly brown
Hair Style: tied back with a ribbon or cord
Hair Length: a mullet!
Eye Color: pale teal
Literacy Level: read at a good level of competancy
Politeness Level: they are very polite and proper at all times
Focus: they are continually distracted by the things around them - work? What's that?
Their looks are considered spectacular by most
They often share with their friends
Values and Goals
Likes: their clothing
Is very happy with: the light places
Very weak goal: ride a dragon or other creature
Strong fear: being alone
Extremely strong goal: do nothing at all and relax
Odd Skill (learned outside of craft if any): gypsy things, wandering performers
Originally From: island community
Location size: well populated
Location climate: seasonal
Searched: a couple weeks before Impression