Kavera Weyr

Name: Sesha

Because her father always indulged her as a young girl to read stories, encouraging her to try more difficult tasks than she had before, or even just enjoy the days they spent together, Sesha will always remember him as the perfect father. He wasn't - but that was perhaps only because he was often called away to the mines. They were three days away on runner, and the trip was always longer than that on the way home, because the caravans were laden with firestone.

Sometimes, though, they were a bit shinier than that. One day not too long after Sesha's tenth birthday, her father Sornaro gave her a small bauble - no more than the size of her thumb nail, but bright and glimmering like a spinner's web in the sunlight. He called it an opal - she'd never seen such a beautiful stone. He had it set into a pendant for her, and for years Sesha wore it. One day though, she foolishly took it off, and when she went to put it back on for the gather outside, it was gone.

She knows that one of her sisters took it, but which one? Her elder sister Nusha would probably never admit to it, but she left the Hold only weeks later with her new husband! It would be the perfect time to take something away and never tell. Or her younger, Ronash? Ditzy little girl would lift almost anything from anyone, even right before their eyes and get away with it. She was so 'cute' that no one ever faulted her for it.

Well, that was shortly before she was Searched. A saddened but confident family bid her farewell, and Sesha hoped that some day she'd be able to find who stole her pendant and maybe get it back.

What would a dragon do for her? Well.... no one would ever deny a dragon rider's wishes, would they? Could anyone lie to a rider? Or their dragon!?


Someone said that she'd missed the gold's hatching. Sesha laughed, "of course I did, why would I care? I'm not cut out for a gold! But this one, right Nalvesath?"

The little dragonet that rested on the cot (taking up most of it in fact, dragons weren't small things after all) gave off a purring chuckle and asserted softly that yest, Sesha was all hers, no one else's.


Color: Green
Gender: Female
Size: Average Green

Status: Commoner, House Born child
Age: 18
Gender: female
Siblings: 2
Born: in the middle
Legitimacy: born to unmarried parents
Childhood Health: sick occasionally like a normal child
Adult Height: taller than their friends
Adult Build: average in build
Skin Tone: very pale, almost albino
Hair Color: dishwater brown
Hair Style: unusually shiny and pretty
Hair Length: shoulder length
Eye Color: light blue
Literacy Level: can read proficiently well
Politeness Level: their politeness extends to everyone around them
Focus: they don't much care about any one task
Their looks are considered spectacular by most
They're well known for being very selfish

Values and Goals
Enjoys deeply: their father
Enjoys deeply: the Great Outdoors
Average goal: do nothing at all and relax
Practically nonexistant fear: water or drowning
Weak goal: locate something lost
Odd Skill (learned outside of craft if any): mining

Originally From: plainsland community
Location size: kind of large
Location climate: very dry
Searched: recently


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