
Status: Wanderer
Age: 17
Gender: male
Siblings: 4
Born: next to last
Legitimacy: born out of wedlock
Childhood Health: very sturdy
Adult Height: just normal for their age in height
Adult Build: well muscled, but not burly
Skin Tone: ruddy
Hair Color: auburn red
Hair Style: frizzy
Hair Length: short
Eye Color: pale teal
Literacy Level: cannot read or write
Politeness Level: everyone knows them as a rude person
Focus: if focus had a name, this character's would be it
While their striking looks make some jealous, most are just attracted to them
They will share with anyone they really trust

Values and Goals
Enjoys: the unusual trait that they really are from another era, and had been moved here somehow
Values immensely: Islands
Low goal: travel far and wide
Extremely strong fear: cave-ins and landslides
Weak hatred: their clothing

Other skills: horse riding and a minor ability with Merchantry - money transfers

Searched! When: a few months back

Originally From: high mountain community
Location size: smallish
Location climate: temperate


Status: Commoner, House Born child
Age: 15
Gender: female
Siblings: 3
Born: in the middle
plus two out of wedlock siblings on their mother's side (older)
Legitimacy: born into a healthy family
Childhood Health: very stocky
Adult Height: very tall, towering over their peers
Adult Build: lithe but muscled
Skin Tone: tan
Hair Color: salt and pepper
Hair Style: hardly wavy
Hair Length: to waist
Eye Color: forest green
Literacy Level: cannot read, they're illiterate
Politeness Level: they are very polite and proper at all times
Focus: they enjoy their work well enough but they love to play more often
This character isn't winning any beauty contests
Given a gift, they will show but not share

Values and Goals
Values: the unusual trait that they really are from another era, and had been moved here somehow
Enjoys: Woodlands
Weak goal: learn
Average fear: being neglected
Moderate goal: marry and have a family

Skill most often practiced: baby and child care
Other skills: instructing young children

Searched! When: more than a year ago

Originally From: plainsland community
Location size: bustling
Location climate: very cold


It was a friendship so odd that it had to form. Because they'd both been snatched from distant times - Broart from a somewhat desolate period between Passes, and Desumi from an overpopulated era in the future - they had something to talk about while they attended their Candidacy classes. Of course, they also had the same response when the Weyrling Masters asked the class who all could read and write... Neither could, it was something that was still common even with almost a thousand years between their eras.

Desumi and Broart were almost polar opposites in personality, polite but selfish versus rude and focused - plus, some would add, drop dead gorgeous and wherrie ugly. That wasn't fair, Desumi was far from ugly - she wasn't deformed or scarred at all, but she wasn't as classically handsome as Broart would be as an adult.

Their differences far outnumbered their similarities, but over time their common love of dragons and desire to learn enough to stand for them brought them ever closer. They wouldn't be lovers, Desumi wanted to help with fostering others and knew the endless frustrations and dangers of child birth and rearing, even if they weren't her children. But they kept a look out for each other with a passion. They could rely on each other, if someone started mocking Desumi, Broart would put a stop to it. If Broart got his foot stuck in his mouth while insulting the wrong person, Desumi apologized on his behalf.

The one thing that kept them apart at times, though, was Broart's fear of weak caves and unstable weyr ledges. Sure, he could be convinced with a few solid stomps on the floor, but Desumi or someone else generally had to be in front of him testing the way. She pointed out that in any Weyr, there would be accidents.

He confided in her that he'd lost most of his extended family in one of those accidents, in a location that had stood for hundreds of years without incident. To him, the newness of Dragonhope (relatively speaking) was a bonus rather than a bane. It was quite large, but also very modern, and he liked that. But if he was sent into older weyrs, or Holds that looked neglected? It would be up to someone else.

Broart helped Desumi learn to ride, there were plenty of runners around the place while they were being instructed. Both of them were able to bring their marks up in their studies after intensive training with reading and script, so they were allowed out with the others on their afternoons rather than kept back for more tutoring. Broart correctly asserted that his skill with riding runners would help if he impressed, so Desumi followed his lead. How to grip, how to look one direction while the runner ran another without being disoriented.

Desumi was an adequate student, but like almost all their other ventures, she lost her focus long before the lessons were over, and had a few incidents with falling she'd rather not talk about.

The weyrling masters looked at them both with a critical eye, evaluating them for their worthiness and where they might best be placed. It surprised both the youths when they were brought before R'vfen and Fuiaam, and told of their destination.

"Aneris Weyr has reopened," R'vfen said, "and it's about sharding time."

"So you'll be our first representitives on their sands, and as such," Fuiaam said carefully, "you will be expected to be on your best behaviors."

The pair of teenagers glanced at each other and spoke in unison: "if you can't make yourself useful, make yourself scarce."

Rewarded with laughter, the candidates sped off to their shared weyr, to pack their things. Aneris would be their home for the forseeable future, and thankfully Broart had the thought in his head to do a little research on the location. What sort of clothing would they need? They'd be split up of course, in the candidate barracks, but with the letter of recommendation that came with them from the weyrling masters, their time together would be granted.


The adjustments to Aneris went smoothly for the pair, but the excitement was growing every day. And at last, just after their chores and midday meal had been finished up, the humming of the dragons of the whole Weyr started to ring through the air. The candidates assembled themselves hastily, all with big smiles (except maybe that one girl, but she was fairly disagreeable to everyone), and finally those eggs they'd all been watching began to crack. It almost seemed like a race, but finally a green showed her graceful form, shortly followed by a richly colored brown.

Desumi caught the eye of the little green, who fell into the girl's arms creeling with hunger.

"Eryth my sweet, you need to at least get your hide dried off first!" Desumi chuckled, then laughed loudly, continuing as she left the sands. Broart would certainly follow - she just knew it, he would impress too!

Broart didn't really have time to wonder or be too caught up after his friend impressed. There were so many dragons! It wasn't a huge clutch, twelve eggs, but even that could get quite confusing on the sands. As if to prove that fact a darkish brown had tried to make his way out of the mess of shells and mounds of sand, and was having some trouble.

"It's all right, Adanth, I'll help you out!" Broart dug the brown's feet out from under the shell, and as he did so, realized that he was now B'art, and he was a brown rider!


B'art's expertise, however distant by the time they were fully trained and able to fly with a wing, in money changing and bartering, was something that Dragonhope's leaders and recordskeepers wanted to exploit. He was certainly willing to entertain their idea: he knew best how to get tithes from folks who weren't all that hot on the idea.

It didn't hurt then, that when he was sent out to do his job, Desumi and her lithe green went along with him - for two reasons. One was that B'art was still a bit rude at times, and two... Eryth was turning into quite the nosy search dragon. It would be far easier to extract payments from communities when a Search was held!

Green Eryth (Desumi)
Size: 22.5m
Personality: Spontaneous
Sociability: Independent
Traits: Short-attention span
Likes: Learning New Things
Dislikes: Sweeps
Mating: Devoted to one mate
Other: Particularly sensitive to talent: would make a good searchdragon

Brown Adanth (Broart)
Size: 32.5m
Personality: Pessimistic
Sociability: Sarcastic
Traits: Envies other dragons
Likes: Being in charge
Dislikes: Being Up Early
Mating: Loves mating flights Other: N/A