Blue Mountain Aurie giveaway

Vaorand was far more attractive than his siblings, leading some in the Hold to spread rumors that both he and his brother were sons of the Lord Holder and not of their mother's husband. But while they both had her brilliant red hair, only Vaorand had his father's changing eyes - one moment they were a brilliant icy-blue, the next a dim hazel. They were almost like dragons' eyes, some said, and to an extent that may have been true. Vaorand's line had several dragon riders in it, though none in his life directly.

His older brother - well, his 'full' brother - was set to inherit most of their Holdings, their prosperous merchant house where many deals were made. But Vaorand enjoyed his life as a bit of a burly bodyguard - his younger sister was courted constantly by numerous men - and Vao would never allow anything untoward to happen to her, while he was there. But it was one of the wealthier crafters that came through their hall who succeeded in wooing the girl, for the sake of his own son who was still in the craft hall. She happily went off on their boat to an island where this crafthall was settled.

The letters abruptly stopped coming, though Vao couldn't read them himself he loved hearing from his father when they would come. Worry danced over their faces, both father and sons, and the others who were too young to really understand what might have happened. Vao's mother begged them to find out what had happened to her daughter, begged the sea to be kind, begged the world not to have taken her beautiful child.

Since his one brother was involved with the business already, and needed further experience, he would remain on and function as its leader in the meantime. Half brothers and father then, booked a ship out to see this island for themselves. It was a disaster - from the ship itself nearly running into Thread, to actually running aground in the storm which slammed them into the island itself, and worst of all, Vaorand's father being taken under by a massive toothy fish-creature. His half-brother and what was left of the crew managed to drag themselves up to the crafthall.

Which refused them entry. Without proof of who they were - since they'd lost everything along the journey - the brothers had no recourse to even see their sister. Vaorand was furious, his eyes coloring a dangerous orange shade that hardly ever was seen on a man. He broke into one back area, through the kitchens, and hunted down his sister's husband...

To learn that it wasn't the son - it was the man! He wanted a young and pretty girl for himself, which sickened Vaorand something terrible. He knew it would be madness to actually fight or try to kill this man, since he was a Master here. Though he never did find his sister, he learned later from the staff that she'd born him twins, and had been very ill since then. Vaorand wondered: ill, dead or trapped? But no matter, the man knew that if he stepped the wrong way... Vao and his brother would surely risk the wrath of the Guild and judges for their sister.

They remained at the small port on the other side of the isle, for only a month. Dragons arrived, and Searched Vaorand. His brother, they brought back to their hold with the terrible news. Whether Vaorand would ever see his family again, he didn't know. All he knew was that he was needed at a hatching, and this hatching was very big.

He'd never heard of such a dragon, when the red broke shell. He knew that this was his bond, Zhaueuhth by name. Rider's hair and dragon's hide matched beautifully. If anyone asked, this was a very red brown...

Once his training was finished, V'ao and others headed off to Dragonhope Weyr to reside, where he was instructed further in reading and writing, and where he learned that to temper his own feelings, he had to listen to his patient dragon. While Zhaue' would listen to the rantings and angry statements from his rider, he would always offer a soft nudge toward waiting and seeing.

Eventually, they were allowed to head out on their own for reasonable amounts of time, and V'ao visited his home hold. He'd sent back every mark he could, to keep them going while missing their father. The family was all right, missed their sire badly, and wanted to know more about their sister... So he went there too. Flying between, and landing at the port where they'd first picked up Vao and his brother, V'ao flew Zhaue over the guild hall walls, and into their courtyard directly. They could hardly refuse the request of a dragon rider, and while he wasn't asking for tithes, the staff eagerly fended off their Master long enough to fetch V'ao's sister and her twins.

"Will you wish to come home? Mother misses you terribly." V'ao said, "and I'm so sorry I didn't protect you."

They embraced and it was decided very shortly that since the Master's deception brought her there, nothing should stop them from leaving. Though she was ill, the chill of between seemed to clear her head, and thrilled the twins who were now old enough to appreciate the flight. Once he was certain that all would be well enough there, V'ao headed back to his duties in the fighting wing at Dragonhope.

Gold SamthXUnknown
Blue Mt Aurie

Zhaueuhth, Red Male (zhaoiee-ooth)

loyal, faithful, liberal, tolerant

**Status: Commoner, House Born child
Age: 17
Gender: male
Siblings: 5
Born: second, plus one unexpected older half-sibling from their mother's indescretions
Legitimacy: a pleasant surprise to their happily married parents
Childhood Health: very stocky
Adult Height: just normal for their age in height
Adult Build: pudgy
Skin Tone: ruddy
Hair Color: auburn red
Hair Style: full
Hair Length: cut to the neck
Eye Color: change with moods
Literacy Level: cannot read, they're illiterate until dragonrider
Politeness Level: they are very polite and proper at all times
Focus: they enjoy their work well enough but they love to play more often
They're better than average in appearance
They will rarely share with anyone

Values and Goals
Has fun with: their father
Passionately hates: the Great Outdoors
Overwhelming goal: locate something lost
Strong fear: sea animals
Passionately hates: a Guild hall
Odd Skill (learned outside of craft if any): kickboxing

Originally From: high mountain community
Location size: bustling
Location climate: moderate
Searched: just a few days ago