Yalrun and his twin Roylun were tall and handsome and sturdy, Yalrun polite and focused and Roylun ditzy and frantic. How he came from his distractable, charmingly sloppy rakishly handsome father, no one knew. Perhaps it was their mother, but she'd given them up shortly before vanishing. Some said, to a Weyr, and that seemed to be born out by the fact that Yalrun was Searched when he was 15. Not his brother, which some claimed was a sign of some kind. Who knew why one twin would be chosen over another?

Well, for Yalrun's case, it was that he was capable and Roylun wasn't, of holding attention and keeping up with multiple conversations. They had learned such things were needed, since their father was a caravaneer and merchant. They added a collection of siblings along the way, one even on the way after Yalrun had been Searched. Each of them did something different, but it was Yalrun who was trusted to make deals, to keep transactions steady, to help out with distressed customers.

Truly, he would be missed, by the caravan's other adults. Runya was good looking and witty, but as a businessman he was not much more than a snake-oil salesman with a good financial backing.

To Darkling Dawn Yalrun went, meeting up with several others for a quick clutch. Gorgeous hatchlings broke open those shells, and Yalrun became Y'run when a pale shaded bronze nudged over to him. Winteth was his name, and he would grow to a strong, healthy size. They flew to Dragonhope for their training, and stayed on when Thread began to fall.

A confident man, but not one to lead a wing in Threadfall. He showed no fear of it, but would far prefer not to be around the flames of the dragons as they blasted the deadly stuff from the sky. Thus, he was elected to go tithing with the other non-combat fliers, and his charm, good looks and very stunning dragon all add up to him making the most of the position! Who could refuse him, after all? He had a kind word to anyone he met, adding praise with a grin, even when he was giving criticism or making demands.

It was no surprise that tithing difficulties dropped to a trickle, after Y'run was put on the job!

Status: High Ranking Rider
Age: 35
Gender: male
Dragon: Bronze Winteth, Specializing in Tithing and Collections, 39 feet long
Siblings: several younger siblings from two marriages (father's side)
Born: first
Health: stocky
Height: towers over their friends
Build: slender, long limbed
Skin Tone: lightly tanned
Hair Color: light brown
Hair Style: frizzy, straight
Hair Length: past shoulders
Eye Color: green
Literacy Level: extremely literate
Politeness Level: very polite and proper at all times (almost obsessively so)
Focus: strongly focused on duty and tasks
They are known to be extremely handsome
They are somewhat stingy about gift-giving

Values and Goals
Likes: their twin
Enjoys deeply: being at home
Strong goal: educate themselves beyond their family
Overwhelming fear: fire/burning
Average like: a Dragonry or Hatchery
Strong fear: losing self control

Often can be found practicing survival in the wild


Name: Winteth
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: 10'6" s / 39' l / 60' ws
Colors: Medium bronze, with strong highlights and shadows in sunlight; wingsails paler bronze; crest and tail spade burnished bronze; eyes shift with mood
Features: Standard Pernese
Powers: Winged Flight, Teleportation (between), Telepathy (very long range with dragons, can speak to many dragon-worthy humans)
Parentage: Gold Eoth and Bronze Mazdath
Origin: Darkling Dawn 2009 Winter Giveaway
Other Info:
