Flights at Dragonhope Weyr Dragonhope will take more Traditional dragons than not. Please be sure to find out the "lineage" of your dragon if you intend to ask for Rare offspring or chasers, or if your chasing male is rare in origin but traditional in color. Refer to the Flights rules on the prior page for quantity of eggs and such. To fly here: 1 - must be an adult, with adult image on the page AND a story about flying here at Dragonhope, and a LINK to Dragonhope's index. I want people to be able to track these flights. 2 - Females may be ridden by male riders, males may be ridden by females, it doesn't matter to me. But it might, to a chasing rider... 3 - Bronzes, Browns and Large Rares may chase Golds and Large Rares. Browns, Blues and Small Rares may chase Greens and Small Rares, no exceptions. No bronzes in Green flights, no blues for weyrleader.* - If the bronze is extra small, and recorded as such on their lineage, I'll make an exception! 4 - Owner of the FEMALE may request to write the flight, but if she cannot or will not, I will. I will decide how many eggs there are, based upon the flight, and I will choose the recipients of the hatchlings. 5 - Once FIVE male chasers have been found for a flight, the flight will be considered closed, unless the owner of the female wishes to close it earlier or wants a longer list. I will wait one week after the close, tell the owner, and expect a flight or a "please oh please write the flight for me, I choose "x" dragon for her mate" letter. It'd be nice to keep things going quickly. If a female is found to have been abandoned in the time that she's on the board (her page vanishes, moves with no information to me about where, etc) I will scrub the board and if need be place the males (after asking) on other flights to be fair. 6 - Greens may fly here ONE time. Golds may fly as many as they'd like, and rares are taken on a case by case basis. No flights may be held at the same time. There are no Frenzies here - not like the Healing Den. :) Update: 12/27/09 - the old flights have been scrubbed as pretty much no communcation has been had about them, but they can still be found here. Flight Listing Last Updated 7/1/10 New Risers may request to fly here, 12.14.20
Want to send a Female or Chaser? Please DM/Private Message Zekiran (Shard) on Discord with this info: Your name/id and working Email Thank you! |