Dragonhope Weyr Healer Virin, eldest
daughter of the Weyrleaders

This eldest daughter, you decide, must also be the strongest, healthiest
and tallest woman on Pern! She hardly seems to mind that there are eyes
upon her, as she works. Her hands are sure, and she keeps her long vibrantly
black hair away from her face with a yellow tie.
"Oh, could you please hand me that roll of bandages?
I've got this burn to take care of..." She huddles over a drudge
whose arm has been terribly scalded, it looks like. You reach for the
bandages, and she cuts a length of them to carefully wrap around the wound.
Finally, after a few minutes of care, she tells the drudge
to go to her dorm and rest for a few days, and if the headwoman gives
her any trouble to tell her that Virin said so.
The drudge smiles, though obviously still in a bit of
pain, and scurries out to her dorm in the lower caverns.
At last you have a moment of time to speak with this woman!
"Are you well? Why are you here anyway?" She
asks, abruptly noticing that you don't appear injured at all.
"No, I'm ... I'm just a visitor, I've been told to
go look around."
"Ah, my mother telling the candidates to drift. Nice.
I wish she'd stop that." She turns back to her desk to write something
down on a wherhide scroll.
"Well, what are you doing here still? I'm the weyr
healer, this is the infirmary, that was a patient. What more is there
to know?"
With her abrupt tone, you guess it's time to leave.
You choose to head down the hall, to the Dragonhealer's