Riders of Dragonhope Weyr (pic) Watchrider D'rao Along a narrow ridge at the top of the mountain is a set of weyrs, fit for the Watch Riders and their dragons. Heated from the pressurized water far below on the base of the mountain, these weyrs are still quite chilly and are all decorated with thick furs and hides. It is in one of these weyrs that you greet the Watchrider who is on his shift. He is a skinny, lanky man, with stringy hair and a large gap between his front teeth. "Welcome," he says, cheerily. "Anyone coming?" You ask, and he chuckles. "No, but you'll know if anyone does! I'm surprised you missed his trumpet when Varmath came back!" "His?" "His," he says, thumbing at the barrel-chested brown dragon who lay on a slab above your head. You feel the warm breath of the dragon on you, when he sniffs you over. D'rao listens to his dragon and then nods to you. "Nevth says you're a likely candidate. He says he smells the queen on you." "Well... yes, I've been down to the Queen's weyr... Is he also a search dragon?" "Oh, no, he's just good with smells. He likes yours. Hope to see you again, eh?" You smile and nod, "and I hope to see you too." |
Brown Nevth, Ridden by D'rao, Watchdragon