Riders of Dragonhope Weyr


Search Rider K'roohan

You spot a dramatic and very long-tailed brown dragon approach the weyrling courtyard. From the looks of him, he's well known around here!

"Ah, that would be Takanath and his rider K'roohan," someone says, since you look up and squint trying to identify the pair. The dragon lands and a long-legged man drops to the ground beside him.

"Ah, you're the one! I've been looking for you!" K'roohan claims, loudly, while looking right at you. You glance around, unsure he's really talking to you.

"Me?" You ask, still wondering.

"Of course you! You're the new candidate, right? That's what Takanath tells me anyway."

"Oh, well..." you look to the ground but then the skinny rider comes to you and lifts your chin with his fingers.

"Yep, it's you all right. His nose is never wrong. I can't say what kind of dragon you'll be impressing, but if you stand on our Sands you're almost sure to impress!"

"Well thank you--" you say, but he is already off and talking to the weyrlings about getting Takanath washed.

Brown Takanath, Ridden by K'roohan, Search Rider Leaders