Dragonhope Flight Information and Candidate Rules * = UPDATED


Dragonhope Weyr is a MOSTLY TRADITIONAL Pernese Weyr. Meaning, that there will only be five standard colors available: Gold, Bronze, Brown, Blue and Green. Rare colors may include White and Black, but White will be the main one, and no others may be requested, period. (Yes, I know there are some Alskyran colors here at Dragonhope, but they aren't likely to fly or clutch here.)

Due to the availability of rare dragons online, Dragonhope has certain restrictions on flights and hatchlings.

Female Dragon
Male Dragon
9-20, Gold possible
6-15, Bronze possible
6-12, Brown possible
5-10, Mostly G/B but Browns possible
Large Rare
6-12, Gold or Rare Possible
Small Rare
3-7, Rare possible
Large Rare
Large Rare
6-10, 1/4 Rares only, no golds
Large Rare
8-10, 1/5 Rares only, no golds but Bronzes possible
Large Rare
6-10, Rare possible
Small Rare
3-7, Rare possible
Small Rare
2-6, Rare possible
Small Rare
Small Rare
2-6, 1/4 Rares only

Normally colored dragons with rare genetics (please specify if you have those and can prove it) may also have a rare egg instead of a gold, if they are gold. Greens are just as likely to have rare eggs but they cannot have golds nor bronzes.

Greens from this Weyr may clutch here ONE time. Golds may clutch as many as they wish, so long as there are mates for them. All Dragonhope dragons have permission to fly elsewhere, but I recommend keeping your Greens on firestone... The little buggers will overrun the place!

Also note well:

Since this Weyr is utilizing the beautiful TALOR CLIFF dragons originally drawn by FALORA way back when, there are THREE styles available. Dragons hatched from MY parents will always result in "Type One" or those shown on the Weyrleader and Weyrwoman's pages. Dragons visiting and clutching on our sands, however, will have the choice to use any of the three different sets. SAMPLES.


As stated elsewhere, Dragonhope takes candidates who are older and younger than typical, as well as crafters and holders of any type, in addition to normally searched weyrbrats or younger holders/crafters.

Dragons hatched here will bond as follows:

Candidate Type Dragon Expected
Typical Girl Green
Strong willed Girl Green, Blue
Overtly gay or Very Strong Girl Green, Blue, Brown
Exceptional Girl Gold (or rare?)
Typical Boy Blue
Burly, Strong Boy Blue, Brown
Willful, Charming or other Exceptional Boy Brown, Bronze (or rare?)
Overtly gay or 'girly' Boy Green, Blue

If you do NOT wish your candidate to impress the opposite gender, you MUST inform Kira. The sands should yeild about 1/3 Greens and Blues, the rest Browns, and if possible Bronzes and Golds. Rare dragons will be just that: very rare. If you wish your FEMALE candidate to apply only for a Gold, please notify us. If you wish your MALE candidate to apply only for a Bronze, also please notify us.

Offworld and non-human candidates will be accepted under these conditions:

1 - Must be bipedal, humanoid (may have other limbs, but must be able to ride or fly with a dragon)
2 - Must be able to withstand some daylight. (Vampires? Carefully.) It's day for almost 19 hours in Summer here.
3 - May have been Searched by anyone, but MUST have been Searched and brought by someone who can travel Nexus worlds.
4 - Must be well written. They may or may not be able to communicate with the inhabitants of Pern. Think about that.
5 - Other-time candidates are accepted in the same way as rule 3. They will be able to get back more easily because Dragonhope's records room is not exactly 'current' and has many out of date star charts - causing some trouble in locating the right time and place.

Girl candidates may be young, but they should always remember that if their dragon is kept fertile (by not chewing firestone) they will be dealing with mating flights as early as 2 or 3 years after Impression. Gold candidate girls should be a bit older or in their mid teens for best results at a Clutch.

Now for the nitty gritty rules.

1 - There must be a candidate on the page. No Neopets or groups pages need apply. No cyberpet collection pages, and no Index page to your main site. Every candidate deserves their own page.

1A - The candidate cannot be standing at any other sands while here waiting. I will not be accepting multiple dragon-master characters here. This is a traditonal Weyr, no dragons may bond, and no character may have a wher, dolphin or be in a profession which *absolutely* requires them doing something else like captaining a boat, running a Hold, or being in the higher-up echelons of a craft. Crafters may apply, but they will only be continuing their crafts as an aside to their dragon. Candidates once bonded here, MAY apply elsewhere for another dragon, if that owner okays it. However, these dragons aren't meant to be paired up that way, and will have trouble with it if it does happen.

Candidates may have been moved FROM another weyr which has discontinued its services or gone away from the internet. If that's the case please add something in their story to the effect that they've had to move.

2 - There must be a link back to Dragonhope Weyr on the page with the candidate, AND on every page where the dragon appears after Impression. No link, no dragon. Banner found here!

There may be multiple dragons on a page IF and ONLY if there are multiple Candidates on that same page.

3 - I accept "mature" themes and language, however if there is adult content of any objectionable types, I may require a warning on EVERY page that this occurs. If you want to snag some buttons for "naughty bits," "bondage bits", "language" and "violence" please ask!

4 - Characters who are Pernese should SEEM Pernese. If they are Nexus characters, they should be VISITING. There is no reason for a truly Pernese character to have a cell phone, nor for a space-faring visitor to know the language and customs of the local world. Please treat your characters like they mean something, because I have to read them like they do.

4A - I promise to read the candidate pages! I will accept requests or suggestions for rank and name, but I may or may not wind up using them. If there is a bad error, like you meant to have this girl only bond a gold if possible and she winds up on a brown, you MUST tell me FIRST that you wish such things. Otherwise, no whining.

5 - These dragons know their names at birth, and they know only their true intended Impressor. They will not mind if you put their name on their picture, but I prefer not. (The names across the sample dragons are there so they won't get stolen.) Do not try to change the name, color or dimensions of these images. They are copyright 2003 to Falora, used by me with permission. If you need to flip the image, do so, but other transformations are not acceptable. (Generally they're small enough to fit on any given screen these days.)

If you do not have the dragon up by the slated time, the dragon WILL be listed as DEAD. They are not abandoned - they are DEAD. A listing of such dragons will be provided, as well as a list of those who have killed their dragons by neglect. I will allow ONLY ONE dragon to go this way per person, before simply never accepting another candidate from them again. Period. I see no reason to accept apology after apology - if you don't have time to play, please don't apply, or make arrangements to have the dragons delivered at once instead of over time.

If a person has a valid excuse for not having had their dragon up on the page in time, such as sickness or power failure, inability to reach the internet due to unforseen circumstances, I WILL allow the person to apply as though nothing has happened - however, that dragon will have died. If they wish to RE-Apply to the next clutch, with added story including some incident in the character's life that has caused the death of their first companion, I will allow it. If no attempt at a new chapter in their life is made, I will not allow the character to impress again.

Clutches will hatch on time. If a character is not finished to my satisfaction by the time the clutch hatches, I will pass them by and their egg will become a dud. They will automatically be placed on the next clutch list, unless I'm told not to do so.

I do not take reserves but depending on whether it's a clutch from someone else's dragon, they may opt to have a filler or space given for the owner of the winning dragons.

There will be a limit of 3 candidates per person PER CLUTCH on the sands, and not all one gender unless there's... only one candidate. I will be taking any gender combination for each clutch because there may be holdovers to the next clutch. If there are not enough candidates, this rule is waived.

I accept "filler" candidates - those who will only be getting a blue or green dragon - to help fill out the clutches. People who need their Wings list filled out, or just need a backup character with a dragon of their own are *WELCOME* at Dragonhope. Those who strive for higher ranks of dragons (or specific colors at least) should put a bit more effort onto the page - but these may be stats and a short blurb about personality. DO NOT expect these filler candidates to get more than a blue or green!

6 - If you have suggestions for names, please give them to me! I like themes, too, so any suggestions for new themes for dragon names is great. I want to know what you think about fillers for clutches - please include some comment about 'filler' candidates in your email.

7 - Please use characters in our Weyr! If you wish to, you may run into them. I've provided a bit of a description for the prominent folk. Please also feel free to invent new ones - but be aware I might steal those!

Also remember the setting: Dragonhope is a huge, mountainous and FROZEN environment most of the year. No one runs around wearing bikinis and tank tops, if they did they'd literally die. No bare feet. Animals here are sturdy and designed for the cold. Just things to keep in mind. There is a fishing hold below the Weyr, and some scattered small cotholds on the hills and plains.

That should do it. If you are ready to go - please send a flitter with this information, and CANDIDATE in the subject line.

Your name/Id and working email
Your character's Name, gender, and age - if Male, please include elided (') forms or I will choose one. :)
Your character's working URL - no reserves
Any requests for gender, rank or name, and if it's okay to pass this character along into the next Clutch if they do not Impress

Thank you!