Name Ganidu (G'idu)
Gender Male
Age 16
Origin Farmcrafter
Height 5'5"
Build skinny
Skin tan
Hair ruddy red
Eyes navy blue
Skills Farm craft (labor, planting)
Knacks Smart, handles more than you'd think
Dragon Bronze Nimoth
Hatched Hoshi Dragon Den


G'idu, a male dragonrider, is 22 Turns old. He is short, rapid, and extremely sarcastic. He has tumbleweed skin, alert navy blue eyes, and loose, banged, ruddy hair. He enjoys wearing civilian clothes, loves salted fish, and has a penchant for farming. This rider is intelligent and durable. He Impressed bronze Nimoth when he was 16 Turns old and they are devoted to one another. His dragon is peaceful and durable, as well as overly knowledgeable. The pair flies prudently and they argue often but never seriously. He is wingleader.