Dun Keiba Hatching 5 Female Day Nysyph and Male Forest Verichliaw Parenting april 9 06 Nysyph got weirder by the day, at least according to her Knight, Aylene. The knight was used to being direct, sensible, maybe even abrupt with people. But that was nothing compared to her drak just before her eggs hatched. No one - not even Aylene - was allowed into the chamber where her brood was breaking shell. Finally, after quite a long wait, Aylene felt a mental nudge and supposed that she ought to grab the Aspirants. They were a varied group - what appeared to be a bit of a pampered girl, and three men as different as they could be. Nysyph's mate stood proudly watching in the main hall where the brood was being led. Though he was an off-color for a male, he'd earned respect, and was now no longer the only such mutation, there was even one drak living here at Dun Keiba that wasn't really a drak so much as a dragon with four wings and fur. Veri felt a little bit better about himself when the beautiful draklings he'd sired came walking into the room proudly. There were four healthy draklings, each different from one another and only one the color of their dam. It was that one, a Day female, that sped up her pace when she spotted Ashley standing near the edge of the room. "You! You mean well I jussst know it, I want you to be with me!" The Day drakling shouted, tumbling over herself in her haste to arrive. Ashley reached out and grabbed her, but they both went onto the soft ground - giggling madly. "I am Nanphaw," the drak said. Nysyph urged her other children forward, and the Ore colored male was the one who obliged. He walked carefully up to the three males, only one of whom met his eyes. "The one for me, Sskawph, iss you Gert. Are you sssure you want to be a baker now?" "We'll have to see, Skawph," Gert said with a dashing smile. Aylene actually thought he'd make a fair Knight. The Desert male that approached John said nothing, so when they left for the tables of food to nurish the draklings without saying a word, Nysyph said to the records keeper, "Vysawph iss hiss name." The last was a rain, who kept dawdling under the wing of Nysyph until she raised all four and looked up at her mate. "Well that's interesting," said someone in the observation deck, "that rain takes after his sire all right." Lanthlas wasn't sure what that meant, since he wasn't from Icarus. All he knew was that a Rain grey colored drak had come to his side and began picking fluff off the elf's leggings. "Chylawph iss my name, and I am not a girl, that iss why they ssay I am like my ssire." He said, and Lanthlas gave a bit of a chuckle. "Well I can't say that I mind, either way, we'll be able to ride places no horse could." "That iss true." Chylawph said with a nod. *** Ashley and Day Female Nanphaw = training with Emris and Forest Bandurn (basic training) Lanthlas and Rain Male Chylawph = training with Alexander and Night Khymelyn (transport training) John and Desert Male Vysawph = training with Jinty and Water Enthurn (guard training) Gert and Ore Male Skawph = training with Aylene and Day Nysyph (armada training)
All the colors have certain personality traits and physical characteristics that are as ingrained in their genes as their colors. Night Draks (gold and black), which can be either gender, tend to be serious and thoughtful, very quiet but deeply intelligent. Day Draks (gold and white), also of either gender, tend to be uplifting and cheerful with a vast sense of humor. Plant Draks (mottled green), always male, have a sense of humor but tend to be wry and sarcastic. Water Draks (green and blue), which are female, are soothing and calm, and always tactful. Forest Draks (green and brown) are female and are relatively energetic with a very optimistic view and always something positive to say. Desert Draks (mottled tan), who are males, tend to be good-tempered and honest to a fault, possessing very little tact. Mud Draks (mottled brown), always male, are very meticulous and always think before they act. Rain Draks (mottled grey) are female and tend to be impulsive, often sneaky. Fire Draks (gold and red) are male and hot-tempered but very faithful, and will always defend their Knight. Earth Draks (brown and white) can be either gender and are stubborn, decisive, and unshakable. Wind Draks (white and blue) are female and very whimsical, with a tendency to play with the minds of those they wish to confuse. Ore Draks (gold and silver) can be either gender and are very stable, personality-wise, always choosing defense over offense in any fight. |