Dun Keiba Draks

* page updated 1.16.24 *

Night Male Balaale is the representitive of the local Drak population who comes to show himself off when asked.

"I have to show you our best side," he often says. "Lest you think little of our population."

The local population of Draks are often seen patroling the skies, along the entire Area border, but mostly circling the mountains and fishing in the great lakes.

As with all Icarian Draks, Dun Keiba draks feature four wings, a long tail, and fur sprouting as a mane. However, they differ from most in that their mane is a thin line down the back of the neck, and the tuft on their tail is in fact the whole length of the tail from rump down - Males entire spine from skull to tail tip is covered in this heavy coarse fur, while Females have a gap on their back from shoulders to hips. Their horns are curved gently, and are usually covered in the same heavy hide as their skin, and in the same color. They tend to remain upright on hind legs more often than not, making them seem much taller than long. Their forelegs are shorter than hind, and females tend to have just a little longer forelegs than males, and can walk with more ease on all fours. They have three-toed feet with a heel claw, and three claws with a thumb on their forefeet. No claws 'visible'. Dun Keiba Draks may form a much stronger empathic link with their rider than others from Icarus.

Like the other Draks around the world, they come in standard colors with common personality quirks. Those with unique coloration may or may not have consistent personality traits.


Draks on Planet Icarus come in 12 colors: Night, Day, Plant, Forest, Water, Desert, Mud, Rain, Fire, Earth, Wind, and Ore . The colors are approximately equal in distribution, and no one color is more important, special, or rare than any other. Some draks at Dun Keiba are sired or carried by offworld non-draks and as such may have variations that don't occur regularly enough to warrant a listing as an available color combination. Any and all draks from Dun Keiba may be bred anywhere, so long as their drak traits are followed per normal Icarus development, and any naming conventions followed.

As with all species, genetic mutations can occur, although mutated Draklings that survive to adulthood are very rare. Mutations in hatchlings often prevent the egg from surviving or hatching. But on occasion, the mutated eggs can hatch, often producing strangely colored Draklings. These mutations are normally very rare and occur, on average, in one in every 100 Draklings in the wild only, they have a much higher occurrance and survival rate in Castles.

Angora draks exist at Dun Keiba and will definitely be bred true, long-haired versions of normal color schemes. Also note that some Dun Keiba and other castle draks will be participating in an unusual event (2023) and should not be considered 'normal' draks in terms of coloration or mutation.

Even if only one of them has hatched, mutation colors that have been documented at this location are:

Harvest Moon (female, orange body, blue-white wings)

Iron Ore (male, rust white-red body, silver wings)

Obsidian (male, black body, mottled black wings)

Opal (male + female, pale blue, white, and pale-pink)

Pearl Rose (female, peachy body, mottled red-rose wings)

Prism (female, dark purple/crystal purple)

Rainforest (male, teal body, light green wings)

Storm (male, dark blue body, dark purple wings)

Winter Mint (male, white body, mint green wings)

Winterstorm (male, mint green / crystal white)

More will be documented at a later date, perhaps. Note well that Almiron's Opal Male is the first of his kind, and might be the last if he doesn't start looking for a good mate!

All the colors have certain personality traits and physical characteristics that are as ingrained in their genes as their colors. Normal Icarus drak colors below.

Night Draks (gold and black), which can be either gender, tend to be serious and thoughtful, very quiet but deeply intelligent.

Day Draks (gold and white), also of either gender, tend to be uplifting and cheerful with a vast sense of humor.

Plant Draks (mottled green), always male, have a sense of humor but tend to be wry and sarcastic.

Water Draks (green and blue), which are female, are soothing and calm, and always tactful.

Forest Draks (green and brown) are female and are relatively energetic with a very optimistic view and always something positive to say.

Desert Draks (mottled tan), who are males, tend to be good-tempered and honest to a fault, possessing very little tact.

Mud Draks (mottled brown), always male, are very meticulous and always think before they act.

Rain Draks (mottled grey) are female and tend to be impulsive, often sneaky.

Fire Draks (gold and red) are male and hot-tempered but very faithful, and will always defend their Knight.

Earth Draks (brown and white) can be either gender and are stubborn, decisive, and unshakable.

Wind Draks (white and blue) are female and very whimsical, with a tendency to play with the minds of those they wish to confuse.

Ore Draks (gold and silver) can be either gender and are very stable, personality-wise, always choosing defense over offense in any fight.