Dun Keiba Racers In long, wide stalls near the other types of mounts that are housed in Dun Keiba, a number of Racers are lined up. Some have striped markings, others seem to have spots, but all of them have their own personalities. A tanned middle aged man approaches when you look into the building. He pushes back his silver hair away from his stunning violet eyes, and clears his throat. "Ah, so you've seen my work, eh?" "Your work?" You ask, slightly startled, "you've bred these Racers?" "It's almost all I do." He bounces on his toes, and laughs. "Sometimes I like to ride in races, too. You race?" "... I might," you reply. "Well if you're interested in any of these please tell me. We deal in barter here, but I'm happy with whoever's money you've got." Grinning widely, he leaves you to look over the Racers. Racers on Icarus vary as tremendously as Draks, from Castle to Castle. Those found here in Dun Keiba are sturdy and flexible. Their wing nubs are quite long, though none of them has been born with even vestigial wings in many generations. Their markings are often mixed but at this time there are only a certain number of Racers available to adopt. To adopt a Racer: 1 - You must put the image on a web page. No desktop adoptions. The web page MUST have a link back to Dun Keiba, no exceptions. 2 - You may name and choose a gender for your Racer, they come in both genders for any color. You may also choose a personality and use for the Racer - some of them might like running in actual competitions, while others may be best at playing with children, or helping herd animals, perhaps as a cart-bearing burden beast. 3 - You may inform Shard/Zekiran on Discord about where your Racer is, but it's not necessary to do so. As long as there is a clear link to Dun Keiba on the same page as the creature, the rules are being followed. 4 - Racers drawn on this page are (c)2002-2023 Lethe. Do not adopt them out from your own page or claim them as your own work. Blank image available for coloring! Save the image by right-clicking or click-and-hold for Macs, save-as to YOUR hard drive. Do NOT link directly to any image via an html code. Upload the image to your servers drive, and make sure there is a link to Dun Keiba on your page. |