Samuramat's Sanctum - Xeno Hive

Drawn by: Unyko
Name: Gejoss
Gender: Female
Caste: Drone
Rank: Mid
Colour: White, Grey, Black
Size: 6'7"
Abilities: Telepathy, Mindstream Communication, Wall-Climbing, Acid Blood, Acid Immunity, Resin Secretion, teleportation, Bioluminescence, Scent-based emotion control, Wingless flight
Personality: Fair, Chic, Stylish
Alignment: Neutral Good

Parentage: Neptuss x Caducolass

As if to compliment her Queen, Gejoss is usually present to make sure that everything is clean, orderly, and ready to go. Because it just wouldn't do to have the Queen stumbling about in messy corridors. With her ability to fly without actually having full wings, Gejoss is apt to flit about the Queen at shoulder level, to more easily take orders and get things ready. A personal secretary? Most likely.