Samuramat's Sanctum - Xeno Hive

Drawn by: Shard
Name: Gloriss
Gender: female
Caste: Drone
Rank: High
Colour: Red, White, Blue!
Size: 3'5"
Abilities: Telepathy, Mindstream Communication, Wall-Climbing, Acid Blood, Acid Immunity, Resin Secretion, Scent-Based Moodshifting, Locate anything lost/hidden; Completely edible: bones made of hard candy, meat that's sponge-cake-like, blood that's probably liquid sugar, and a solid sugary candy shell
Personality: Wayward, Bold
Alignment: Super-patriotically-Lawful-Goodness!


You read that right. Whatever happened to this xeno in her shell, probably caused her colors to run a little, but certainly tuned her sense of holiday spirit on high. There's never, ever a moment when she's at a loss - there is always another holiday to decorate for. Always. Yes, she's been eaten several times. She considers it part of the holiday feasting.