Samuramat's Sanctum - Xeno Hive

Drawn by: Shard
Name: Gummyss
Gender: Female
Caste: Drone
Rank: High
Colour: White chocolate, Cherry and Fruit filling red
Size: 4'
Abilities: Telepathy, Mindstream Communication, Wall-Climbing, Acid Blood, Acid Immunity, Resin Secretion, Decoration sense, Easily sort small items, Reproduction via spores, White Chocolate with Fruity Filling edibility
Personality: Pious, Matronly
Alignment: Chaotic Good


Tending the colony is all in a day's work for this odd drone. Plus, she leaves little spores around everywhere, which come in handy when there is a lack of meaty sustianance around. She's widely known as the only truly motherly like creature in the Sanctum - it will likely fall to her to tend more of the babies, when their Queen decrees it.