Samuramat's Sanctum - Xeno Hive

Drawn by: Myrror
Name: Gurokss
Gender: Male
Caste: Warrior
Rank: Low
Colour: Shiny Black, Crimson, Red
Size: 15' tall, around 40' long
Abilities: HiveMind Communication, Acid Blood, Acid Immunity, Resin Secretion
Personality: Aggressive, likes stomping things
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Parentage: t-rex/Xeno mutt

Gurokss likes hitting things. Especially things that are difficult to break but eventually open up to show that nice soft warm stuff inside. Mmm. Soft warm stuff. Gurokss is dumb as a bag of hammers, and about as blunt. He'd never make it on his own, he'd have been hunted down by the time he was able to run. So Samuramat has allowed him into her Sanctum, and warned others about his behavior issues. This is no dragon, it's a dinosaur-xeno, and it really shows.