Samuramat's Sanctum - Xeno Hive

Drawn by: Dray
Name: Welenkass
Gender: Male
Caste: Warrior
Rank: Low
Colour: Yellow-black
Size: 15'
Abilities: Telepathy, Mindstream Communication, Wall-Climbing, Acid Blood, Acid Immunity, Resin Secretion
Personality: Likable, Friendly, Sociable
Alignment: Neutral Good

Welen is probably the Queen's favored Warrior, if not because of his beautiful and complimentary colors, then for his simple enjoyable company. He can't be called a brown-noser or yes-man, for he genuinely disagrees with certain actions in the Hive. But he's also an excellent debate partner, and knows that it's not his word that's final in this hive.