Creature's name: they decide
Creatures's species and Origin: mindspace. and please link to mindspace's homepage-
Species info if any: // only info, they're from mindspace.
Color: //
Gender: I keep thinking her female, but it's up to them.
Powers: Moon-based magic. everything else is up to them
Size: 7'
Breedability: can breed with anything that can breed with her. :D
Parentage if any: none
Personality: up to them
Bonding/Sponsoring ability: up to them.
:D dragon. sorry for the crappiness, and the haziness and whatnot.
i'd like to recieve 2, if at all possible. at least one full dragon, and i'd prefer the second to be as well, but pet-type creatures can be cool too. :3 less if it's nessicary.
and if there's another one, it will just happen. i'm hoping there will be, but it depends on my ability to churn shit out. >.>
creature number two, for you~~
Creature's name: their choice
Creatures's species and Origin: (your site or world) mindspace; link in first email
Species info if any: //
Color: //
Gender: up to then
Powers: telekinesis, etc
Size: their choice
Breedability: with anything that can breed with it
Parentage if any: unknown
Personality: their choice
Bonding/Sponsoring ability: whatever they like
((CLYDESDALE.PNG x4)) (( 1 and 2 only? the Red and Reddish Brown ones are for gather))
All right, this one is pretty image attachment heavy.
I made four of these guys, one of which was accidental. You get to pick two for your gather-- one of the brown ones, and one of the other two. please email me back telling me which you chose. and for the purpose of conveinenice, call them by order-- like, if the brown ones are last and you want the second brown one, say you choose dragon four. >>
clydesdale! because they've always reminded me of winter.
please do that ASAP? :3 i wanna know which ones i get to keep. and if you only want one, that's cool too. >.> :3
Creature's name: their choice
Creatures's species and Origin: (your site or world) mindspace; link in first email
Species info if any: equine-type draft dragons from mindspace, exact name unknown
Color: //
Gender: up to then
Powers: ice breath weapon
Size: their choice
Breedability: with anything that can breed with it
Parentage if any: unknown
Personality: their choice
Bonding/Sponsoring ability: whatever they like
dragon four. there may be another one, dunno yet. :/ consider this the last, and if one mor emakes itself known, then you got a surprise. :D
Creature's name: their choice
Creatures's species and Origin: (your site or world) mindspace; link in first email
Species info if any: //
Color: //
Gender: up to then
Powers: contortion, shapeshifting
Size: their choice
Breedability: with anything that can breed with it
Parentage if any: unknown
Personality: their choice
Bonding/Sponsoring ability: whatever they like
note, the second half of their body can be naga/fish/that sort of thing, or it can be deerlike.
I couldn't decide on any colours, so i made five varieties. theyr'e all yours, though prefferably only one or two are for your gather. trash the rest, or keep them, or whatever. x.x some of the colours are tacky as shit-- the first one i sbest, in my opinion, but i'll leave the choosing up to you. :D
Name: Jess D
Number of Images wanted: I'd like at least 2, but I guess that depends on how many are submitted XD
Size: at least 1 large, if limited to 1 image each; if there are more, then 1 small too, and beyond that (doubtful, but just in case) whatever works!
Bonding: either way
Require stories? doesn't matter
what specific type of creature you'd prefer: any
About these images: they are Pernese, though I'd say probably genetically modified in some way. Name, gender, history all up to the recipient. Link to
Creature's name: Up to Owner
Creatures's species and Origin:
Species info if any: Garlandars
Color: Sparkly Silver (1), Iridescent Indigo (2), Brilliant Blue (3), Peppy Pink (4), Glitzy Green (5)
Gender: Up to Owner
Powers: When hair is shed, it transforms into fine strands of coloured metal. Can be knitted to form very light, nearly indestrucable armor!
Size: Pony-sized, with the tail being twice the length of its body.
Breedability: Anything. Tends to do poorly with water-living dragons; the Garlandar will rust and the water-dragon might get all scratched up! Similarly, doesn't do well coming into close contact with fragile or thin-skinned creatures.
Parentage if any: That's Santa's little secret.
Personality: Up to Owner
Bonding/Sponsoring ability: They'll bond to children, but anything else, it's more of a friend/family link.
:D Finally got them in! Sorry about the wait, but school is trying to kill me. >.<"
DRAY part 2
:D Here are six for this year! Bred from dragons received in the 2005 exchange!
Name: Di'long
Size: Small
Height: 5' (At the shoulder)
Abilities: Telepathy, Wingless Flight, Firebreath
Father: Xue'long
Mother: Adumbration
(Gender and other info up to owner)
Name: Fei'long
Size: Small
Height: 5' (At the shoulder)
Abilities: Telepathy, Wingless Flight, Firebreath
Father: Xue'long
Mother: Adumbration
(Gender and other info up to owner)
Name: Tiaanan'long
Size: Small
Height: 5' (At the shoulder)
Abilities: Telepathy, Wingless Flight, Firebreath
Father: Xue'long
Mother: Adumbration
(Gender and other info up to owner)
Name: Agenes
Size: Small
Height: 5' (At the shoulder)
Abilities: Telepathy, Wingless Flight, Firebreath
Father: Xue'long
Mother: Adumbration
(Gender and other info up to owner)
Name: Adalbere
Size: Small
Height: 5' (At the shoulder)
Abilities: Telepathy, Wingless Flight, Firebreath
Father: Xue'long
Mother: Adumbration
(Gender and other info up to owner)
Name: Ansgar
Size: Small
Height: 5' (At the shoulder)
Abilities: Telepathy, Wingless Flight, Firebreath
Father: Xue'long
Mother: Adumbration
(Gender and other info up to owner)
XD That's about 12 now, added to all of the garland-dragons from 2006? *evil cackle*
Here we go! I got off my lazy bum today after lab and got it done. This is a little different from most submissions, I guess, in that Nessie and I ended up working together on this, in a "we're bored... wanna do something together?" kinda thing -- sooo... these guys actually come with a storybit and some vague information about them, because of being from actual clutches and not just randoms.
The storybit is here:
The images break down as follows:
Ishrym x Ageacia babies: - silver tipped red - silver tipped green - silver tipped gold - blue tipped silver
Ishrym and Agea are (Ishrym's the one on the right) and respectively if you think people will want the links to them - they'll have skills and abilities that are a random combination of what a Lantessama Winter and the mutt Ageacia have. If people want to follow Ishrym's last name pattern, it'd start with "I'Ishrym E'Ageacia Ryu del..." then a word that generally represents the color. (The last name translates to "Ishrym and Ageacia's Dragon of (the)...")
Ichiko x Veren babies: - red with green - green with red - flame touched ice - ice touched flame
Ichiko and Veren are and (Veren's the one on the left) respectively. The babies will, again, have a combination of what the mutt Ichiko and a Lantessama Autumn have. Veren's last name pattern is the same as Ishrym's but his babies will end up starting "I'Ichiko E'Veren Ryu del..." then a word or two representing the color of the dragon.
Ichiko x Eztha babies: - midnight blue - ice touched - yellow pointed blue - pink and gold
Eztha is here and Ichiko's link is above. As usual, the babies will have a combination of their powers. Neither Eztha nor Ichiko have a last name, so..
Now, the ones below are DNS's part of this:
Ichiko x Eztha babies, using my template: - red, violet, blue - seaborn - crimson and silver (*snerk* it reminds me of strawberry icecream..) - marbled red
Inihntai x Lizunai babies, using a template she drew herself: - winter - fire - summer - spring - pink lemonade - dusk - clouds - autumn
Inihntai and Lizunai are here and here respectively. They'll have a combination of powers similar to what their parents have, and will carry the "Nightspark" last name.
All of these have the potential to take a bond, but not a desperate need to do so. Otherwise... I think that covers it. Sorry for making your life difficult Shard ^^;;
As for what I recieve - any number of images, of any size, shape, form, bonding ability, what have you. ^^
Creatures Species: Dragon Whorlings
URL to link back to:
Everything else will be up to whoever gets them, but
they would be of typical dragon size (as opposed to
flitter size)
Personally, I'd rather not have anything of mine
traded, due to how I do my files/records--mostly it'll
be easier to look at pick up pages and such and see
who got what, and rename files that way.
Creature's name: Aazais'Tazan
Creatures's species and Origin: Tavrayn (
Species info if any: er...well, it will eventually be at the site *ducks*
Color: ice white
Gender: female
Powers: ice magic and a bit of spirit magic
Size: 6'3" to shoulder
Breedability: just about anything with in her size range
Parentage if any: white Menid'Tazan(sire) and ice blue Ainru'Tazada(mother)
Personality: up to the person who gets her
Bonding/Sponsoring ability: can bond but would be more likley to not bond or be sponsered
I also threw in three flits from LSI. A snow splotches cear lizard, an ice colored alis gryph and a white sea lizard. (Something tells me the first two occured from experimenting genetisist at the FGPC...)
Would've loved to do up new images for this, but the inspiration fails me. So instead I rehashed some already existing templates. X3
To Give
People should link to
There is no assigned info for these critters except that their filename is their species.
To Receive
I'll accept anything and everything in any amount. :)
Powers: Telepathy, Teleportation, Self-Telekinesis
(aka "wingless flight")
Element: Ice (breath weapon & related magic)
Size: Large
Breedability: Fully fertile, no restrictions. Their
eggs will probably have a opalescent pearl-like sheen.
Bonding/Sponsoring ability: They don't bond, nor
require caretakers. They can be bonded to and/or
Note: This is an older template that I recently
uncovered. I don't think I've actually given any out
until now.
Please link to Nidus Ryslen
Shard -- I did three other colors on this template,
but they're not particularly wintry. I'll leave it to
your discretion whether or not they go into the image
(Element: Fire)
(Element: ??)
(Element: Space/Night, though I'm not sure what the
breath weapon would be like.)
As far as receiving stuff: More is good, and I'd
prefer "full size" creatures over pet-type, though I'm
sure I'll be happy with whatever the dice decide for
me. :)
<3 Ty
Bwah! Finally finished mine! Here are the linkies:
As for info, I think they're pretty well known by now
but I'll include the Hathian's at least.
Creature's name: up to you
Creatures's species and Origin: Hathian
Species info if any: You guys should know most of this
by now.
Color: red/green/gold
Gender: up to you
Powers: teleport, telepathy, verbal speech (Hathian
tongue), fire breath
Size: 10' at the shoulder
Breedability: anything
Parentage if any: Singles
Personality: up to you
Bonding/Sponsoring ability: yes
As for my requests, I want pretty much what I'm giving
out. One big one and maybe one or two small ones to
keep it company. I would prefer a bondable dragon
mainly, but I won't complain if I end up with
something else. :D I would like to /not/ have to
write another story to go along with the exchanges I
get. I'm still working on the V Dance and I really
don't need any more distractions.
I believe I've covered everything now. >.>
Uny here. ^.^ And here are my images for the Gather! Finally got 'em scanned and colored.. x.x
(I hope it's okay if I re-use the templates.. at least for me. ^.^; *loves them so much, must make one for herself* <3)
All of them have pretty much the same stats, so I'll just include one form for all of 'em. ^.^;;
Creature's name: (You choose)
Creatures's species and Origin: Magis Prime (I have yet to get an actual thing set up for them, but this should do to link back to:
Gender: (You choose)
Powers: (You choose - winter related)
Breedability: Compatable with pretty much any dragon
Parentage if any: Wild
Oh, and can I sign up to recieve stuff, too? ^.^; Size doesn't matter, and 2+ for number. <3 If you've got some leftover that have nowhere to go, I'll gladly take care of them. ^.~! Sorry it's taken me so long to get these to you!
Here's six little critters for you to hand out! :D
Creatures's species and Origin: Psionic Tamaron (no
site at present but you can link to Kilandaia if you
must have a link:
Species info if any: More intelligent than a flitter
or a pet, but not quite humanoid-level intelligence.
Powers: Highly powerful psionics
Size: small
Bonding/Sponsoring ability: Does not bond but does
need a caretaker.
Preferences: I'd prefer to not get too many flitters,
otherwise you can give me anything! :D
Okay, I finally got a chance to color up some images for you. Unfortunately, I still don't have a working scanner, so they're just pre-existing templates in wintery/festive coloring. ^^;
Name: Blizzard
Race: Athanasian Dragon
Gender: Male
Color: Ice Blue
Size: 23' long
Name: Ice Walker
Race: Athanasian Dragon
Gender: Female
Color: Silver (Could be considered a white, though)
Size: 39' long
-DD dragons-
Name: Up to owner
Gender: Up to owner
Color: White-lighted evergreen
Name: Up to owner
Gender: Up to owner
Color: Wrapping papered red
-Scaly Dragon-
Everything's up to the owner on that one.
I hope that this is still open. If there is anything
else you need, or the links won't work just poke me.
^ ^
Name: Aireona
Wishes For: 1-3 Larger images ^ ^
Image Links:
Creature's name: First names are up to whoever gets
them, last name Chxalli.
Creatures's Species: Bre'Ama Infernal Hybrid
Origin: Ihlathi:
Species info if any: None
Powers: Fire manipulation
Size: Variable
Breedability: Any
Parentage if any: Father- Aaxon Dra
Mother- Nin'Queesha Chxalli
Bonding/Sponsoring ability: Either
I had fun drawing these and hope they will find good homes ^_^ I dunno how much info you need about them, but the species is Kyren (basically, part Cyrnan dragon, part kirin), and the ones with antlers are male, the ones without are female. The file names are not necessarily the dragon's names, just names I came up with to remember the file haha. Their abilities are telepathy, telekinesis, elemental magic, and summon elemental (the specific element depending on the dragon's colors). Hope you like!
- Astra
their powers will follow their colors, so a mostly green beast would have mostly earth and healing powers. they dont require bonds and since these are separate from a clutch im not worried about size :]
I'm sending you three Ice-winged Greens, two Ice-winged Blues, and one Ice-winged Brown--if that's too many, I guess you can pick one to keep for yourself. Smile Their names are, in order: Hollyth, Ivyth, Firrth, Iceth, Snoeth, and Hohoth.
They will require bonds, but I think people would prefer coming up with their own? (Though I can come up with something myself if needed.)
More info can be found here: