Pickup Page for Cacopheny - Whorling 28, Whorling 33; Kwanzaa Ujima; ManyEars; Ichiko x Eztha MarbleRed; Tamaron blue

Whorlings are Dragon Sized, not flitters!



Not much species info, but Powers: telekinesis, etc.


Ichiko x Eztha - Marble Red ; Eztha is here http://www.geocities.com/silveredsponsor/eztha.html and Ichiko http://www.geocities.com/silveredsponsor/ichiko.html babies will have a combination of their powers. Neither Eztha nor Ichiko have a last name


Kwanzaa Gryphon, Male Ujima (oo-JEE-mah) - Collective Work and Responsibility
Building the community together and solving any problems as a group

Mazao (Maah-zow) - The crops, fruits and vegetables, represent traditional African harvest celebrations and show respect for the people who labored to grow them.


Creatures's species and Origin: Psionic Tamaron (no site at present but you can link to Kilandaia if you must have a link: http://kilandaia.dragonbackdesign.com
Species info if any: More intelligent than a flitter or a pet, but not quite humanoid-level intelligence.
Powers: Highly powerful psionics
Size: small
Bonding/Sponsoring ability: Does not bond but does need a caretaker.