Pickup Page for Dray - Whorling 2, 3; Contortionist1 (silver); Phlegethon Cold; Archaeogon3

Whorlings are Dragon Sized, not flitters!


Contortionist - Creature's name: their choice
Creatures's species and Origin: mindspace
Species info if any: //
Color: //
Gender: up to them
Powers: contortion, shapeshifting
Size: their choice
Breedability: with anything that can breed with it
Parentage if any: unknown
Personality: their choice
Bonding/Sponsoring ability: whatever they like
note, the second half of their body can be naga/fish/that sort of thing, or it can be deerlike.


Phlegethon Cold - Styx beast per original giveaway


Dark Court - Snowy Ground, Vella Crean parentage.


Archaeogon - powers based on elemental/coloration! Does not require bonds.