Pickup Page for Feral - Whorling 15, 23; Orianz SnowyEvergreen; Ice (ty) Claimed by Shard; Ishrym x Ageacia Silver-Red

Ty Ice claimed by Shard


Whorlings are Dragon Sized, not flitters!


Snowy Evergreen Orianz - orianz per prior events.


Ishrym x Ageacia  - Silver Tipped Red, Ishrym and Agea are http://www.geocities.com/tasadenara/TirLes7.html (Ishrym's the one on the right) and http://www.geocities.com/silveredsponsor/ageacia.html they'll have skills and abilities that are a random combination of what a Lantessama Winter and the mutt Ageacia have. If people want to follow Ishrym's last name pattern, it'd start with "I'Ishrym E'Ageacia Ryu del..." then a word that generally represents the color. (The last name translates to "Ishrym and Ageacia's Dragon of (the)...")


Contortionist - Creamy - Powers: contortion, shapeshifting

Size: their choice

Breedability: with anything that can breed with it

Bonding/Sponsoring ability: whatever they like

note, the second half of their body can be naga/fish/that sort of thing, or it can be deerlike.


Claimed by Shard

Ty's Ice dragon is without stats - they're up to you. Link to Ryslen!