Pickup Page for Kayla - Whorling 40; Ishrym x Ageacia Silver Green; Chxalli 2 (white); Elemental 2 (green); Uny Winter 2 | |
Whorlings are Dragon Sized, not flitters! ***
*** Ishrym and Agea Silver Tipped Green http://www.geocities.com/tasadenara/TirLes7.html (Ishrym's the one on the right) and http://www.geocities.com/silveredsponsor/ageacia.html respectively. They'll have skills and abilities that are a random combination of what a Lantessama Winter and the mutt Ageacia have. If people want to follow Ishrym's last name pattern, it'd start with "I'Ishrym E'Ageacia Ryu del..." then a word that generally represents the color. (The last name translates to "Ishrym and Ageacia's Dragon of (the)...") *** Creature's name: First names are up to whoever gets them, last name Chxalli. *** Cy's Elementals: their powers will follow their colors, so a mostly green beast would have mostly earth and healing powers. they dont require bonds and since these are separate from a clutch im not worried about size :] *** Creature's name: (You choose)
Creatures's species and Origin: Magis Prime (I have yet to get an actual thing set up for them, but this should do to link back to: http://unykness.pegaruny.com/MagisPrime/) |