Pickup Page for Keilin - Whorling 14, 24; Solstice; Kyren Ice; Magis squirrley; Chxalli 4 | |
Whorlings are dragon-sized, not flitters! *** Solstice - Gender: I keep thinking her female, but it's up to them. Powers: Moon-based magic. everything else is up to them Size: 7' *** Kyren (basically, part Cyrnan dragon, part kirin), and the ones with antlers are male, the ones without are female. The file names are not necessarily the dragon's names, just names I came up with to remember the file haha. Their abilities are telepathy, telekinesis, elemental magic, and summon elemental (the specific element depending on the dragon's colors). *** Creature's name: (You choose) Creatures's species and Origin: Magis Prime (I have yet to get an actual thing set up for them, but this should do to link back to: http://unykness.pegaruny.com/MagisPrime/) Gender: (You choose) Powers: (You choose - winter related) Breedability: Compatable with pretty much any dragon Parentage if any: Wild *** Creature's name: First names are up to whoever gets them, last name Chxalli. |