Pickup Page for Phoenix - Whorling 1; Whorling 12; Cocytus Snowyground; Elemental4 (silver), Elemental5 (blue); UnyGryph


Whorling Dragons - they're dragon sized, not flitters.


Cocytus Snowyground - a Styx Dragon (as per original giveaways)


Elemental - Based on colors (so presumably one is very high on the 'snow, ice, light' scale -shard)


Little pet Gryph, Creature's name: (You choose)
Creatures's species and Origin: Magis Prime (I have yet to get an actual thing set up for them, but this should do to link back to: http://unykness.pegaruny.com/MagisPrime/)
Gender: (You choose)
Powers: (You choose - winter related)
Breedability: Compatable with pretty much any dragon Parentage if any: Wild