Pickup Page for TyGryph - Whorling 25; Blood Court Pine; Ichiko x Eztha Seas, Stoofloes; CyMutt Red-black; Garlander

Whorlings are Dragon Sized, not flitters!


Blood Court Pine - Vella Crean based, presumably with VC parents.


Ichiko x Eztha - Seaborn; Eztha is here http://www.geocities.com/silveredsponsor/eztha.html and Ichiko http://www.geocities.com/silveredsponsor/ichiko.html babies will have a combination of their powers. Neither Eztha nor Ichiko have a last name


Cy's Mutts - their powers will follow their colors. They don't require bonds, no particular size.


Garlander - Creature's name: Up to Owner
Creatures's species and Origin: Species info if any: Garlandars
Color: Iridescent Indigo (2)
Gender: Up to Owner
Powers: When hair is shed, it transforms into fine strands of coloured metal. Can be knitted to form very light, nearly indestrucable armor!
Size: Pony-sized, with the tail being twice the length of its body.
Breedability: Anything. Tends to do poorly with water-living dragons; the Garlandar will rust and the water-dragon might get all scratched up! Similarly, doesn't do well coming into close contact with fragile or thin-skinned creatures.
Parentage if any: That's Santa's little secret.
Personality: Up to Owner
Bonding/Sponsoring ability: They'll bond to children, but anything else, it's more of a friend/family link.