Pickup Page for Unyko - Whorling 34; Whorling 42; Spring Inhntai x Lizunai; Hollyth, chikoxeztha 2; Fire (Ty)



Whorlings are Dragon Sized, not flitters!


Inihntai x Lizunai  Spring, Inihntai and Lizunai are here http://www.geocities.com/silveredsponsor/inihntai.html and here http://www.geocities.com/silveredsponsor/lizunai.html respectively. They'll have a combination of powers similar to what their parents have, and will carry the "Nightspark" last name.


Hollyth will require a bond, More info can be found here:



Ichiko + Eztha, Ice Touched, Eztha is here http://www.geocities.com/silveredsponsor/eztha.html and Ichiko http://www.geocities.com/silveredsponsor/ichiko.html . As usual, the babies will have a combination of their powers. Neither Eztha nor Ichiko have a last name.


Ty's Fire dragon has no stats, go wild! Link to Ryslen!