Pickup Page for Xalia - Whorling 36; Ichiko x Veren Flame Touched Ice; Summer; Griffin Mutt (phe); Ice Walker; Seaflit | |
Whorlings are dragon-sized, not flitters! *** Ichiko and Veren - Flame Touched Ice http://www.geocities.com/silveredsponsor/ichiko.html and http://www.geocities.com/tasadenara/TirLes7.html (Veren's the one on the left) respectively. The babies will have a combination of what the mutt Ichiko and a Lantessama Autumn have. Veren's last name pattern is the same as Ishrym's but his babies will end up starting "I'Ichiko E'Veren Ryu del..." then a word or two representing the color of the dragon. *** Inihntai and Lizunai - Summer http://www.geocities.com/silveredsponsor/inihntai.html and here http://www.geocities.com/silveredsponsor/lizunai.html respectively. They'll have a combination of powers similar to what their parents have, and will carry the "Nightspark" last name. *** Phe's Gryphon Mutt! No info, up to you! http://xenoqueen.deviant-uprising.com/AbstractDestiny/ *** Name: Ice Walker *** SeaFlit from Lantir Setia Island, Alskyr! |