Pickup Page for... Dragonflight |
Dar’sadza Houtalli (Gift of soot) http://dragons.droppin-the-fork.com this image has been resized with html, it's huge sorry |
Jokull2.png Name: Föl (Icelandic for “snow”) Gender: Male Abilties: Shapeshifting, Telepathy, Heat Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Summon Spirits (Limited to Glacier Spirits), Flora Communication, Ability to Survive Without Breathable Air Genetic Code: BGBG nn CBdCBd (BrBrBr) SClLbd1 (LbLbBk) ZZ |
Pernese/mutt holiday type, Wu Weyr http://highflier.freehostia.com/ Normal Pernese except verbal speech, and holiday cheer powers! |
- Name: Up to owner : http://dray.pegaruny.com/Dragons/index.htm (Nidus Corona) |
URL for linking: http://www.edgeofshadows.com |
Winter Supernal 07 Name: Ranoh Spabezes Species: Supernal Length: Around 50' long Abilities: Breath Weapon (Lightning), Fire Immunity, Heal Others, Shapeshifting (Human,Lion) Sizeshifting, (Anywhere between 2' to 200' long), Teleportation, Verbal Speech Special Ability: Fog: The ability to cloak an area with thick fog. URL for linking: http://www.edgeofshadows.com |