Pickup Page for... Dray - UPDATED 2022 with claims from Extras page!

Name: Up to you!
Gender: Up to you!
Size: Medium
Height: 4' at the shoulder
Length: 9'
URL: http://www.neogeen.com/dragons/

Breed: Snowdrake
Breeding or Naming Restrictions: May breed with any suitably sized dragon. No naming restrictions.
- Form Ice: If there is enough moisture available in the air the snowgryph can create blocks of ice. This ice is magically kept and melts much slower then normal even in non-freezing temperatures. This ability will pass to the offspring.
- Torpor: This ability allows the dragon to survive extremely cold temperatures by slowing down its heartrate and body functions. From outside appearance the dragon may seem dead.
Pedigree: Purebred
Special Information: These dragons have a taste for the arts and enjoy sculpting their own summoned ice into figures. They love having their massive amounts of fluff tended to by brushing. 

Lad’lahky Houtalli (Ice-light)
Tabby/Stripes – yellow base, orange / white mks, burning tinsel trim, red horns, red eyes, white belly, pink wings
6’8” f
Psionics, Teleport (strong), Light Control, no shift
Immortality, Alter Phys Structure Ice, Water Majyck, Bubble Breath


this image is big and has been resized in html :)

Holic [ http://planet-holic.lostmysanity.net/ ]
-- Name : Up to rider, last name must be something "Wintery"
-- Gender : Up to rider
-- Size : Length ranges from 30' to 60'
-- Breed : Winter Dragon
-- Breeding or Naming Restrictions : Names should not end in -TH as these aren't Pernese [obviously] and must have a "Wintery" last name
-- Powers, abilities, natural/unnatural immunities, magic : Wingless flight, telepathy, teleportation, and choose THREE of the following [weather control, invisibility, ice magic, air magic, water magic, size-shifting, shape shifting-ice form, ice-sculpting]
-- Pedigree if any : Wilds

URL for linking: http://www.edgeofshadows.com
The Whorlings people can choose names, genders and abilities for (though winter/holiday/icy ones may fit better), Hunter cats people can choose name and gender for

Winter Supernal 18
Name: Dimasasehiel Imabrosia
Species: Supernal
Length: Around 50' long
Abilities: Breath Weapon (Lightning), Fire Immunity, Heal Others, Shapeshifting (Human,Lion) Sizeshifting, (Anywhere between 2' to 200' long), Teleportation, Verbal Speech
Special Ability: Siren--Supernal can use their voice to control a small group of creatures

URL for linking: http://www.edgeofshadows.com

UPDATED 2022 here and below

huntercatelemental - holy 13; ice 11; plan-9

christmaspigeon 04

And (10.14.22 added)

2 Turtledoves

These two are Pigegons (I blame Dray for the idea), feathered birdlike dragons that have the markings/patterns of different types of pigeons and doves. They're intelligent, are omnivores with prefference for fruits and seeds, and range from 15-20 feet in length, from beak/snout to tailtip.

Based on the Ringed Turtle Dove and Menorca Turtle Dove

One originally to Indigo, the other to Krystaura, both from 2005 winter event

--Name: (up to person, Japanese style preferred)
--Gender: (up to person)
--Color: Gold w/ Pearl markings
--Size: 4 to 6 feet at the shoulder
--Breed: Aiji Kamui
--Restrictions: None, can breed with anything, including other Aiji Kamui
--Powers: Telepathy, Gust of Wind (summon a strong gust of wind by barking three times), Swift Flight, Long Life (as children of a spirit and the Mother Goddess, the Aiji Kamui live unchanging for an unknown length of time. Violent death is the only known way to kill one), Vine (the ability to create a vine capable of lifting and carrying a person), Fountain (ability to travel between sacred springs at will), Sunrise (ability to make the sun rise at any time of day or night), Power Slash 2 (can summon a mystical power to slice through objects as tough as iron)
--Full species writeup will be available in the Akelara library
-- www.silveredmagic.com/akelara

** originally RPCrazy

whorling 114 (originally RPCrazy)
huntercat ice 17 (originally NeoGeen)