Pickup Page for... Kitsuneko

Name: Up to you!
Gender: Up to you!
Size: Medium-Large
Height: Average 6-10' at the shoulder
Breed: Icedeer Dragon
Breeding or Naming Restrictions: May breed with any suitably sized dragon. Unable to breed with heat-affiliated or fire-breathing dragons. No naming restrictions.
- Fragile: These dragons, while hardy, also take on the ice element they are made of and so have fragile bodies.
- Heat Intolerance: Exposure to intense heat will cause the dragon to melt and therefore die.
- Icey Steps: This ability allows the dragon to freeze any liquid. When used on a solid it causes the object to become weak and brittle.
- Winter Magic: The dragon can call upon winter storms in the form of hail, sleet, and snow.
URL: http://www.neogeen.com/dragons/
Special Information: The images look best on a dark background!


Name: Andlát (Icelandic for “death”)

Gender: Male

Abilities: Shapeshifting, Telepathy, Heat Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Summon Spirits (Limited to Glacier Spirits), Flora Communication, Ability to Survive Without Breathable Air

Genetic Code: GG nn LBdS3Bd (LbPkDb) LBd2Nm (YwPkLg) ZZ


--Name: (up to person, Japanese style preferred)
--Gender: (up to person)
--Color: Pearl w/ Black Opal markings
--Size: 4 to 6 feet at the shoulder
--Breed: Aiji Kamui
--Restrictions: None, can breed with anything, including other Aiji Kamui
--Powers: Telepathy, Gust of Wind (summon a strong gust of wind by barking three times), Swift Flight, Long Life (as children of a spirit and the Mother Goddess, the Aiji Kamui live unchanging for an unknown length of time. Violent death is the only known way to kill one), Dark Mist (the ability to summon a clinging black/purple mist that slows down everything around the Aiji Kamui), Galestorm (the ability to change the direction of wind at will), Waterspout (ability to move water from place to place, or to create a geyser capable of carrying a person into the air), Water Lily (ability to create water lily leaves large enough to support people over water), Deluge (ability to call rain from the sky)
--Full species writeup will be available in the Akelara library -- www.silveredmagic.com/akelara

--Name: (up to person)
--Gender: (up to person)
--Coloration: Red w/ Green wings
--Size: Hatchling: 2 to 4 inches from nose to tailtip :: Adult: 6 to 12 inches from nose to tailtip
--Breed: Padiren
--Powers: Image-based telepathy
--Full species writeup available in the Akelara Library

URL for linking: http://www.edgeofshadows.com
The Whorlings people can choose names, genders and abilities for (though winter/holiday/icy ones may fit better), Hunter cats people can choose name and gender for

Winter Supernal 05
Name: Tabesiel Ossuas
Species: Supernal
Length: Around 50' long
Abilities: Breath Weapon (Lightning), Fire Immunity, Heal Others, Shapeshifting (Human,Lion) Sizeshifting, (Anywhere between 2' to 200' long), Teleportation, Verbal Speech
Special Ability: Molten--Ability to create lava from any earth
URL for linking: http://www.edgeofshadows.com