Pickup Page for... Ktrenal (2022!)
URL for linking: http://www.edgeofshadows.com
The Whorlings people can choose names, genders and abilities for (though winter/holiday/icy ones may fit better), Hunter cats people can choose name and gender for
dragon whorling 112 |
dragon whorling 13 |
Winter Supernal 09
Name: Menesaeszih Saut
Species: Supernal
Length: Around 50' long
Abilities: Breath Weapon (Lightning), Fire Immunity, Heal Others, Shapeshifting (Human,Lion) Sizeshifting, (Anywhere between 2' to 200' long), Teleportation, Verbal Speech
Special Ability: Fog: The ability to cloak an area with thick fog.
URL for linking: http://www.edgeofshadows.com
** originally Xalia |
--Name: (up to person, Japanese style preferred)
--Gender: (up to person)
--Color: Silver w/ Gold markings
--Size: 4 to 6 feet at the shoulder
--Breed: Aiji Kamui
--Restrictions: None, can breed with anything, including other Aiji Kamui
--Powers: Telepathy, Gust of Wind (summon a strong gust of wind by barking three times), Swift Flight, Long Life (as children of a spirit and the Mother Goddess, the Aiji Kamui live unchanging for an unknown length of time. Violent death is the only known way to kill one), Whirlwind (ability to summon up a whirlwind), Crescent (can turn day into night), Thunderbolt (can call down lightning from the sky, no matter the conditions), Bloom (the abliity to make flowers or trees bloom)
--Full species writeup will be available in the Akelara library
-- www.silveredmagic.com/akelara
Originally Neogeen |
whorling 93 originally RPCrazy |
Holic [ http://planet-holic.lostmysanity.net/ ]
-- Name : Up to rider, last name must be something "Wintery"
-- Gender : Up to rider
-- Size : Length ranges from 30' to 60'
-- Breed : Winter Dragon
-- Breeding or Naming Restrictions : Names should not end in -TH as these aren't Pernese [obviously] and must have a "Wintery" last name
-- Powers, abilities, natural/unnatural immunities, magic : Wingless flight, telepathy, teleportation, and choose THREE of the following [weather control, invisibility, ice magic, air magic, water magic, size-shifting, shape shifting-ice form, ice-sculpting]
-- Pedigree if any : Wilds
** originally Midori (wu) |
Name: Vui'veda Houtalli (vietnamese, icy cheer)
Gender: Male
Size: 7' shoulder
Breed: Deerdragon Fireling Hybrid
Does not require a bond, but will certainly enjoy one
Colors: Spotty with added stripes
Metallic silver-blue base with
Snow to grey spots and
Brilliant snow stripes;
Fur iced violet* blue fire;
Belly iced turquoise-black
Wingsails ice blue* violet fire;
Outer feathers iced turquoise;
Under feathers iced violet; Hooves metallic blue, Claws/horns grey; eyes green
Abilities and Powers: (1 to 6 strength)
Verbal speech but hardly any of the group speak aloud
6 Cheer, Dream Control, Multiple Lives (revives), Planeshift/Bilocation
5 ... Shapeshifting, unlimited forms (retains colors), Local Teleport (strong)
4 Telepathy (strong), Fire Affinity + Control
Carries other powers common to parents but these are the only ones which are visibly in use, and will pass more strongly/commonly
Parents: Vid'amalom Houten and Criao Chxalli
Link back to Kshau Protectorate |