Healing Den Cross Gender Frenzy Hatching - Part Two! (finally finished, 7/26/02)
It had been several weeks - Healing Den Time - between the first half of the hatching, and this day. Baeris recalled the wonder and glory of that hatching, and the fun that was had right afterwards as the lovely rainbow Nimbus made his appearance at the Den.
Baeris had immediately put him to work helping to clean and comb the sand free of the sharp eggshells which remained.
Gleefully the rainbow dragon had tried to start this task, and then was brought up short by the dozen or so queens still left on the sands angrily trying to defend their unhatched eggs. He managed to do a fairly decent job, and the rest of the Den folk considered him a good sport for doing it at all. They were rather too afraid to head out there with shovels and barrels and rakes. The last time someone approached the eggs with anything metal had been an attack on the eggs, and not one of the dams had forgotten that event.
But the candidates had slowly started coming in again. People from all around were bringing their chosen bonders to the Healing Den, setting them up into dorms was a little difficult now that there were hatchlings bumbling around, too.
They managed. The Den was after all, a very large place. It was fit for more than they could know in terms of population. People still occasionally disappeared when they headed to the deeper parts of the dragon dens, venturing into what had become known as the Hydra haunt. Baeris figured that if someone was brain dead enough to go down there, they deserved to be a snack for the residents.
From her office several floors away from the hatching sands, Baeris heard a crooning from the females. This time, she was slightly more able to tolerate it, and let them sing. Several of the original females didn't come back for this part of the event, their eggs had all broken and their hatchlings were well set in their new homes beyond the sandy dunes. But that still left a large number of them giving off their vibrations and mental calls.
The time had come to summon the candidates, once again. It wouldn't have done to allow these to hatch early, they ought to have the benefit of at least trying to find a bond when they hatched, instead of waiting until they were older.
So Baeris leaned over to the loud speaker controls (which had been installed recently) and clicked it on.
"Attention: all candidates. All candidates, and all interested parties, please assemble at the Hatching Dunes. Candidates, assemble at the main entrance, all others please use the nearest available method. No confusion on the sands, please. Dragon healers and infirmary personnel are requested to join me immediately in my office."
She nodded and turned off the p.a.system. Shortly, two of her attendants and another three apprentices from the dragon healing offices came in, not bothering to knock. They were quite excited, as well they should be. Baeris waited for the others to arrive, many who had dragons bonded to them had known already that the event was going to occur. Dulath paced eagerly outside in the wide brightly lit hallway, waiting for her rider to exit.
"Now, we're going to have a number of unbonded dragons, this time. I've been watching the numbers and it's certain." Baeris said, and the others nodded. "But that's nothing to worry about, obviously. If they go to someone later, that's their business, obviously. For now, make sure that everyone has enough to eat and drink, and you," she tossed her head at the pair of apprentice dragon healers, "make certain a good amount of skin oil is on hand. Last time I think we almost ran out, but there are fewer hatchlings this time. And Cynonix?" She asked of her daughter's favored brown riding cheetah-man, "please make sure to get the escorts for the queens when they want to leave. They've been here so long, I hope they remember where they really live."
"Got it," Cynonix said, and with the rest of them, left for his duties. Baeris then straightened out her desk and grabbed the new folders she'd been working with, those which contained her notes on the candidates. The big filing cabinets in the back of the room were going to be filling up quickly, she thought.
"I like the way you can remember things on paper like that," Dulath told her rider, as they made their way to the hatching dunes, "Because you used to have to keep them on those musty scroll things, and on leather, and that stuff doesn't last."
"No, it doesn't. But then nothing really does." Baeris grinned, "except a couple things..."
"What do you mean, Baeris?" Dulath asked, very curious. Her rider was adept at keeping secrets, or more accurately she was quite good at thinking up something, jotting it down, and not remembering it until it was important.
"I mean, well, there are always connections. Families and countries and worlds, all have connections. The Nexus is a big one, and it connects a lot of things. I'm ... working on a way to make those connections easier to track, and for more people to know where we are."
"Why do I get the feeling this 'work' involves you being stuck in Kalkin's genetics lab for days on end?"
"Because it will." Baeris said, but they'd arrived at the edge of the Hatching dunes, so they stopped this odd conversation. Baeris had sent invites as a standing order, to all Healing Den hatchings, to as many people as would attend. This time, she'd make sure that others - perhaps young weyrwomen or caer leaders, or whatever the heads of the new nexus places called themselves - were contacted for a very special event which would happen just a little later on.
For now, Baeris watched the candidates come in. There were almost forty of them, this time, which was good. The prior half of the hatching was so big as to be almost uncontrollable. Her hand traced the small scar which Tenken's knife had traced on her body. It had healed quickly, but she knew the young assassin might come back at any time.
She'd heard the anger in the dragon's voice, too. They would be trouble. (They obviously don't know what the future holds for the big black/green beauty on the Nero sands at Cy Dragonstake!)
But Baeris and Dulath stood on the main entrance's shelf, just slightly above the sands, and watched everyone filing in. Some of them had made themselves comfortable in the Den for their short stay, while others had barely gotten there this morning. And Baeris had a strange feeling that there would still be some other events in store for this bunch. She'd learned to treasure those precognitive moments, because more often than not they'd be right.
The bugling of the dragons was quite loud, and went on for nearly an hour. That did give people time to transport in, from wherever they lived. Tiyanni had retired and left her very capable daughter in charge at Ryslen, so Baeris would have a partner in crime in her planning. A number of others drifted in, including a bunch of surprised young riders - their hatchlings would be seeing the hatching from their siblings eyes, or their bonds'. The stands rapidly filled, since people could time it (or more accurately they HAD to time it) to arrive at the right moment for the hatching.
When it looked like everyone was waiting expectantly, right on cue, the first shaking eggs began to break open. From far on the left side, in plain view of where Baeris' office ledge sat, one of Kazulieth's three remaining eggs broke. Forcefully, a strangely tinted rust-colored muzzle nosed its way out, followed by cracking with the small horn buds on the sides of his head. The egg crumbled below the strong thick legs of the hatchling. He had pale semi-transparent wing sails, but his coloration was like rust with oxidation around the edges.
I am so glad I waited for you to arrive, my friend. The dragon nuzzled at Tristen's side, where the pouch which contained his flitter egg was also shuddering. Just in time. You and I will have a visitor in our lives. We will be complete. Stop being angry! You must love me, because I, Jaigagah, love you...
Tristen stood almost without moving, but the dragon was still there - and he was a burly, large dragon too. In his mind, there was a heavy, firm presence of the dragon. He couldn't have known how amazing it was to truly bond, until now. Rugan wasn't talking - he knew that her bond was this strong with Porth, less so with Yarpath, but now, he had his own to compare it to! The pouch strained open, the sands inside falling away to reveal a flitter! Rugan's gift, made no less special by the fact that the copper-rust dragon stared at it's birth as well. "Jai... I wonder what we'll call it?"
As they were applauded and congratulated, the smithy orphan boy leading his dragon off, along with his new flitter, to find the food - another three eggs smashed open. Three very different blues from the right-middle area of the dunes broke their shells, their dams Aalyth, Gebrochent and Kalinith.
Aalyth's clouded, pale blue waved his wings in the air, and strutted up to a girl who had been known to be several different colors or shapes in her week at the Den. Look! My wings are like yours! Selena, would you be able to fly with me?
Selena gasped, and threw her arms around the curious blue, "of course I would, but you'll have to grow up a little bit before you're flying, Saath." Her arm felt better, when she touched the dragon's hide - it almost looked like, no that couldn't be... Could it? "Saath, did you do this?" Selena looked at the normal-colored and painless area on her arm. It was surrounded by the angry red burn marks from her youth, but there was a thin web of healthy skin there too.
I suppose I did, I do not know. Perhaps we both did it.
While they were busy trying to figure out that mystery, the pale winged dark skinned blue from Kalinith's clutch walked toward one of a trio of travelers. The brown haired Thalisivar looked at the blue when he butted his long muzzle onto the man's chest. He was a tall blue, with a strong Ryslen crest.
Why do you resist your situation? You certainly cannot resist me. I am Ngoith, but you knew that.
"I... I did know that. Do you think you'll get along with my ... companions?"
Perhaps not the furry one... Ngoith asserted. As Thalisivar chuckled at the dragon's innocent statement. Why was he so hard to convince?
At that time, as well, the last blue was wandering about. Gebrochenth's dark colored offspring walked back and forth on the sand, pacing near another egg. He sat down by it, waiting.
A trio of new hatchlings appeared on the sands, scattered around the dunes. One from Yalsith's clutch, a fine blue with sharp crest and long fingered wings, headed toward Bazil, the space-faring brother of Sukie, who had also bonded at the Healing Den.
You never need to worry about your nightmares, and you will never have to be farther away than you wish, from your family. The blue said, clearly and strong. Bazil's flitter screeched happily, probably responding to the young man's bond.
"Okay, Sitoath, that sounds like a plan!" Bazil said, his voice wavering with the happiness he felt.
Up in the stands, Sukie gave off a pleased grin. Here was her brother, last time she saw him he was - no, she didn't want to remember that as much as he wanted to forget. But now he'd been growing in another time. They would be closer siblings from now on, wouldn't they?
A foresty-colored green shook sand off her rather pointed head, and urgently creeled at the candidates. She stomped the ground near Lanneth's other unhatched egg, and her eyes angrily turned red.
I know you're here somewhere, why can I not see you!? MOVE!
The candidates who stood around the hatchling's area didn't hear her angry mental voice. But one beyond them did. A strangely wavering and slightly wobbly body...
Half of it decided that the voice belonged to its bond. While the other half... did not even know what was happening. He was so angry. Yet he didn't have a body to call his own at the moment. Cylae walked their body - HIS body! His! - over to the green. But when she leaned over to touch the dragon's snout, she snapped at the hand.
Get out of there! It doesn't belong to you, you belong to me! ONLY me! The green dragoness was very insistant and suddenly Cylae lost her control over Tovanias' body. The wavering shape turned male, and the unhappy, somewhat stunned boy was left watching a shimmering bubble of color float around the green's head.
There. You come with me now. I hope I don't make you feel like leaving me. I was alone, and I need you more than he did!
The ghostly shape of Cylae the muse filtered into the green, and learned that her name was Runotarth, and that word meant "muse" in a different language...
Tov staggered away from the hatchling and back toward the other candidates. Only some of them knew who he was, and it seemed he resented that Cylae had abused the privelege of having his body on.
As if inspired by the muse and her new green's body, a dark blue from Marantanth's portion of the sands stood and bellowed loudly, breaking his shell with gusto. The green bellowed back, trying to shout him down.
Then one of the candidates, a young dark skinned man toward the back got a tremendous shove to the front, by an invisible Ellaein. The boy who claimed to be called Adrian, turned and visciously snarled at the area above him, where the ghost hovered - visible only to him. The blue dragon, who had long hornlike knobs from the back of his head, growled ferociously and stood upon Adrian's shoulders with his hard forelimbs.
Adrian, turn back to your right shape. I can see you. And that ... thing. I would love to help you hurt her. If only we could touch her...
"Oh, we'll be able to touch her, Tuskai, eventually she'll inhabit another body instead of flying around like this..."
The demon uncloaked his form and scared half the onlookers witless - for just a minute. His powers were very strong indeed, but they were also a bit muddled by the new telepathic link in his head. So strongly did Tuskai feel like rending Ellaein into bits, that Adrian forgot that he had a human in tow.
That human sort of slumped to the ground, and was picked up along with many of the other young candidates who had fainted or were cowering when the demon exposed his huge shape. They didn't think anything of it, since Baeris and only one other had been in charge of the lad they knew as Layne. He, like the others in the group of candidates, was taken off to the side to sit and have cool water doused on his forehead. He seemed quite the worse for wear, however, not seeming to know where he was, or why he wasn't in a tux any more...
Five eggs then broke, and didn't leave much time for the scared folks to worry. The demon was gone, somewhere, ignoring any human interference. Across the sands, then, from Shibboleth's clutch, Gebrochenth's remaining egg, one from Serenath's nest, Trick's last, and Zadmith's third egg all cried out young dragon voices.
The big red-winged brick colored dragon who came from Shibboleth's clutch - oddly without any trave of white markings - shook off the sand and spare shells from his back, and walked carefully up to Isia.
I will be your voice, if you wish me to be. Don't worry. I will warn you if there is something harmful in your mind.
In her mind, though, that was where Isia felt the most joy she'd ever experienced. Here was a dragon, with a smooth telepathic voice, who would be able to relay her very thoughts to everyone, whenever she needed him to?
My mother did so for her bond, I shall do it for you.
Then tell everyone that I thank you for offering it, Siaradus, Isia thought to him, and he relayed it to everyone. That seemed to have a strong, calming effect on everyone, too, when his mind broadly touched everyone. Even those who had fainted in the stands came awake with a smile.
The egg in Serenath's nest area shattered cleanly to reveal a stunning bronze, pale mottled skin and wings held high. He looked toward the stands and trumpeted. I am Vedoth, I am going to keep everyone safe!
Baeris smiled warmly, Vedoth would indeed be quite the addition to the Den.
It was no surprise to his companions, including the great black dragon Cervyn, when the lovely speckled metallic green from tiny Trick's nest area wobbled up to Naodin. He was easily pegged as a girly boy when people realized he was a male in the first place, so a green seemed even more perfect.
They won't need to know you're a boy, my friend, I'll make sure that your secret is kept. I am Amania.
"I'm very pleased to meet you, Amania," Naodin said, somehow finding the courage to strike out his hand as if to shake it, then realizing that he was being watched by some two thousand people, he blushed furiously and hugged himself into the tiny green's side. Above them, lurking behind and sort of in a nook where the overhang of stone gave him a little shelter, Cervyn gave a nod of approval to their bond, and then took them both toward himself under his wing.
Zadmith's healthy brown son stood out of his shell, and very calmly waved his wings in the air to dry them. He was pale, but not so light as to be called a Light brown in Ryslen terms. He was clearly half-Gallimimese, standing with a strong pair of back legs to support him, and raising his shorter forelegs up close to his chest. He gazed at the assembly of candidates, and his sparkling yellow eyes drifted over to a glowing spot of light, surrounding a male shape - sort of.
Tarazed, you are very brave, and a bit foolish. But I suppose that is better than being the other way around. Do you think I will live as long as you?
The star - fallen star? Luminary? His wings glowing still in the alien unnatural light of the Healing Den's sands, Tarazed felt the mind of the brown touching his own, and a smile crept across his face.
"Thanks for the compliment," the red star soul said. "Keamananth, I don't know how long you will live. But you know even stars grow old and die... Some day."
The last of Gebrochenth's eggs hatched, much to the enjoyment of the dark blue who had been waiting there near it. A gradient-winged green wiggled out of the narrow hole in the shell she'd made, and plopped out of the egg onto her brother.
We are to remain here, the blue announced. His sister purred and fluttered her still-wet wings against the warm air. I am Posak, and this is Manjari. Where can we find food?
One of the young dragon healers tended to them, proud that they'd get the chance to help raise and maybe even ride this pair of Healing Den locals.
Baeris looked at her notebook, and ticked her tongue. "So two of Gebrochenth's will be with us, that seems odd, but they're set on it. Loyal dragons, huh?"
"Looks like," Tiyanni said, and nudged Baeris' attention back to the sands.
Several more eggs broke at once, not really giving anyone a chance to relax or trade stories or even bet on the outcome.
Dihedrath's nest was emptied of its last egg as a great black bodied dragon burst the shell open. With deep green wings, she fanned the air and stood up dramatically. She gazed around, but wasn't ready to do anything more until she saw a furry Katri nearby.
You won't add me to your boss' collection, will you, Kamikaze?
(You see, she did bond. And to a female. Good. Good... Zkoth told his rider Ivo, privately. Now there will not be any excuses. Madly in bed, you'll get your chance.
You must be insane, Zkoth, even I can see she's far more dangerous than you or me. Or even Shezumi... The cheetah shapeshifter shuddered, but he had to admit, while watching from the middle of the stands, that the Katri was intensely interesting.)
Down on the sand, Kamikaze took a couple hesitating steps toward the newborn dragoness. "I ... I can't promise that. It might want to add you to the collection." The first hint of worry crept into the Katri's mind, at that thought. Because suddenly she couldn't bear the thought of being apart.
It is all right! I can teleport away, would you like to see?
And with that, the black and green dragon vanished, only to reappear just behind Kamikaze. It startled the cat girl enough that she puffed out into a fluffy ball, but then calmed down. "I guess you're right, Terimath. You will be safe, I think..."
All the way on the other end of the sands, at Maranthanth's nest, a lovely green-shaded dragon hatched out. She had backwards pointing horns, already, and beautiful teal-shades under her wings. The dragon looked around carefully and saw Zasmin.
Would you be able to play that thing? That flute? For me? I would love to hear it.
"I'd love to play, if you'll fly me into the sky no matter how much wind there is, Anginth."
Then it's a deal! The pair made their way off the sands and into the kitchens where the other newly hatched dragons were getting their fill of fresh meat.
Two sets of oddly similar - completely different from one another - hatchlings got out of piles of sand, and wobbled toward the candidates. From Serenath's nest came an oddly colored ... brown and gold? The body was a fairly typical brown mottled with lighter and darker bits, but the wing sails on this happy looking dragon were clearly a bright shining metallic gold. Who could say if this was a male or female?
From relatively nearby, out of Mrussith's lone last egg, came ... a two toned tan and beige brown, with ... dark green wings? What was this?
This, a pair of brother and sister decided, was exactly what they'd been looking for.
"Dryslydth," called Alexia.
"Dadlth," cheered Alisar. They looked at each other, and laughed.
The duo-toned and questionably sexed dragons came right to their intended, brown-gold Dryslydth to Alexia, and tan-green Dadlth to Alisar. When night would come... would their dragons change color, or just remain exactly as they were? Only the siblings knew whether the pair were male, female, both or neither, or combined. Even Baeris sat there with a dumbfounded look on her face at those. She'd get the story later.
While the folks in the audience were trying to figure out what just happened, something else far easier to understand went on. Two blues, both from Sharith's nest, broke their shells and bumped into one another. They were sufficiently different to show that they had different sires, but their mother's fine features showed on both. They were both quite dark, too, except for their wing sails which faded to a sky on one, and to a cobalt on the other.
The twins Astiet and Miraup scampered over to the blues. "Daymarth!" Astlet said, of the blue son of Chizuth, while his brother Miraup laughed, "Kieronth you'll fall if you keep trying to stand on your hind legs like that!"
I will not, I am good at it! See! The blue flapped his wings for balance, but eventually toppled onto the other dragon, and all four of them had to be untangled before they could get up.
Laughter filled the sands, as they were escorted away. At last, a lull!
Water and drinks were passed out, it was what most people would consider about 'noon' in the Den, though the level of light didn't change in the slightest. The Den was floating through null space, in the Nexus, guided to its next destination even while the hatching was going on.
Finally after about a fifteen minute wait, the next set of eggs seemed ready to break. Someone called out that there were hatchlings on the sand, and everyone's attention was diverted back to the dunes.
A richly toned teal green from Marantanth's nest shattered the last solid egg there, and stepped out from it. Her legs were stout but she looked quite confident. Beyond her, one of Aliksi's eggs had broken open and a bright pink dragon had emerged. The pink seemed like she wanted to run into the middle of the sands, but the teal boldly stepped in her way, making the pink bounce onto her butt.
"Dilys! That wasn't nice!" Said Rhea, as she stepped forward. "That dragon just wants to bond, like you."
Like me, like you, the dragon spoke into Rhea's mind, and the thief suddenly realized that it was her! She was bonded to this dragon! I thought you would recognize me. Well, here I am. I like your little friends... Maybe not the big one so much...
"Oh, he's... not so bad." Rhea said, "And I guess that your tactics might come in handy if I get into um, trouble..."
She'll be in trouble all right, bespoke the irate pink, as she recovered her pride and her feet. She walked up to a spooky character who had dressed up for the hatching in all black. Aren't you hot?
"I... yes?" O.G. said. His flitters suddenly gave off a chorus of chittering, all in wonderfully musical tones. Then, the sharp daughter of Porth (who hadn't come... his rider refused to let him. Wonder why?) added a strong, deep warble to the mix.
I am Latidoth! She called, and O.G. laughed.
"But that's three names' worth!"
I am worth three flitters, at least. I hope I am...
"Of course you are. I bet Sherra's going to be pleased. She was right, I bonded here!"
You could ask her, she's up there. The pink tossed her head and indicated Head Knight Sherra who arrived a little late, but still with enough time to spare to see one of her searched candidates bond.
When two blues hatched near one another, in the right-hand side of the sands, they almost instantly started fighting. One of them was from the egg which had been sliced at by Tenken - the dragonet bore a slender pale line on his side where the knife doubtless pierced his skin before it had a chance to fully mature. Lastineth bellowed but her blue son would not listen. Instead he charged directly toward the other new hatchling from Unath's clutch.
That one, however, had the beginings of a horn on his head, and he lowered his head in preparation to fight. Both of them seemed rather oblivious to the rest of the world. But while they were intent on one another, two males in the candidates area were also intent on them.
Tratto and Nefiro both rushed to the sides of their dragons. Pulling the blues apart proved to be harder than either thought possible - and when they realized that they were doing so at the same time, without a thought to their own danger, the litter mates both aimed thoughts at their bonds.
Please relax, Arrituma.... Thought Nefiro to his
horned bond.
Unatarpok, you can't win this battle. We're evenly matched, and we always
will be. Tratto sighed and tried to comfort the scarred hatchling.
I will win, both dragons spoke into their respective bond's mind, but at that moment the siblings knew that what Tratto had said was true. Ever balanced, but ever fighting, was that how they were to be?
Only time would tell.
While the brothers and blues were brought off the sands to separate areas for their meal and oiling, a lovely static speckled grey white came from a shell in Tobuth's area. She had sharp wings, and the long straight spine coming from her wing wrist showed that she was Minath's offspring. She lay on the warm sand, and looked around with bright yellow eyes.
You should not feel sad any more, your sister bonded before you, but not instead of you. She spoke to Kase. Suddenly his world was alive with what must be 'sound'. As his mute sister bonded a dragon willing to blot out the bad things and speak for her, Kase seemed to have found himself a dragoness who was able to hear for him and keep him steady in the face of anger.
"... N-nalektok?" Kase said, hesitant. Her name was boldly echoing in his head, and she rose to go to his side at last.
Yes, Kase. This is what it's like, only you don't have to listen. There are sounds everywhere, but I can keep them from making you angry.
"Thank you," he said, relieved, "let's find Isia. We will be able to talk to each other and everyone else, now."
From way in the back of the right side of the cavern, and nearer to the stands toward the front, came the sounds of two eggs shattering. Both with some force, but the one in the back opened up first. The green which came from the egg was medium in color, but looked to have an attitude. Clearly Akanath's offspring, willing to bond to someone strong.
She strode out of the egg and up to the glowing blue colored Altair.
Why do you ignore him so? He loves you. Do not ignore him any more than you would ignore me!
Altair the star's soul shook with ... well, what started out as anger and indignance turned to amazement and resignation. "You... are right. But it will take time, that idiot could have gotten us killed - and himself. That we even got here is a miracle."
Then thank him for me, for bringing you here. The dragoness spoke careful words. Altair lowered her head, glowing wings fluttering behind her oddly.
"... Do I owe you an apology Ebakindelth?" Altair asked, humbled for the moment.
No. Only if you do not go to Tarazed. Then you will need to apologize.
She left the sands to find the red star who had been after her for ... millennia...
The other egg to hatch was the last of Neres Storm's clutch. She was long, this dark winged green, and had beautiful shimmering scales on her hide, plus her mother's distinct antennae off her eyebrows. She snaked around the candidates, looking at each one - and there were still many - before stopping in front of a strong willed girl whom Shard had searched and brought to the Den.
Lariel, you are for me, I think. I like you. And I even like your annoying flit.
"Annoying?" Was all Lariel could say, before she realized that this large green-black half-breed dragoness wanted to bond her. "Well, I guess, but you'd be annoying too if you'd been through half the things she's been with me."
Then I will ask her about it.
"Good." Lariel said.
Are you going to go back to your friend? She needs you. I can take you back to her.
"I guessed that, your name is a little odd for a dragon's isn't it?"
I am Beacon's Path. It is the right name for me.
"I guess it is," Lariel nodded. "If you'll keep true to it, I'll go where you lead me." The name held true for the last sibling from this nest, the odd meaningful-name-ending-in-th.
When the records had been written down, everyone waited for the next eggs to hatch. They were a while in coming, but everyone was eager to see how the rest of the hatching would go. There were just under half the candidates, and perhaps just about half the dragon eggs left whole on the sands.
Two of them wobbled around until they broke, the left side Kazulieth's large dark egg, and right up in the very front of the sands the last of Treyeth's smallish eggs shattered. Kazulieth's egg showed a shimmer of copper color, not quite bronze and not quite metallic brown, with a strong ridge on his neck and scaled belly. His long wings proved that he was a son of Ref's Glimmer.
The dragon looked around, and calmly turned to the doors leading to the feeding area.
"No bond?" Baeris asked, and Dulath relayed the answer.
He will be here waiting, but he says he likes it here, too. Says it's nice and warm and there are interesting people to watch. Looks like trouble to me...
"What is his name?" Baeris queried, and Dulath told her 'Vask'.
While all the dragons had been hatching, and everyone had been doing the typical things that people did while watching this... Layne was having a lot of trouble figuring out what the hell was happening. He was seated and fairly comfortable, had a mug of water in his hand, and had been given something less soiled and better fitting than the ragged outfit he'd been wearing when the demon Adrian had been carrying him around. He was starving.
But there was something more to that starvation. He had a biscuit, then a piece of meat, and someone even found him some bread and cheese. What he wanted was perhaps a hot dinner. Or something just raw enough to chew on. Raw? There was something he didn't really want to think about.
Concerned about his state of mind, the fact that there were dragons and no prom night, Layne sat looking at the ripples in the mug of water. A pale blue shape appeared distorted in the image.
You need my help, Layne. Come with me, and I promise that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe.
"Why do I need safe? I buckle up when I drive..." He said, vaguely unaware that the dragon had spoken into his mind. It might have hurt him, except that this dragon was meant to bond to him. Anyone else, might have been an invasive attack and thrown him into epileptic fits. The pale blue took Layne's arm, nudging him and finally getting the abused boy to look at him fully. Worry danced in the dragon's orange-yellow eyes. But suddenly Layne realized that this was all very very real. He passed out.
Do not worry, the pale blue offspring of Treyeth and Kaprath said to everyone nearby. I will handle him. He needs to be safe...
"Thank you," Baeris said, "I was wondering where he'd gotten to..."
Kaitsmath, the dragon supplied his name. He was small but wanted the helpers to put Layne on his back so they could carry him into the kitchen, where he'd get a better meal. Kaitsmath was hungry too - but he wondered if this 'hot meal' of his bond's couldn't be made into something more fresh and raw?
During a brief quiet lull, Baeris made a head count. There would still be a few extra dragons, which suited her fine. Perhaps they'd be able to help her out on her little plan for the Nexus web. Her thoughts were drawn away from that when a lone egg broke open on the far left side of the sands. A pale white-blue with a strong crest and long straight legs walked out.
He picked up his feet, carrying himself with pride across the sands. And, fortunately for him, he did not face-plant or trip before he got to his destination. Head held high up, he looked at the big black dragon in the corner. Cervyn, I can teach you a lot about flying. Once I learn. I am called Vlieg.
Cervyn laughed, a big rumbling dragon noise, and while he wasn't quite resigned to remaining a dragon all his life, he knew that somehow - in the Healing Den, he'd be able to break the curse.
Three eggs began to break, all of them right in the center sands. The candidates perked up when they saw three very different hatchlings emerge, and not one of them were 'typical' of their kind, in color at least. The first to fully break out of his shell was from Orth's last egg, the sea-faring dragon opened his solid wings, and shook the sand from his webbed feet. He looked around, carefully, and watched his two scattered clutch mates breaking out of their own shells.
But beyond them, a sort of person caught his eye, and he began walking toward
her. Javu, you must remember that everything comes
in pairs. Good and bad, pain and pleasure, truth and lies, and you and me.
The deeply mottled orange and deep brown-black male nudged the shape-shifter, careful of her dangerous scales. Javu hesitated but then touched the orange head of the dragon, and wept.
"Vaskur, thank you for saving me from myself..." Javu said. Carefully, the newborn led the comparitavely ancient girl off the sands.
Meanwhile a surprisingly red and sunset-shaded dragon marched beside a pale white-ice-blue from the other nest. They seemed to pace one another, but then as they looked at the candidates they split up. The red with high single ridge spines and wings held high, looked at Iyahanna and gave off a cheering chirrup. She was from Trillienth's clutch, from her colors.
I've found you! You are the right one for me! Do you think your friends at the Caer will like me? I don't know how to fly but will Sinmasai teach me? Can we get some food now?
"Slow down, slow down Skoryth, we can do all those things later... For now, let's get you dried off and fed. Oh, look..."
Keir had come down from the stands, as they left the dunes. "Congratulations!" He breathed, excited and almost as giddy as the dragoness was. He helped Iyahanna get the over-eager red into the kitchens.
The pale blue looked around at the other Alskyran candidate, Isaak. He did so because there was a little canine-like creature rubbing up against the long-tailed dragon.
I think this belongs to you, but so do I. For your information, I am just as pale as you think I am, and just as handsome, smart and entertaining too. The ice-blue gave a shake of his horned head, Linith up in the rafters groaned that her last egg had to hatch into a comedian...
"Glupith, I guess you're everything I'd ever want in a dragon, huh?" Isaak nudged the dragon, and Cerise gave a little bark so he patted her head too.
Just as they were leaving the sands, and Cerise was very happy that she'd be able to gobble down as much meat as she could handle along side the ice blue, two of Twiseath's eggs broke open, while the last was wobbling a lot too.
A stunning blue, almost as pale as Glupith, emerged and was followed by a large, sturdy rich brown-black. They greeted one another nose to nose, and headed to different sides of the gathered candidates. The blue hunted down the tall dark-haired Tovaias and put his toothy muzzle into the young Holder's hand.
I will keep you company, and if you get out of hand I'll have to remind you what 'she' did to you. The blue spoke.
"I-I" stammered Tov, but the dragon wasn't finished.
And if she tries to come back inside you I'll give her such a thrashing. She should not have taken over your body. You were meant to be here.
"S-she bonded too, Mlinzith," Tov said, and realized that he'd said such a complex word without stammering. "But thanks for the tip. I'll try not to get out of hand. I won't kick you out of my head."
The blue nodded, and gave the boy a nudge he needed to leave the sands, while his dark-brown brother had located an unusually bright-aura-ed man.
You will not want to die so quickly this time, Seraphim. The brown black warned. He mantled the young-looking outcast from heaven, and nuzzled him with a protective gaze. I will not let you. And we will fly.
"I... we'll fly well, Chranith. I believe you."
They were leaving the sands when something quite odd happened. A huge swirling blot of color appeared over the sands, not so large as a dragon but big enough to attract attention. Then, abruptly, a girl fell from it. Right onto the sand. She was obviously going to need to get off the sand - it was hot and she wasn't wearing full clothing so the sand would burn her quickly.
"Help her up!" Someone called, and the local apprentices from the infirmary dashed over to her. So far no one had needed any of their help other than Layne and the queasy folks seeing that demon... So they picked up this girl who angrily protested until she almost passed out.
Baeris looked with concern at the girl. A bit of a tomboy if anything, she thought. But ... Do you think she's here for a reason?
Of course I do, Dulath responded. Keep her on the sands.
"Serve her some water, keep her cool," Baeris instructed, but the next batch of eggs were ready to open. She was torn between her typical healer-instincts to help the girl, and her den-duties to check the eggs' progress.
The eggs won, when five orbs shook themselves almost off the sands. Among them, the first to actuall shatter was on Kalinith's nest area, the last of her eggs. A forest green nose poked out, sniffed at the air, and rolled out of the shell in search of someone. Her dark-sailed wings clung into the shell, making her drag the mostly intact egg along with her. People laughed, but one wasn't laughing so much as chiding the green.
"Quanquath, you've got egg shell all over you. Let me get that off of your wings. Sit still you silly dragon!" Tali complained and fretted over the small green's inability to remain clean for half a minute. The shells off, finally, Quanquath looked deeply into the grey eyes of a girl far more aged than her years.
Will you draw me? It was such a simple question - but suddenly Tali realized that all her work, her diligence and training... it would pay off? She would be allowed to ride, because now...
She didn't waste any time before throwing her arms around the dragon. Tali was still just a girl after all, even if she'd been denied her childhood. Quanquath obviously intended to help regain some of her innocence.
Two more eggs gained cracks and then broke, one near the center of the sands, another off to the far right. Tobuth's blue spotted son gave off a loud creeling sound, another of Minath's offspring certainly. But he strode up to the side of the sands, and butted his head to one of the attendants. Show me to the food, I want a tour of the place I will be living. My sire has already explained how the Nexus works so I wish to be healthy enough to see it with my eyes!
"He's staying here," Called the attendant up to Baeris, "Prrljati is his name," the young man announced. He smiled at the little demanding blue, and led him into the kitchens. Though they had not bonded it was obvious they would be friends forever - if only the boy would find food!
"Knows about the Nexus, huh... I'll have to ask Minath about that when we see him again..." Baeris said, scribbling in a notebook.
The strong medium-colored green who strutted from her broken shell on Zadmith's nest site planted her feet down and made a loud warbling noise.
"Silan," Mharvyn cried, holding her hands to her ears, "what are you doing that for?"
I am trying to find your furry friend! Don't they do this? She proceeded to howl more, until the canine Kentaro came bolting into the sands to skid to a halt near her. He sat, almost half obediant, and watched as his mistress realized she'd just bonded.
From the middle of the sands, Twiseath's last egg broke. The pale green's brothers had both already left the sands, but she did not seem to mind. With grace, she unfurled her mint-white wings, and looked around at the candidates. The remaining girls wanted to act just like they would have at a normal hatching, as in running up to her and trying to coax her into bonding. But there was something quite different about the way she held herself, and not one of the girls went out.
Until the dragoness turned her gaze upon Sherry.
The sad one has no reason left to worry about you, my friend. And you have every reason to be happy for yourself. Because I have chosen you as my partner. No one else deserves you, no one else is good enough for me. I am Ozeki, and I will love you forever.
Sherry cried, angry tears running down her face. In her mind, she knew that she couldn't utter the words she was thinking, but they made it to the dragon anyway.
I was not ready to hatch then. Don't you think I was worth the wait?
"You were! Ozeki, you're so worth the wait..." Sherry finally broke into a run, bolting across the warm sand and tumbling down with the lovely pale green. Ozeki's skin was the color of green glass, glowing from within. They went off to locate the food, while A'diar and Li cheered.
Last of the five twitching eggs to break, was a fine colored blue from Merrameth's nest. There was still one egg left, trembling near him. The blue looked around, creeling quietly. Baeris wondered if he wasn't going to be stuck on the sands without a bond, but he then got up the courage to stride away. She was almost ready to write him down as a 'local' when he butted his way into the kitchens.
There, he stalked around, not looking for food (well, certainly looking at it, but not for it), rather he was looking for someone. Off to the side, he found just who he was looking for. Dark skinned Keir, talking to his friend Iyahanna about how well she'd bonded and how lovely a rider she would make.
You will make a good rider too, the dragon spoke to both of them and the red dragoness at Iyahanna's side looked up at him.
"Aww, I don't know, I mean, maybe if I practiced at riding horses or something, or got all into throwing heavy weights I could ... I ... could..." Keir finally realized that it wasn't Iyahanna who had spoken, but a rather more masculine voice, directly into his head. The girl giggled, then finally broke out laughing loudly.
She ran to the doors of the kitchen's entrance and then ran to the sands, where she announced, "Keir bonded! His name is Sinikas!" Then she vanished again, to turn the tables on Keir and congratulate him while the blue ate.
Two eggs far apart from one another shook open, one with a loud pop and the other with a shattering of brittle opalescent shell. From the middle of the sands, right up by the candidates at Roczath's nest, came a brown muzzled dragon. However, though it was obvious that he was a Ryslen descendant by his crest - that crest was a deep green color! He shimmied out of the shell, pulling his long legs and slender tail out, and smacking at the remaining shell with his wide wings. The dragon who pranced in front of the candidates was a brown on the front, and a green by the tail. Hazel colored wings were tipped in dry-leaf brown... It was like the other half-colored dragons, only perhaps more so?
"Nope, all male," Lystic exclaimed. The carpenter gave off a pleased laugh, "But you were right," he turned to Baeris, "I was needed. This boy is so confused! He wanted to prance around over by the girls, but I don't think that'd be the right thing to do." He turned back to the brown-green, and said, "isn't that right, Kynblanda?"
It's right, I suppose... the dragon seemed to sigh with too much wind taken out of his wingsails. But when they left the sands, he was right up again, bouncing and flirting with everyone he could see. Probably just to annoy Lystig.
The shell that had been a shining opal among the grey and cream others on the sands broke to reveal a stunning siamese-white-red from Shibboleth's clutch. Muzzle and paws and tail tip a blood red, wing sails a skin-pink. The dragon stood and growled at anyone who came near him, but then walked toward a stunned Kyrix.
You will have to get used to a bit of blood now and again. Mostly now, because I am very hungry, and you will have to help me find the food. And it has to be raw, Kyrix, nothing cooked...
With his jaw a little slack, Kyrix accidentally shapeshifted into a bit more relaxed of a form - for himself anyway, gaining his fur and tail, legs and such. He strode up to the marked white/red, and bowed with a little formality. "Well, I suppose if you're hungry, Damuth, I will have to make some exceptions. Shock treatment seems to be the favorite method of making me realize I can handle more than I think I can..."
Baeris noticed suddenly that there were only a few eggs left unbroken. There weren't all that many people left to bond those eggs, either...
Three eggs broke and three very different dragons emerged. Across the sands, a two-tone green from Damianth's last egg, a very large brown from Serenath's final shell, and a vibrant blue from Lanneth's clutch converged in front of the small gathering of candidates.
The green staggered back and forth, almost like she was drunk. Her lighter colored belly and paws made her look like she'd been walking in paint. She aquired a sheen of sand over her wings, and tried to shake them off.
"Dosadanth," Quinro sighed, "just turn the other way when you're going to do that, you're getting sand everywhere!" The small flitters that he and his friends had collected on their way to the Healing Den gathered around and tried to help.
But what if I like being dirty? You like being dirty, when you drink! I'd like to see what your friend will think of you now!
Quinro groaned. If there was anything he wasn't quite prepared to face was... Thalisivar...
The big brown with sharp wings walked over to the pair. You should go introduce yourselves. They have finished eating. I will help, if you want... You don't seem to walk very well yet.
The green chirruped with glee, as the brown glanced toward Baeris and announced, I shall remain. I like the sands, it is nice and warm here. My name is Kisero. If I may I should like to keep the mothers company?
Serenath flapped down from her perch above the sands, and proudly nuzzled her son. You will always keep the sands warm Kisero.
While the brown was being all cuddly-kissy with the dams of the clutches, the brilliant blue sat before the candidates. He looked at the girl who had earlier appeared in the air over the sands in a swirl of color.
What is it that you hate about your power? It brought you to me. I think it works nicely. But I bet I can take you back when the time comes...
Rimarinic looked back down at the dragon with a surprised expression. She'd never known the touch of a foreign mind, only the distant effects of magic and cards.
"Kuvianartok, I can't believe this... But I'll try!"
Baeris had to stop the pair from leaving the sands until she knew who this girl was and where she was from. That done, she turned her attention back to the last couple eggs on the sands, two of which were shaking hard enough to form cracks. From one, in Serrith's nest, a fabulously dark blue came out. He seemed to salute the crowd, and sat and watched.
Baeris finally approached him, and he pressed his nearly black snout into her hand.
"Durmak, you're always going to be welcome here," she replied to an unspoken thought. "Would you like to eat now?" The blue nodded, and Baeris summoned another of the dragon healer apprentices to his side.
The other of the shaking eggs from Merrameth's last egg also contained a blue who rose to his hind legs and bellowed, a sound which petered out into a little squeeky chirrup.
"Oh, what kind of noise was that?" the lynx girl Chaun laughed, and didn't hesitate to move toward the blue. He made another giggling chirp, and Chaun looked up at Jamison, who applauded from the stands for her. "You've got to be more ferocious, Linisteth!"
Though the dragon tried repeatedly, he couldn't manage more than a little squeak - but that seemed enough for Chaun.
The last egg left on the sands was one of Kazulieth's largest - if not the largest egg on the sands. It had a shimmering opal-gold to it, and everone assumed that there would be a queen coming from it. She'd already proven to have two gold-types, but now this egg was shaking open to display her fantastic genetics again.
The scaly underneck of the dragon which came out was a pale color of tan-blond, and the head was golden framed with a kind of yellowy-green fin on both sides. When the wings finally came out, with effort, they were a pale shine of glimmering yellow-gold. The tail drifted into a darker shade of gold...
And he bellowed aloud, "where is my partner?!"
Every person - and most every dragon - in the place froze in stunned silence. A gold male? Well, it would stand to reason since the sire of that egg was a Glenn gold, and male... But no one expected him to breed true!
The dragon was large, long, with a thick strong neck and large wings, and he stood up to leave. But where? He headed out, and the dragon healers followed quickly. Along with the rest of the crowd. The gold chose a path through the upper ledge, meaning he had to traverse the entire length of the sands before even reaching an exterior ledge.
In the stands, a clingy, sinister creature tugged on a "local's" elbow urgently. "He is heading toward the beautiful statuary garden I told you about..." Shy tittered. He lept to his feet and didn't bother straightening out his lovely outfit, before pulling Kalkin to his side and dragging the healer outside.
Kalkin had managed to keep Shy from grabbing candidates and taking genetic samples from everyone. There would be time for that later, and Kalkin reminded the odd man that this was their moment - not his. Kept in check by a grudging agreement, Shy knew that this was his time, right now.
While most of the time the Healing Den rested within the Nexus, at this time, its destination had been chosen and it came to rest at a locale where a sort of garden existed. Riders from the Pelar Protectorate as well as the odd two-headed hydra bonded to Luci and/or Ela arrived to see the crowd of people at the entrance to their locale.
"Well look who's here?" One of the guardians of Sha-ne said, but they backed off when the big golden male hatchling came from the dark ledge inside the Den.
He sniffed around at the air, and decided on a path.
"She shouldn't be out here!" Someone called, but someone from the stands hushed them up with the statement that "that's a he - he is looking for his bond!"
A pale figure appeared, from beyond a heavy trunked tree. Light shone off Sha-ne's scaled skin, and she slunk around the tree to stand before the dragon as he strode in.
You are for me, I will not allow you to cry, my love. You may love me, I will never love another.
Sha-ne smiled, a soft grin turning into a broad pleased look. "Dorado." She said, simply.
The helpers from the kitchen had the forethought to bring some chopped meat out with them, since the gold was headed effectively away from them instead of toward. Sha-ne took the big bowl of meat without even glancing at the attendant - which made him relieved - and fed her new bond.
Kalkin, or Vanya as Shy liked to call him much to his distress, glared at Shy. "So, I won't bother to get near her now. Our deal is null. Even you can't get near her now. She's out of both our hands."
Shy was obviously angry with that response, but Kalkin had returned to Baeris' side and helped gather the others back into the Den.
"We'll have to leave her out here, since she claims it as her territory," Baeris said, looking right at Shy who had told her that very fact not long before. "I don't know where this place is, but it's not the Den. You were mistaken, Shy. The Den travels freely among the stars and through time. She'll be safe here, and we will be able to visit her if she needs us, but I don't think she will be needing anyone now."
With that, Baeris took the sulky Kalkin and the rest of the amazed crew and onlookers back into the corridor, into the Healing Den's massive sands again.
It would be no time at all before the seven unbonded dragons would find their places among the residents in the Den. And, less time it seems, before the next event.
Baeris slipped notes to the few weyrwomen and caerlords who had remained on through the whole hatching. It was an invitation, to a private but fairly large gathering of leadership. Rather like Tiyanni's meeting before her daughter assumed control of Ryslen, Baeris was planning on something which would shortly come to fruition.
She hoped that they would return - sure that they would because everything at this hatching said the next generation, or even the next flight's hatching, would be even more impressive.
Looking around, something was gnawing at Baeris' mind. The pair of Gebrochenth's offspring, blue Posak and green Manjari, were acting a little odd.
Finally Baeris approached them. They'd eaten, but weren't mingling with the other dragons at the den just yet. Neither were they asleep, like all the other hatchlings were.
"What's wrong, my little dears?" Baeris asked. The dragons looked to one another first and then to her.
We must go find her.
She is out there. She is not ill, but she is not well. No one brought her.
Baeris furrowed her black eyebrows and then bolted back to her office. There sitting in a pile of what should have been "finished" paperwork was a clip of paper stating "Alskyran/Tamke/female/17" and her heart skipped a beat.
"Oh... no, oh no!" Baeris nearly shouted at herself, and sped down the hall to the infirmary. There, she found a sleeping, curled up girl with raven hair tossed around her shoulders. The darkness in the room was replaced by bright light, when Baeris flicked on the lightswitch.
"Tamke?" Baeris hesitated, then said louder, "Tamke, you must get up right now. I know your sunburn is still healing but you've got to get up."
"... Go away," she muttered. "I don't know anyone here. I don't know why I came."
"You came," Baeris said, nudging the girl to her feet. "Because a fine dragon told you about the place. And you came to bond a dragon."
"I came to try and forget..." Tamke said, her eyes still brimmed with tears and obviously red from having been crying earlier. Her face was peeling.
"Tamke, I don't often apologize. I should have remembered to take you out of the infirmary when the hatching started."
Shock registered on the girl's eyes. She burst into tears without any further provocation. "NOTHING goes right! Nothing!" She tore out of Baeris' grip, and rushed out of the room into the bright hallways. They were foreign, too well lit, too straight halls.
Randomly she darted through the corridors, and bumped past people who then scattered out of the way for Baeris as the tall woman chased the teen.
Finally, though, Tamke wound up where Baeris wanted her anyway. She WAS meant for the sands, and she bolted through the kitchens and into the small side dens beyond the hatching sands. Tamke was brought up short by a cheerful bugle from two sources.
She is here! You brought her!
Panting, Tamke stood before the two hatchlings, and then spun to see Baeris enter the room all out of breath too. She turned back when the blue stepped up.
We were ... actually waiting for you, but you were too far away.
He waited for me to hatch, we should have looked, the green gave an accusing glare to her brother.
Then they sat there. Watching. Tamke moved only her eyes, which had stopped streaming tears. "... You waited for me?" They nodded. "I'm ... oh. Both of you. Aren't you...um, usually singles?"
The pair looked down, oddly sorrowful, but did not have to say why they were coming to her as a pair. Tamke sobbed, but smiled. "You would have been for my brother. Now you're for me?" She asked of Posak. He nodded, solemn. "Then you're welcome. Blame her," she thumbed toward Baeris, who groaned and waved her arm in the air to dismiss herself.
What an oversight. Baeris stomped back to her office and grumbled about paperwork and messy desks and blasted too-big-hatchings. "never again, that won't happen again." She muttered, and wrote down the late bonding in her permanent records.