Checkerboard Ball Pickup Collection Page for Biscuit (and mom and dad)

Thank you so much for sharing Biscuit's adventures with us all online!

Scroll down for full dragon information! Images have been sent via email/discord. (or in this case, facebook - this is the only page which has images embedded in it)

May 2024 RIP Phil, life's not fair.

Name Dragon Name Dragon Gender Clutch Parents Bond Type Board Rank
Biscuit (1) Dunante Female Ancheoth + Tenhdarinth Multibond White Pawn
Biscuit (2) Tedkeba Male Kelirith + Baniar'alkar Multibond Black Pawn


Dunante Name: Dunante (doo NAN tay, -ANTE is the knockoff (checkerboard themed) ending, parents names -TH are traditional for Pernese)
Gender: you choose if you wish (+preference as desired)
Size: 3'7" shoulder
Build: high butt, long legs
Physical Features: Pernese, four legs and two wings all with short claws, long neck with boxy head, prominent fangs, high crest, faceted eyes; slender tail with spade tip
Colors: White Pawn 1; vividly white body; wingsails, crest, and tail spade (and... improbably, claws!) bold checkerboard pattern; eyes faceted aqua
Stats: Strength Medium, Speed Low, Endurance Medium, Agility High, Health Medium, Intelligence Medium
Abilities: average skills in Telepathy, Local Teleport, and can breathe fire; these have good Nexus teleportation, and may bond to nonhumans or each other
Parents: Donor Clutch Ancheoth and Tehndarinth
Bond: Biscuit, Multibonded with Tedkeba
Tedkeba Name: Tedkeba (ted KAY bah, though their parents have much more complicated naming, the Knockoffs have the -KEBA ending)
Gender: you can choose if you wish (+preference as desired)
Size: 2'10" shoulder
Build: catlike, delicate
Physical Features: Pernese mutt with highly cat-like qualities, including four legs and 2 wings all with sharp large claws, wing wrist has two claws; split-ended tail; head has external ears, and long back-pointing horns; offspring are split with either faceted or pupiled eyes
Colors: Black Pawn 1, body gem-toned shiny black that easily catches light; wingsails transparent and have large checkerboard pattern underneath, with smaller checks on backs; horns and claws duotoned white and black; eyes slit-pupiled orange
Stats: Strength Low, Speed Extremely High, Endurance Low, Agility Medium, Health Low, Intelligence Medium
Abilities: they are able to burst speed (strong) and produce fire easily, and use one form of teleport at a medium power level
Parents: Donor Clutch Kelirith and Baniar'Alkar
Bond: Biscuit, Multibonded with Dunante
As always, images are (c) Lethe / Shard 2022 and are not to be used in any manner, including downloading by right-click, other than by permission, to those who have earned them! No reselling or unauthorized use permitted!