Dragon Hatching and Bonding Stories, Collected Edition

Amrith and 50 Shades Of Grey

Size comparison Piece and Knockoff/Pawn

Pernese/Pyrrhan, four legs, two wings, all with claws; strong neck; spaded tail with double row of spine/nubs; hide with scaled armor (spliced features carry as-is to any Pernese, may lapse to scaled with similar pair); face sharp with back-pointing horns, external ears, spike crest; eyes may be faceted or pupiled; Bond not required but enjoyed, sponsorships accepted, multibond unlikely, non-human bond accepted

Naming convention is unusual, 'word-based' names for those who take strongly after non-Pernese in power types, with -TH ended names for those who take after their Pernese parent; Knockoff naming ends in -AMSH

Knockoffs stats: average 3 for most, 4 for one and 2 for one your choices; powers 3 average ability with most things available to the clutch Pieces (Telepathy, Verbal Speech, local and nexus teleport, firebreath), however no added longevity and Stealth limited to 2

Clutch is presented 3 hours until Midnight, earliest of that time block

Amrith Catharsis Giveaway, no known lineage Telepathy
Teleportation (Local, Nexus)
Assisted Firebreath
Longevity (Goddess-given)
50 Shades of Grey Deviantart adoptable, no known lineage Verbal Speech (strong)
Firebreath (poor)
Winged Flight (exceptional)
Full Pieces



Bond: Avalon Bloodworth, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: The coven was small but strong, and Avalon could tell it would only get stronger tonight. At 3 hours until the midnight bell, Avalon felt a strange tugging. She knew it was magic at work, of course, so she followed the pull. It turned out, there was a slender white-furred cheetah woman, one with a blinding magical aura, trying to get her attention. One or two others were following her, so Avalon knew this was something special. They were taken into one of the hatching chambers, sort of a switch from the others who had decided to walk straight across the big dance floor to show off!

But these dragons - oh they should have been shown off! And they would be, of course, but only after their special and private bonds were made. The mother of this clutch, a mottled marble white, gave a sing-song call, while her dark as night mate rumbled along, perhaps helping the hatchlings with their emergence and choice making. She'd read about how Pernese dragons liked to sing their eggs open, so... the female was Pernese? But their sire was definitely a scaled and armored sort. Avalon gazed at his wings - they were... moving, the star patterns on them were definitely shimmering and dancing on their own.

Mine will do that too, some day, a voice came into Avalon's mind. It startled her, tearing her eyes away from the sire of the clutch, onto... You see? I already know how to do it! The dragonet proclaimed very proudly. As he should! Because the brilliant white and black dragon's void-dark wings danced with far off specks of light: stars, real ones, Avalon was certain of it.

"Do... you want to stay with me?" Ava said, weaker than she expected. This was so surprising.

Of course I do, that is why I chose you! I think you will have good things to teach me, too.


Bond: Charron, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: Three hours until midnight, and Charron was getting antsy. She had been patient, she'd been enjoying herself a bit... But this party was actually a touch more mature-audience than she expected. And keeping the other kids either occupied or out of trouble was getting difficult. Early on, she and Luke, Crev, Constance and Corby went off to the dance floor, picked at the buffet, snuck in a couple glasses of wine. But they were all in awe of the place, more often than not looking up and around with wide eyes.

The venue was so big, she needed to occasionally float herself up to the rafters to make sure she could keep an eye on everyone. There were a couple others up here too, not of her group. Maybe they were here to get out of the fray, or to do what she was doing: scouting out and planning.

The dancing had been what prompted her to head up here, she was... a little too tempted to start using her weaponry skills in a dance-off with another similarly practiced attendee. Not in a dangerous fashion, but still, she could tell that sparring with that two-tailed feline man would probably end badly for those around them. Charron warned another of her group to stay clear of him, and realized that three others were wandering around to the Casino entry. She'd have to be careful about barking orders here. But...

I can help you with that, a voice appeared in her mind. It seemed slightly distant, but then that might have been because she was all the way across the dance floor from where Charron roosted. And, nearly invisible against the marble floor. A grey shadow, bright white wings matching the floor better than her mottled belly. She was still a hatchling, young and small, but like many that had come out of their chambers tonight she held herself as though she'd been trained up a little.

I would appreciate that, Charron replied in kind. Only one of us has found their dragon friends tonight so far. Well... She gave a little grin, two now.

I am Ogdweth.

The pleasure is mine, Charron bespoke, as the dragonet guided two more of those orphans under her care back toward the ballroom - where they were to discover their own draconic bonds.


Bond: Ksh'uush, Voluntary Impression (chose this path)
Meeting Notes: Ksh'uush was politely able to decline yet another dance, she'd been enjoying the night with gusto since arriving. A few other Zeddians were attending, including a number of kids that attended that Twoarth school Crumbba or Coryamba or whatever it was? She was outside the age range for such a thing, still young, but out of school already. She could definitely see why some of the stodgy old politicians and the religious fanatics on Zedd would throw a fit any time anyone suggested they should have more offworld contact - this party was brimming with all the different people and styles that they'd kept a lid on for decades back home.

Why? Like no really, why?

And why would... well, why would she choose to go back, that was the real question. Their world didn't lack any of the technology or flavor of these others, in fact it appeared that they matched most of it pace for pace. They had computers and television and cruise ships and even knew about space worthy craft. Let alone their powers? Apparently not every species had some 'extra' thing they could do - but Zeddians had what someone nearby was talking about as 'Vortal powers' that were 'still in their infancy, but worth looking in to'.

Well of course they were! Well, worth looking into! In as much as she could, Ksh'uush casually sidled around behind the man and woman talking about these things, one of them was familiar to her: the leader of the Caledrus, the ship that had been summoned to Zedd to bring folks interested offworld. And she was probably at least half-Zeddian by her four arms. Too colorful in skin and hair to be truly pureblooded though, Woodie was chatting it up with a tall man who then looked up to the balconies above the dance floor, and bowed out of their discussion. "I must attend to the Empress, I will be in touch," his voice was spooky, his demeanor polite but also very, very businessman. He teleported.

Right there, he just teleported up to the balcony and then poofed a whole group of people away? Wild!

Oh - oh so that's... what he meant. Zeddians were only a fraction of what he knew as powerful, but still, Ksh'uush considered, there were humanoids over here and over there that didn't do any of that!

Over the course of the evening, though, a bunch of wildly varied dragon hatchlings were brought out from their nesting areas. Right around that same time, when that odd man took 'the Empress' off somewhere else, these sturdy, dramatic looking dragons were on show. They certainly caught the eye, and there had been a lot of noteworthy dragons already!

One of them, however, paced slowly and carefully around the area, gently sniffing at people, bowing politely with its black-armored face showing that movement easily against its brilliant white body. Until... Until he spotted Ksh'uush. He straightened up, his long long wings betraying a sudden excitement - body language was easy to read for a lot of Zeddians, Ksh'uush had gotten used to the reactions of people that she did 'readings' for (please provide something that won't break... oh, darn, too late). It translated well across the ballroom floor.

The dragon walked to her, now not even pretending to be polite to those that he walked in front of or between to reach her.

I have found you, his voice was clear and bright, powerful, and it was in her mind. The stars on his wingsails, not-quite-reversed from brightness on dark, seemed to burst in time with his heart and mind. They actually did - they moved, just a bit, growing brighter and dimmer. Will we find a place where you come from? Or will we go elsewhere with those others on their ship? I would like to see many places. All the places, my one.

"... All of them?" Ksh'uush said, somewhat taken aback. "Well that will be quite the undertaking won't it?"

He looked proud of himself, yes it will. We have time. You can break all the dishes everywhere you go, if you want, maybe we'll only ever see them once!


Bond: Aesir Jassan, Impression, Multibond with Lloth (also present on Ancheoth/Tehndarinth's pickup page)
Meeting Notes: Who would have believed that he of all of them would be here at this massive party? None of the monks at home, that's for sure. Perhaps when he got home, they'd believe his story of prophetic, God-induced dreams?

They'd have to. Because they were coming true. He felt more than a little pride at the thought of even being chosen to represent the Warren as a candidate here. And even further: this was a very important party. He recognized the flavor of 'leaders brought for talking' above and beyond just a fantastic soiree: he knew bodyguards when he saw them, he knew those stilted postures. He much preferred the relaxed and enjoyable dancing, the casino's profits, and most of all the wet bar!

The group had arrived in the middle of the celebration, rather than early or particularly late, which meant he had his choice of events to watch or catch up on. How in the world were people meant to stand for dragon clutches here? There were no sands, no stands. But there were dragons, oh absolutely. In fact they were underfoot most of the time!

Nearly tripping over a bump on the white marble floor on his way to a table, with a piled-high plate of salad and spicy meats, Aesir was about to get rather irate. But he didn't spill the plate - or more accurately the plate was caught by the dragon he'd stumbled over. Its big wings were checkerboard patterned, that was... certainly a theme at this ball! It wasn't a big dragon.

But it looked at him with shimmering faceted teal-shaded eyes, and just. Spoke.

You don't want to drop this, I'm sorry! I thought you saw me. I am yours! I am your Saegante! And we wait now! I have been here waiting for you and now you're here!

The dragonet, brightly white and almost the same shade as the marble floor, held that plate of food expertly in long clawed fingers, head tilted, all but grinning. "...Saegante?" Aesir repeated, numb suddenly. The word was in his head almost from the moment they'd arrived, and that meant... "You have been waiting for me, I'm the one who should be sorry."

The dragon helped put the plate back in his hands and then trotted over to a round table nearby. It took a few bites of the delicious spicy food for Aesir to realize what the dragon had said.

He was only halfway through that plate when another batch of dragonets were paraded out from one of the archways to the dragon half of the venue. And he just knew.

Because Saegante knew! He felt the hatchling's excitement, joy, and confidence - it was a true Impression after all, even if the dragonet itself was engineered. It wouldn't be big enough to ride. But... the big black and white dragon that strode carefully toward their table absolutely would be. He wasn't entirely the opposite of Saegante, but just as bold and beautiful.

Saegante was practically vibrating, his long tail slapped the floor like a dog's, as the other dragon came near. I am glad you both waited, his voice was strong and warm, calm in exactly the opposite way that Saegante's was excited. We will certainly make a good team, all of us. He nudged the small white dragon and Saegante gave off an excited trilling.

"What... is your name?" Aesir finally swallowed that one piece of meat that he'd stopped chewing the moment the dragonet showed up.

I am Lloth, as much yours as this one's, again he leaned on the littler dragon who seemed quite proud of itself. Aesir was also, quite proud of himself.

The monks would just eat their hats. The Gods knew what they were doing when they enlisted him.

Lit Path

: Saris, Companionship, not a full bond unless desired
Meeting Notes: It was 3 hours until the midnight bell, and Saris was getting into the swing of things. He'd gambled at the casino (and won modestly), watched some already-drunken folk belt out tunes at the karaoke bar, and danced with a dozen people (human and otherwise). He'd taken in a long look at the underlit deep-sea floor visible on one side of the venue - and then another double take at the starry night sky with lighthouses dotting a strange coast through one window, and a beach as seen from underneath a wooden pier in the foggy night time from another. He'd spotted entirely different looking lighting and equipment briefly when the Stage over there was being fit for a new act, too, behind the curtains.

Though he came from a world where he knew other places touched up against it... this was something else entirely. The whole place was just... Everywhere at once. He had never been to a location quite like it. Right now, he was in no fewer than four, and it was making his head swim. Tired for the moment, he found a spot at a large table near the Stage where a number of small dragons were giving a markedly emotional performance in their native language. But from one wide archway near that spot, he could see movement. There was a woman, one of those who had asked him to dance! She was beckoning again. Quite attractive, a feline with alabaster colored fur barely marked with small spots. She did have a strong glow to her, and it wasn't just the drink she had in her hand making her light up. She tossed her head, staring right at him, and indicated with her bright blue eyes that the room beyond the arch was somewhere he ought to be. Saris carefully stood, wiped his fingers clean (he'd been munching on spiced nuts, they were quite delicious), and headed over to that alluring form.

It wasn't the Alabaster Goddess that held his attention when he'd passed under the arch, however. It was the group of newly hatched dragonets! Saris made note of a few other people there, but it was likely that there would be more over the course of the next few minutes - the cheetah goddess had slipped into the main hall and was obviously looking for people to attend to ... her dragon's clutch! The marbled white dragoness that nudged the little bicolored (would you call them 'colored' if there wasn't a shred of hue to them?) dragonet while her much larger darker colored mate looked on quite proudly. Saris kept edging around, unsure if he ought to just step in and find a dragon or if one might come to him? Was this what they'd wanted, when they demanded he dress up and...

"It seems quite odd, my children hatching on a world with not only merely one moon," the male dragon spoke, "but in this place which has never seen the light of even that single orb." The dragon's wings were grey, with paler spot markings... No, those were stars, they appeared to shimmer as he moved. One of the wing tips he extended nudged a little bit of shell that had broken - but the dragonet that had been in the shell was nowhere to be found. "And yet, here we are," Shades glanced right at the man, who suddenly realized he was being addressed. "And there she is, right on time..." Saris could have sworn that the dragon smiled with a father's delight.

A creel turned into a yawn, beside Saris. At his heel was a dragon no darker than the shell that she'd come from, speckled with dark on her wingsails... Those stars, like her sire's, moved, but they moved even if she was quite still.

"How did you even get there, no shadows to hide in?" He asked, and though she might eventually learn to speak, her mind reached his with a gentle laugh. It was entirely unlike Samra's, that laugh. But he knew better than to think a dragonet that was bright as a bulb who could sneak up without being noticed, was any less sharp than she was. He could match that sharpness now. With Lit Path's extra eyes, paws, and mind on it.

I will be sure to help you sneak around if you ever need to!


Bond: Yves, Voluntary Multibond with Etu Zwitterion (and others! yes!)
Meeting Notes: (see also Evocation Zone + Errick's pickup)

Now this was a party!

Yves dove in with wide eyes and a wider smile. So much to do and see, taste and sample, touch and linger... He could almost forget that they'd lost the Ton-Seraph, he could almost taste and thrill and feel again.

No, not almost. That was a falsehood, they could all feel, they could all know the fast-heartbeat pace of love or joy and the heart-wrench of sorrow. They were all capable of it, stone or timber, they were still just two sides of one coin.

And he intended to prove it. Somehow. And this place, with these people... and that Stage... That would do it. He was certain. From the first performance of the evening on that big platform - he knew. Look at them, those humans were varied in color and shape (and some of them had features that betrayed other lines in their blood); and their dragons were of so many different shapes and colors and sizes! Surely if a group that disparate could perform their flag-waving demonstration with such ease and grace... Surely theirs could do so again too.

But how?

Yves wandered the area eagerly, listening in on a multitude of conversations. From the mundane ordering of a meal, to the far flung daydreams being muttered out of half-conscious mouths; and among them, too, discussions from serious folk - up in the balconies, leaders of groups convened. Hashed out deals, barter agreements, brokering travel, solidifying ties. They spoke quietly but with power, they knew their roles and how to play them. Almost casually they would put in a gentle jibe, a mocking rememberance of an event elsewhere or long ago. Those were rejoined with a subtle chuckle, the wave of a hand, or sometimes with a darker glower. He couldn't pretend to know the circumstances behind any of those things, but he did absolutely tuck away those replies and those movements for future reference.

Every time that they... well, lost, it was a struggle to reassemble the Troupe, to step up and try at least to practice, to keep up with things so that the next year would be a valiant effort rather than a losing battle. It did get harder each time. Then after a while, the opposition would have gotten lazy and rested a little too much on their lau...their hind ends - Laurel was a perfectly good performer. So the cycle would flow, they'd win again and get their time to shine.

Why did it have to be about winning when the performance was the important part? And why did it feel like it came down to him to push a little more, to use those faint motions and jibing smiles, just to get even a little response? They were so hard to rouse sometimes. But now, this party? It was going to do the job. And any little bit of it that he could bring back with him was going to make or break their next event for sure.

"Are you sure?" Someone said, a bright voice, young sounding, confident. Something in the back of Yves mind started tingling for some reason. Odd. As if there were a line of dialog that he knew by heart, that couldn't quite be spoken.

"I'm positive," another one sang - and it sounded slightly more familiar but only because of recent exposure... it wasn't so much words, than sounds put together that seemed like speech? Oh - that's right, the chittering and chirping sing-song talk of those little server dragons? Was one of them attempting to give him another glass of wine? Why did he understand this one's speech so well if it wasn't actually saying words?

Yves shook his head and glanced around, clearing his mind to concentrate on the immediate surroundings, and discovered two dragons were watching him intensely from a little nook nearby. There were many such recesses in the walls, fit for people or apparently dragons to linger in and be just slightly out of the way of anyone needing to use that passageway.

The pair of dragons had overt similar colors: a light body with a dark belly, and wings that danced with patterns. They both had long, narrow faces, and long, slender tails. They were quite different in ways too: one had nubs of horns, ears that were visible, the other a shaggy but shiny mane where their companion had short spine ridges. And on more close inspection, the one with checkerboard wings actually didn't have wings on their back - but on their forelimbs.

With the attention they were now getting, the pair both straightened up and looked more interested. "What say you," the bigger one with mottled wings on his back said, "to bringing us along? We have skills, and plans..."

I'd be happy to make music for you, the bow-tie marked one shook its head and let off a delightful tumble of sounds.

Yves stood straight, proud, "I would be honored, my new little friends, but how shall I address you?"

"I am Vioth, but you knew that," - that was the word, what had been on the tip of his tongue all this time, Vioth, the dragon's name inserted itself into his mind and soul. But the dragon wasn't done with the introductions. "And this is Etu Zwitterion," the smaller one gave a half-standing bow, good enough to be on their hind legs and balance with that long-long tail. "And we are now a trio, but we're more than happy to become much more."

Bold Skies

Bond: PiXL, Voluntary Companionship, Multibond with Eje Zwitterion (see also EVER)
Meeting Notes: When their Code professor indicated that he wanted PiXL to remain behind after class, their first thought was 'why am I in trouble?'

Of course they knew perfectly well why, and it wasn't because their grade was poor in that class. It was probably the 'extra credit'... that G0rd-OS didn't know about. Well... he probably did know. PiXL remained in the airconditioned classroom until it had emptied, but still the akita-morph (or was he an android? he was fluffy and seemed alive? but there were plenty of reasons PiXL guessed he wasn't actually biological) patiently stood staring at the classroom door. Oh - it was because three others were arriving? Was this a new kind of detention that they were testing out or something?

It became apparent that the students that showed up had classes similar to the one that just ended, with G0rd-OS as the instructor. They all got settled, and a couple other instructors showed up with their own pack of kids. What was happening? Everyone seemed to suddenly realize there was an embossed square of heavy 'greeting card' paper on their desk - it hadn't been there a minute ago, PiXL was sure of that. At one spooky instructor's suggestion, they looked that invitation over. While they read, baffled, the kids were informed, by one or another of their gathered professors, of this big shindig; a dance, an event? They'd be dolled up if they didn't have their own gear, even offered dance lessons if they had interest.

"But why me?" was a commonly spoken phrase.

Why? Was because dragons were going to be there too. Well that was... that was amazing? And so slightly-less-than-a-day-in-advance, this disparate group of teenagers got prepped and dressed, given a few pointers, and a specific instruction 'to have fun'. Coming from Professor Lane, that was halfway terrifying, but okay? Fun it would be!

The Ball itself was amazing, too. Just event after event; the crowd, the lights and the - well, there weren't colors, there were checkerboard black and white themed things simply everywhere! A beautiful dance floor, the ballroom itself was stunning, the casino - was off-limits to most of the students (shucks!) but there were other things they all got to do. The food! The trippy lightshow, oh and a tour outside this undersea city? A bit scary, but super cool. Dragons came out from their half of this show room floor on the regular, brought out by their proud, pretty parents. They would scatter around, find friends among the attendees.

Wait was that... okay, that was certainly why they were all here, PiXL spotted one of the classmates finding their own friend at one point. PiXL sat down after an energetic dance, having slogged up to one of the balcony tables for a little quiet. A small dragon had deposited a goodie bag on the booth seat beside them, and PiXL could swear they heard giggling. And digging through the bag netted them a strange mechanical flitter* and an honest to goodness mini-vinyl of that lady and her swing group singing right now? and booze ooh! Vodka that would be fun--

"You will not be needing this," that spooky Lane said - when did he even show up? What-- He took the little white bottle away and swapped in another bag instead, but his expression was more amused than angry. In fact he kept looking down at that Stage with the all-lady quartet with what appeared to be lovestruck eyes.

There were other lovestruck eyes, because the swapped-out baggie had another flitter egg in it...

Right around midway through this big bash, PiXL spotted some new dragons down there on the dance floor. Wow - they were impressive! Much more impressive was that one of them looked right up to where PiXL and their new flitters. A creeling warble came from the dragon's throat, but it sounded for all the world to PiXL that she'd said, "I see you!" A moment later, "and you too!" PiXL looked to the side of the booth and noticed that same little helper-dragon was waiting, peering over the balcony edge with wide eyes and a beautiful sounding warble of its own.

"Wait, wait," PiXL said, "what?"

What what? I'm sticking with you and her! The dragonet ... thought into her mind? It certainly was a dapper looking one, too, super black with a white 'tuxedo' marking, and brilliantly checkerboarded wings, this little dragonet turned its long long face to PiXL and bespoke once more, we should go meet her!

"Her... wait, how do you know--" But the dragonet had already swept down in an oilslick of motion so PiXL had little choice but to follow. The pair of flits would be fine up here on the balcony table. By the time PiXL got down to the ballroom floor, the dragon in question had made her way to the curved staircase, and posed while waiting. She was amazingly marked, with marble grey and black on her body, but those wings! Those amazing void-dark wings, the star patterns in brilliant shining white seemed to blink and move.

"I am glad you like my wings," the dragon spoke out loud, was that common? PiXL wasn't even sure? "I am Bold Skies, pleased to meet you both finally."

Oh! Oh! I'm Eje, PiXL Eje Eje PiXL, Bold Skies, PiXL. The little twittering that the dragon did was musical and almost like the humming of a hard drive or a printer at work.

"But don't you have work to do?" PiXL asked the tinier tuxedo dragon.

Not any more I don't. My job now is to keep you both in my sights and out of trouble!

That would probably be far harder than the dragon realized...


Bond: Ilaerios, Sponsorship (potentially will multibond to dragons that are around Ilaerios, as she is half Pernese after all)
Meeting Notes: Why wouldn't Shan just... participate? Oh well, Ilaerios knew full well that tonight would be challenging for everyone. When the Death Court dragons showed up, particularly, but... He, like others, held his tongue and held his hand clear of his weapons. There might be time for that later.

What was disturbing to him, was that those Death Court dragons... would be bringing their own bonds or sponsors home. What then? Would these beautiful hatchlings that were being brought out fall to his sword and strength some day? That idea made him a little queasy. Because they were quite amazing, all of them so far. It was at three hours until midnight when a rather unusually disparate pair brought their offspring out - he recognized that one of them was scaled and the other had hide, so their mixing must have been scientific or magical.

You are correct! A mental voice pierced his own, they said we are 'modestly spliced' and I do not know what that means, but I know it means we're here now! She was all shades of black and white and grey, speckled and marbled in a fascinating variety. Her mottled white face had the beginnings of small black horn nubs, she would be ... really quite dramatic when she grew up.

The dragonet seemed to be proud of that thought. May I come with you? I can help hunt, I can hide and spring from the shadows! To demonstrate, she darted behind a dancer, who tripped, and then showed up again behind Ilaerios with a nudge to his hip.

He picked her up, she'd be strong for sure, "I will be happy to show you around when we get home!"


Bond: Zeraya'tya, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: With two large dragons attending from the distant system of Zar and its various habitats, they got to see spaces in the Checkerboard venue that humanoids simply didn't get to. Zeraya wasn't going to wait around for the larger but far more timid Motif to accept the offer of investigating the back rooms, but it was clear to the multi-headed ambassador that she'd need a nudge or two to get her rolling in the right direction. One of Zeraya's heads gave a tsk tsk noise and nosed toward the large draconic side of the ballroom.

We'll go in there, look around a bit. You're here to have fun and mingle, not to find a job.

Motif obeyed, but obviously had a lot more on her mind than the green ambassador anticipated. But for the first few hours, at least, Zeraya paced through the bigger areas of the event and communed with 'important' dragons and humanoids alike. She spotted the very angry-looking eyes of a slender woman on one of the balconies, but she was surrounded by others who commanded her attention. Might be trouble, that one, but she didn't really know quite why.

For the moment though, she sampled the different fresh meats from many worlds - no she didn't know that there were 'deer and rabbit' analogs on most inhabitable planets, but my oh my they were delicious? The feeding habits of some dragons left a little to be desired, but this was a party and it was expected that even draconic types would wind up drunk and dancing on tables.

One of the attendees, a Nightmourner by their appearance, had been waving their long wispy tendrils around and caused a group of smaller dragons to sway with a narcotically induced hallucination. Intriguing. She'd have to look into that for ... reasons. Might be easier to control rowdy groups at events.

It looked like it was a few hours until the midnight peak of the party, when a pair of markedly disparate dragons presented their offspring. One thing that the humanoids didn't seem to realize was that the dragons had the first showing - moving through the larger sized ballroom first, then coming through the smaller but more crowded two-legger rooms. So here were a batch of amazing mottled and varied dragons! Appreciably different in size as well as the aura they gave off. The much larger sire of the clutch was of a breed not typically represented around the Nexus - yet. But given their partnership with a very small hardly-traditional Pernese, that was clearly about to change.

They didn't bumble and flop around, at least most of them didn't. A few looked like their wings had yet to fully mature, likely a feature of that Nightwing's line, or ones similar to him. But these were hardly fresh-hatched, Zeraya knew that just by looking at them and sniffing the air. No stray egg goo, no furious scrambling to... She blinked away thoughts in all three of her heads, they would not be the type to do those things.

What things?

Zeraya stiffened a little, which one of you said that? She asked.

I did! A young and healthy looking male strode up to her. Though he would be burly and strong, she'd still be bigger overall, but - she was already looking forward to seeing him grow up. I'm glad, because I'm going with you. What things? I should know what things because I can help you avoid them, you don't like that thought you had but I missed what that thought was...

So he was just ... reading her mind entirely? (He nodded) Interesting...What else can you do?

Dawn Break

Bond: Gwynry, Voluntary Multibond
Meeting Notes: (see also RASA)
The trio of adventurers entered the venue using a magical portal, something they'd done before and would absolutely do again in the future. Tall and slender Elara, athletic average Wake, and 'petite' dark Gwynry, it was like the setup to some 'walks into a bar' gag. But they weren't laughing yet! No, it was just the dazzle of the first sight of a party of this scope, with just enough color splashed around the ballroom thanks to the inhabitants to offset the very stark high-contrast black and white 'everything else' that caused all three to pause. For a moment, just a moment, Wake begged out and urged her friends to move into the ballroom while she did 'things' back at the entry. They all knew it would be many hours before they'd be leaving, they'd meet up again at the tables or up on the balcony later.

For now, the pair clasped hands (well aware of their disparate shapes and heights) and strode into the grand ballroom. There was a demonstration on the big stage that showed off alchemical reactions in a spectacular fashion. They took in the sights, even daring to attend one of the underwater tours around Rapture and the party venue's exterior. Both of the women were just on the edge of uncomfortable in that submersible being towed by their draconic tour guide: too close to being in a cramped tunnel, so obviously far down under the ocean. The light from Rapture and the party comforted them, but it would have been nicer to be... well, you know. Closer to the surface, the skies, the stars and moon.

They did watch the undersea landscape through the massive windows beside the Stage. And then, delighted, discovered that the other huge panes of glass also showed different views! Different entire worlds! Both of the women took notes, and after wandering and playing some cards in the casino, attending a truly hilarious 'comedy hour' at that casino's one stage, and were baffled by the presence of numerous tabaxi... wait no they're just cat people? playing on the other casino stage.

It was while they were listening to a song that translated as "Diamond Dogs" that Gwyn got a strange look on her freckled face. Elara instantly noticed, but it was more because of what was going on behind her dwarf wife. There was a small and shiny black dragon peering intently at her, long enough that Elara began to giggle.

"What? Did I get chip dip on my lip?"

Elara laughed at that, "well no - I mean yes, but no, I ..." She nodded, several times to indicate to turn your head around, until finally Gwyn did so. She was met directly with the bright orange eyes of--

"Oh!" Gwynry gave a little yelp and a laugh, "I.... I see?"

Well finally, the dragonet's mental amusement came through with just those words. I am Dawn Break, and you are of interest to me!

When they looked around the casino, cashing out and heading back down to the main floor, both women noticed a fair few others who had newly befriended their dragons. The event had been going a few hours already, but only when they left the confines of the casino did they really notice how many there were now.

While they strolled back down the long curving staircase toward the main Stage and Gwyn began getting comfortable with her new dragon friend, they all noticed the act on that Stage. It was all dark, had an incredible view behind it - and surrounding it in the big windows, of deep space and people using no protective equipment were out in that space somehow playing their live music!? Elara led the distracted druid and her young sleek dragon back to their table, but also stared unabashedly at those windows, which captivated everyone's attention long enough to order some dinner. A waiter, not one of the dragons, brought it to them.

Don't let me distract you from your dinner date, I already fed myself! Dawn Break smartly announced, but still sniffed at their own kebabs and fish puffs.

They spotted Wake as she went from event to event, hearing her laughter or noting the still-present though much reduced cloud of moths and reanimated insects around her. She saw that there was a dragon with Gwynry and bit her lips together, briefly congratulating them, but then pretended to look at her watch (did she even wear a wrist watch) and zipped back into the casino to catch the later 'not safe for work' comedy show. Dawn Break settled into a curl below the table, as the dwarf and elf tucked in to their meal.

In the lull, in as much as acrobats, rock and roll, and amusing animal-people antics could be called a 'lull' they finally got to have that more formal dinner date, recalled once upon a time. But they finished and didn't quite have the energy to get up and dance again, so as things started creeping toward that midnight bell, they started people-watching. They noticed a lot of things, in fact, when their pair of Gem dragons also rejoined them in the biped hall - and had a bit of a surprise with them.

Though the Gem dragons were hardly bigger, the newly arrived hatchling (was it? too graceful to just have broken shell) stood at least to their shoulders, elegant long neck and high-held body. All in the brilliant white pearl shine like the inside of an abalone shell or a basket of marble beads.

I am glad to finally meet you, the dragonet thought directly to Elara, These two have made quite the statement on your behalf.

Elara's posture said volumes to Gwynry, who hadn't heard the comment. The elf stood, and though it was hardly typical Gwynry knew that it was her elfin grace that could allow her to formally greet such a dignified dragon with a bow.

"He is a King," Elara said with more reverence than expected. "Souggam Moonshield," she breathed deeply and enjoyed the way the name felt on her lips. "Hopefully, a king that won't mind some interesting distractions from day to day monotony..."

I do not rule you, I wish to be with you on your travels! This time he addressed both women and their existing dragon friends, broadly, his mind shiny as his hide. It wouldn't be shiny for very long, since he stuffed his long muzzle directly into the fish puffs bowl and covered himself in cheese crumbles... Midnight was arriving, he was hungry!

It wouldn't be long before their friend Wake would come back to the big floor, looking very slightly wistfully at the group. But--


Black Pawns

Bond: Saevel, Voluntary Multibond with Yunsheva (see sheva page)
Meeting Notes: Everyone here was living, well almost everyone, and that set Saevel apart. But their power over souls was actually... not as unique among the powerful of this group than the Gatherer expected. They did notice how many dead still lingered near the one exit, the one to the facility beyond called Rapture. Oh, not all of them had drowned, loitering on the sea floor with the pull of the tides not even reaching them. Some had died from violence or self inflicted passions, overdoses, odd power use that came from locally produced magical potions called Plasmids.

All of that, Saevel simply knew. They also knew how far from the sky, the stars, the heavens, this place was, at least the physical manifestation of it. It overlapped numerous dimensions, one of which was their own. The place probably wouldn't remain connected, of course. Saevel gave a nod of respect to the pair of human-appearing men nearby; they were not human, in any way, nor were their souls mortal. They both had extremely strong ties to this place, both magically and physically. One of them had resided here long before, the other - the same man from another dimension - had come with dragons.

And it was a dragon that sat, staring patiently, at Saevel, around three hours until midnight. It had very dark hide and black and white wings, a paler belly. We are waiting, the dragon bespoke. Though there was a strange tug at Saevel's deepest self, the dragon's mind only brushed up against it, didn't invade nor push on it. We will continue to wait. You will see.

What Saevel did see was that this dragon was ... bonded to his very essence, delicately, gently. The dragon's mind was tired, well more exhausted than sleepy - though apparently the 'knockoffs' were engineered and created using machinery and magic, they still hatched out of shells and were still little baby dragons when all was said and done. Saevel gleaned that the word moving through their mind was a name: Hutamsh. Bigger versions of that dragon's siblings had... stars on their wings, or other such markings, so the stars were still in its blood. That, for whatever reason, pleased Saevel.

Now two, they wandered the floor silently. Sometimes, Saevel carried the dragonet, but it felt a little odd doing so. This was not a body, to be split from its essence. It would need care, which Saevel would certainly provide.

And me? Will you provide for me too? I would like to learn what you do. I see them too, the spirits. This dragon was almost as opposite as you could get from Hutamsh: upright, brightly white, but also bearing those checkerboard markings common to the ones that had been formed for reasons unknown.

Saevel understood that reason: because there were a lot of people here, who would benefit from this companionship, just like they were going to.

"Yunsheva," Saevel said, and the dragonet nodded once in reply.


Bond: Munita, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: Whether they wanted her in there or not, Munita was going to check that kitchen and ask them what was in those tarts and fresh crusty bread. It was magnificent! Her mother would absolutely kill for the chance to bake something like this, it would rocket her family to culinary stardom! Well, maybe. But she had to compete with a ... a green man vying for the cabinet where those ingredients were stored, though he looked a little more official, like he and his friends were 'supposed' to be here in the big kitchens.

Munita had grown up around a busy kitchen, she knew how to weave around the others carrying trays or reaching for a pan without bumping them. And in that manner she discovered that there were spices that had names she'd never heard of - but they sure smelled like they belonged in those biscuits and cakes. She bit her lip, thought about slipping the shaker of 'cardamom' into her bodice, but then went to place it back.

It was there, on the shelf. Her hand, still full with the shaker. She closed the door to the cabinet, reopened it, still there - and in her hand. So she just went ahead and tucked it into her pocket and hoped that no one would notice.

Oh they noticed, but they just don't mind. She didn't know who said it, but it wasn't the man standing there chopping carrots.

It was me, I said it! I am Moiamsh, you did not see me come in but I saw you go in here!

It was so excited, Munita couldn't help but get a little too. "Where... um, where are you?" She said, and then a white armored face poked out from behind one of the steel counters. It was a dragon?

A ... a dragon talking to her?

"I am also a talking dragon!" Its voice was eager, "I like my food raw though," it tilted its head, "can we get some of that?"

"Ahem," a much deeper voice said, from a much higher spot, and behind her. A man who was not quite twice as tall as the girl (and not quite three times the size of the dragon she'd just... apparently, bonded?) stood looking down with his eyebrow crooked and a grin on his lips. "It looks like you have a dragon to care for, ... outside," he scooted her through the double doors, and nodded toward the dragon feeding area. She sheepishly tugged at Moiamsh, and headed that direction. She heard him say, "you can keep the spice, use it well!"


Bond: Ostin and Waan Dumanish, Voluntary Multibond (perhaps others?)
Meeting Notes: (see also Waan)

When Waan and Ostin reentered the Ball proper, their ears popped a little, the pressure here certainly was different but mitigated by more magic than ever. The little smoke-winged dragonet seemed quite excited, chatting it up with whoever was head level to it. And at one point that meant, another dragon, another checkerboard-winged dragon in fact. Healthy looking, confident in its stride, more bold in both depth of brightness (couldn't be said to be 'of color', but the blacks were blacker, the whites whiter, the greys more strikingly contrasted) as well as its posture.

Ostin was only marginally interested in the things going on directly in the draconic venue on their arrival - wrestling? How ... gauche. And while the sea hunt seemed interesting to watch with glimpses of the sleek, sea-worthy dragons out there herding and catching small or big or dangerous fish... That definitely was not for Ostin either.

Maybe the speed dating. Oh. Hm. Perhaps that. There was a dragon that he'd spotted coming back from the Stage early in the evening and... And She Was Stunning. She looked like she was heading toward the Speed Dating center. Should he? Should he follow her? Didn't want to look too eager, didn't want to look too dismissive or haughty.

"You look fine, you should do it!" Ostin heard, and was about to nod when he realized it wasn't... Waan.

It wasn't the smoke dragon who spoke, it was the other one sitting next to them. But that smoke dragon nodded in agreement. "You look better than fine. She's a hottie. She's a catch. But so are you!" Waan assured him. "Tonamsh is right, do it. We'll be cheering you on regardless, won't we?"

"We will. I know I will." The darker dragonet moved with a bit of a bounce, "don't let her get away."

With that, Ostin did several brief double takes, and then remembered he was probably the finest dragon in this whole place. He would be the catch, here!

Vaiamsh Bond: multibond with Aqa and Tavu'nye (Phe)

"What will I do with you," the largest and darkest of them said, quietly. Tavu'nye tilted their head and snugged their long body around the small pair of other dragons. All three of them were very, very tired. It had been a long night, though longer slightly, for the slinky Tavu'nye. The 'night' that lasted from the moment all of the Pawns of their clutch had been created and carefully placed with the spliced parents and naturally-laid eggs... That was effectively long enough ago to have matured out of the shell and learned how to control a bit of their magic, a lot of their movement, learn speach, telepathy... History and even a little science.

The science said 'this clutch was not quite natural'. But then the magic said that too.

To Tavu'nye, they'd watched their much larger and more 'natural' siblings mature, their small sized pawn-clutch broke shell in fits and starts. Tavu always watched. They'd seen flashes of things in the shell, things which came to pass later. So they knew: when the time was right, there would be others to take care of and nurture.

But they were still just little, young, inexperienced beyond the strange cavern where their parents and sort-of-siblings resided for the duration before the Ball proper. It was time at last, and Tavu knew that one of their potential visions, one of their potential friends, was already hatched and waiting.

Best to catch up with them before they were trodden under the great feet of all the dragons here... So Tavu'nye had slipped out into the Draconic side of this huge venue, blinded a little by the magic and the stunning displays of fire breathing or lightning magic, until they spotted the little grey and checkerboard dragonet they knew they'd find.

"We have something in common," Tavu'nye had said, and it was instantly obvious what they meant. Both of the hatchlings had a parent from a particular world, even of a particular breed there! They would grow horns in the same way too. Vaiamsh tilted their head and blinked their wide, green eyes.

"I wondered why I didn't feel like leaving with them," the tiny dragonet looked toward the archway that connected the biped and draconic venues. "Did I dream about you?"

If Tavu'nye could smile like a human, they would have, "well I dreamed about you, so probably!"

That caused Vaiamsh to giggle and bounce a bit. The size difference of the pair was already evident, when one of Vaiamsh's clutch siblings wandered past on their own way around this area.

"You're so little," Tavu whispered. Then more loudly, "Do you want to see the other events? Oh - look they're doing something on both stages!"

The pair lingered around the edges of the vast cavern stage, but watched as dozens of dragons and their smaller humanoid-like counterparts interacted with musical stings and bright cast-magic backgrounds. Whether there was a story weaving around their dancing, neither of them knew. By the end of it, it looked like the draconic stage would be taken up by more calm story telling.

"I'd like to listen to those, a little," Vaiamsh asserted, "we're waiting for someone new, aren't we?"

"It's okay I'm here!" Another voice rang through the noise, startling both of them. They trotted on paws quite precisely, stood with their head raised high, and butted that head into Tavu's shoulder on arrival. "Story time is boring time, but I guess..."

So they rested, Aqa ahlTahnhadaa and Tavu'nye and Vaiamsh, as dragons told histories and embellished tales, adding magical imagery or using song to emphasize bits here and there. They watched the feats of strength that much, much larger dragons participated in, Aqa seemed very interested in those!

They ate, they conversed, they dodged as big and little dragons ran around the venue. It had started thinning out a little, there was a huge show on the stage that everyone cheered and - that clock thing lit up, ringing the midnight bell whatever that was.

Tavu'nye had held up the longest, they were much older than the hatchlings. But still tired, it had been quite the evening. Curled around their new friends, even their magical foresight was dim from exhaustion.

We will find a way to bring you where you're needed, Tavu felt a mental voice, black as night but warm. The dragon that the voice belonged to was hardly bigger than Tavu'nye would be (in fact he would be smaller), but he was obviously grown up. I will get my bond to move you when you're ready. We'll probably keep an eye on you to make sure you're all right until settled.

Denhadarvahth swished his spaded tail a bit, communicating with his bond whoever that was. They must have been human because they didn't 'get' to come here on the dragon's side. So eventually, their new home would have a trio of mostly-disparate dragons! Aqa would probably get them into trouble, Vaiamsh might be their voice of reason, and Tavu... would see any danger on the way.

Witamsh Bond: Talylet
Ludamsh Bond: Skye Dwarika (shard) on page

Bond: A'dqa-Nah, Voluntary Companionship
Meeting Notes: If a bolder and more brash Yautja existed, none had heard of them. A'dqa-Nah had proven herself as a remarkably talented, speedy, stealthy, strong student, and would surely earn more than just graduation honors next year. Noah, Vasquez, and even her chemistry professor Darnold were all present at the Ball, and each of them had differing views on her. Would she hold herself together if a dragon came to her? They had bets going whether she'd attempt to enter the dragon side of the venue.

If for no other reason than to make sure she didn't, a tracker was placed on her when she and the other students arrived... In the form of a collectors Checkerboard Ball pin, which she wore happily. Probably not oblivious to its true purpose, though. She looked Moraga straight in the eye when she spotted him and perhaps only he among the human population of the school or ball might interpret her semi-reptilian expression correctly. He shrugged, lifted his beer glass in a toast as she entered, and went back to talking with his tall gorgeous date.

There weren't all that many very-young students at the Ball, though some kids had been brought (contrary to the request that they either be left at home or with someone in the facility) and A'dqa did not hang out with them. In fact none of this trio of kids seemed to really relish being lumped into the 'kids table' areas. The Yautja did try getting into the casino, which had a specific no-kids policy that magically booted her to another part of the venue. She wasn't kicked out of the shooting range, though, and when people started up using powers and whatever was on hand, she gleefully joined in!

But it was getting to the middle of the evening, not midnight of course, when she needed to grab something to eat. Tables everywhere, food scents, there seemed to be something for everyone. When she'd settled down to eat, with a platter of fresh-cut barely-singed meat and a few sprigs of parsley as garnish, she paused with some on her fork.

You gonna share that? The voice was in her head.

"I might, if you ask nice," she replied in a strangely clicking manner. The dragon whose sharp beaked and armored face was resting with its chin on the table across from her seemed to grin. Then it opened its mouth up almost like a muppet or pez dispenser, and A'dqa giggled, expertly flicking one of the larger slices of meat toward its maw. The dragonet chomped down on it, noises causing a little distress nearby as an elfin emissary patted her lips and nearly vacated the area.

I'm Edoamsh, are you gonna bring me home? The voice had slipped into her heart as well.

"Are you gonna help me hunt?"

WILL I? Absolutely!

White Pawns

Meeting Notes: (see also Keneo on another page, which occurs slightly before)

Chuah'Kyil lounged after their enjoyable meal. The meat they served here, oh it was lovely. And there were dishes that dragons, even meat eaters, would enjoy. The 'flaming ice' was especially tasty! (And spicy, to a dragon's tongue at that!)

This whole dragon-sided event was well beyond what they could have expected or even anticipated. Magic demonstrations, contests of strength and skill, all without a two-legged bond anywhere. The blue dragon was still somewhat uncomfortable among 'social' dragons... like all the ones here. So he clung to the silver Keneo a bit, and intently listened in on his bond and her little adventures. Keneo tried nudging him into one of the contests, but he declined... Was he afraid of all the attention? or losing? Well, they'd never know - because thankfully, a good number of interruptions kept breaking it up.

That interruption was invariably 'the baby dragons' coming out from their individual nesting nooks. It was obvious that some of these dragonets were older than others, and very clear that a lot of them were man-made. Well, 'intervened' perhaps... They looked like their bigger counterparts, but they all had those dazzling checkerboard patterns. It was interesting when they walked around looking for 'their' one, among the dragons. Most would move toward the bipedal section and wander through the big archway, hardly to be seen again. But some would remain.

Right now, about three hours into the evening, one of them was remaining. Keneo had wandered away in search of ... something, and perhaps that something was (ooooh yes it was!) looking back at her just like the big green eyes of this newly hatched dragonet was in front of Chuah.

Hi, the white and checkered dragonet said, simply. I'm Aenamsh. You looked lonely, I figured I'd keep you company.

Chuah took a deep breath, and there was that strange little tingle, the same as he'd have when he was spotting a potential Novo. It came from this dragon, surely.

"Are you hungry?" Chuah asked, and the dragon perked right back up.

I am! And I want to see what those dragons are doing over there.

That black-tipped white nose pointed over to a large group of dragons, who were lined up in rows... And Chuah noticed perfectly well that those lines were 'male and female'. Oh. It was the speed dating event...

"Maybe we'll show you something else, once you're fed. I'm sure there are other fun activities a hatchling might enjoy." (The sweat drop was not obvious to the little dragonet.)


Bond: Ule, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: She watched her husband perform, and definitely got the gags that went over the heads of the others (hah that's a first, as a halfling! ba-dump-tss). It was still about 3 hours until midnight, there was plenty of time for her own skit. That is, until another group of hatchling dragons made their way from their hatching chamber, through the main ballroom, and into the smaller side venues. Even if it was 'merely' one of the knockoffs with the genetically engineered checkerboard wings, one of them snuggled right up around Ule. The dragon was already nearly big enough to wrap its wings around her!

"Do you think I could learn how to balance on a beam? Or maybe I could duck a thrown pie!" The dragon was energetic, much more so than others at this stage in their life. "Either way, can I come with you? I can even carry equipment! I'm not big like my cousins," the dragon pointedly looked at one of their full sized companions, "but I'm still strong!"

"And I'm small enough that... I could ride you," Ule said with excitement.

Belamsh Bond: Tulouth (+Amathim)
(PW4) (adopt)
(PW5) (adopt)
Badamsh Bond: Markie ?
Meeting Notes - on their page

Bond: Lost Distance, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: Oh they'd absolutely seen the others waiting with their eyes fixed on the team above the ballroom floor. The dragonet's face armor made them look like they were more bored than interested, but that was far from the case. Up above, there was a tingling sensation in Lost Distance's gut and it was not because of the complex move that he had to do just then.

He didn't let it interfere with the performance, but wow he was getting super hungry. As he spun in the air, tail tucked until the last moment when he needed the balance on the rope, he actually heard his stomach rumble. He also heard Rasnala's chuckle. The trio wound their performance down - literally, winding down the long black and white ribbons that they'd fixed to the ceiling for the performance, and landed gracefully on the floor at last.

It was a good show, though nothing like what they'd be able to do outside, in the skies... with a dragon or two or three. And. There were - two or three... Maybe more now, he caught something in the corner of his eye as Gaerradh was approached by one of them. Dragons? Yes!

Oh! There you are, you are finally done and can help me find my first meal. Not that I don't know where it is but you need to be there!

Lost Distance furrowed his brows, squinting. "I... okaaaaay, I suppose I do?"

At that, the confident if a little odd dragonet stood and marched them over to the meat tables, oh and you'll need to get used to the others, but you don't have to feed them. Only me. The Tahrim glanced around and sure enough there were not two but three others, the team had found their bonds!

(PW8) (adopt)
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