Dragon Hatching and Bonding Stories, Collected Edition

Calietosth and Dairruinth

Size comparison Piece and Knockoff/Pawn

Pernese-Alskyran/Danachian/Eienic Mutt, four legs and two wings, feet have apparently retractable claws, wings have large wrist thumbs with thick claws; angular head with knobs having very long and sharp horns, faceted eyes, and a jagged tall crest, echoed on the spade of very long slender tail

Naming is throwback -TH ended as most of their lineage has it, why not theirs? Knockoffs are -CADA

Knockoffs stats: have 2s in most, with a 5 in one, your choice; powers average of 3 in most, do not have any shapeshifting nor can they carry it; select one from Telepathy, Verbal Speech, Local Teleport, Nexus Teleport, or Telekinesis to have at 5; they may have Void magic abilities but unless they have a specific attachment that can help them learn, they cannot master spellcasting (Void tops out at 5, spells at 2 even then)

Clutch is presented during the 3 hours until Midnight block, the last to be shown off in that time frame

Calietosth Calico Giveaway (mom ?? + white-white-bronze Jaluth) Telepathy
Teleport (Local, Nexus)
Assisted Firebreath
Dairruinth Firestone Eienic Mutt (red/gold Galaxiath + bronze Raelynth) Verbal Speech
Void Teleport
Firebreath (natural)
Spell Magic (poor)
Shadow/Void Spells
Magic Sense (strong)
Shapeshifting (human-draconic, unpracticed)


Full Pieces



Bond: Kessa and Keneo'Mybl, Sponsorship
Meeting Notes: Where are they? Keneo asked, knowing full well where her bond was, but the other dragon shrugged.

"Not there, where they should be," Chuah replied, "They're missing out."

Indeed, that was true - because not only had their bonds been missing during one of the big stage productions involving magic and alchemy, they weren't on hand to see the first seven groups of hatchlings! It was also true that the dragons had their own bunch of distractions, not just watching the delightful parade of little ones nosing around the area. They were able to 'tune in' to their bonds, who were frankly being quite a bit more pest-like and sneaky than the dragons would have been able to keep up with anyway.

The pair of Geperna had remained with their bonds only long enough to move over to the draconic portion of the venue, but they, like many others bonded to humanoids at the event, also would poke their noses into the biped side, or even just lounge and watch the big-screen tvs found in the comfortable balcony nooks of what was going on. Each half of the venue was so busy! But they could hardly imagine what it would have been like if all the dragons and all the humanoids were in the same space... trying to ballroom dance? With a bunch of 3-meter-tall dragons in the way? (And some much bigger?)

And 'a bunch' wasn't even covering it... there were so many. People, dragons, dragon people. There were a good number of Geperna, though there were also... some Death Court and very strange dragon...ish ... creatures here tonight. And wisely, this pair chose to keep out of their way.

Do you hear that? Keneo said, glancing around. I ... could swear I heard something calling me.

"No?" Chuah shrugged again, and adjusted his big cloth bow tie with a claw.

Keneo made a concerted effort to locate the source of this sound, and when she did find it... It would be another hour and a half before her bond would see. There was something so completely heartwarming about this young dragon - but Keneo'Mybl was no fool. Her bond needed the night, needed the time scooting around with her humanoid companions. And this would be a perfect cap on the evening.


There were actually quite a few more bonded dragons in the biped-side dome than before, not merely the newly impressed or arrived hatchlings - but full sized dragons, some of them just wanted to be near their partners in this moment when the Midnight bell was about to ring. Chansua and Kessa and the others had had their little... adventure, and were now alternating between sheepish guilt and wholehearted laughter at it all.

When Kessa saw her lovely silver dragoness she was about to launch into a tale of that adventure, but stopped short. There was more than just her shimmery hide here - there was a much whiter one, a small but long dragonet? Nestled up beside her? A tentative mind reached out, it wasn't to try and bond or intrude, it was a gentle and happy ping.

"Well who's this?" Kessa asked, mostly to her dragon.

This is Qibbanith, she nuzzled the young dragon, go ahead little one, introduce yourself, she urged.

We have been talking, I'd like to come with you both, we can learn magic again together! His whirling eyes sparkled, but Kessa was having a hard time seeing them, through her tears. Oh no no - I didn't mean to -

"It's all right, I... I'm not sad, we'll teach you, and I... will learn again too."


Bond: Regina, Voluntary permanent bond
Meeting Notes: There had been numerous clutches displayed in the hours before now, but the clock was at half-the-hour, between two and three to go before midnight. These dragons appeared from a dark-edged archway, their elegant black sire and their long, low to the ground brightly marked dam leading them with encouraging words and sing-song chirping. They were both quite large, Regina noted - their offspring would be elegant and big. Well, 'big' by tall and long standards. Their wings, too, they would be massive! But narrow, long, slinking like shadows around the dancers that cleared away on the ballroom floor. Several of the knockoffs all but jumped over each other to scatter into the room, while the more sedate and proper offspring gazed with what looked like intelligent eyes across the gathering.

How many they had to choose from. Even the scary sharp Death Court dragons could be among their choices.

But one of them, marked like her mother only in dark and subdued shades, chose Regina. They had a conversation that no other was able to listen in on, even though Regina knew that Wipshath could speak. Perhaps she needed practice. And spells, books and learning were in this dragon's future for sure. They would be able to provide this. Wipshath looked into Regina's eyes, and made her choice known without once looking back.


Bond: Crevanshri, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: The clock was ticking down to midnight, it was barely going to hit two hours to midnight when a set of fancifully marked dragons walked out. They were tall, long, slender, elegant. If you didn't count how hilariously floppy the little hatchlings were as they attempted to get one foot in front of the other. At least people on the dance floor knew to move away and give them room, not crowd them. Crevanshri had heard stories of hatchings where groups of people would press so much that the dragonets would lash out.

That would be appropriate, too, he thought. Because he certainly wouldn't want to be a freshly-hatched pup and have all those scary faces right up in his business. He liked his friends, but it had taken a few years to really get rolling with the group. The fox morph munched on a cut of fish packed over a ball of rice, he liked it, it was very tasty. Plus the luxury of not needing to eat it, but wanting to, he'd recognized the style of sushi and other finger foods easily, but he still remembered the days of scarfing down whatever he could lay his paws on.

He couldn't help but notice that there was a very sneaky looking little dragon snaking around the table legs at the edges of the dance floor. Occasionally moving his long tail over the cloth and knocking over a dish, sniffing at the results as they landed on the floor.

"Pfff, that's no way to hunt," Crevanshri muttered. And at that, the dark dragon vanished in a puff of void-energy.

Reappearing just above him, in mid-air, the dragon then pounced on the fox, Is this better? He asked, mental voice full of amusement, because he'd gotten that other piece of salmon gobbled down so quick Crev didn't have half a moment to keep it away from that mouth. The dragon had pale markings on his face and feet, just as sharply shiny as the dark body. Everything about this dragon was shiny! Apparently he caught that thought too, because he began to preen.

"It's an improvement," Crevanshri said, half a grin on his muzzle, "we'll be great at hunting, huh?"

I like that idea! I smell the good stuff in the corner though, can we get some of that?

The meat set out for the hatchlings was a popular spot, and Crevanshri suggested they get in and get out without anyone seeing them, as a challenge.


Bond: Lothniswen, voluntary bond
Meeting Notes:

She had no regrets in coming here. A change of scenery every once in a while was nice, wasn't it? It was pleasant to see that other peoples had a good grasp on the formalities and elegance of a big Ball. The setting was amazing, though the most she showed of this feeling was a careful glance around the area with a discerning eye and a slight quirk to her fine eyebrows. The shaped glass walls soaring up to the curved ceiling, the shiny metallic beams forming a lattice: she'd seen such a thing done with trees and elfin magic back at home. It seemed at once absolutely foreign (metals but not trees? forest against the sea?) and delightfully similar (those designs after all were both structurally sound and made to look casually perfect in both sites).

So Lothniswen spent her first few minutes here in this ball under the sea carefully marvelling at the surroundings and assessing her place in them. Her place, it seemed, would be on the dance floor in a moment or so, when she heard a hauntingly familiar but completely new piece of music being played by the small group of musicians at the far end of the room. Hardly one to take a spot light or seek the attention of anyone, Lothniswen simply arrived at the edge of the dance floor, and was greeted by an elfin man who was decidedly not as formal as his outfit seemed to claim... Those strands of hair were pink and violet, against a silk sheet of white that cascaded down his back. Handsome, longer eared than most elves she had ever met. But such a gentleman, confident, careful, and obviously well versed in customary dances.

But they weren't her people's dances, and she let him lead anyway, for a pair of disparate pieces of music. One sweeping and slow, the other more upbeat and energetic. She laughed and gracefully bowed out of the third because it was such raucous music she didn't even know what to call it. Yet he continued to dance with a slightly raunchy twist, with another elf who was most certainly closer to him in much more physical ways... she'd allowed Lothniswen to interrupt? Well that was interesting!

When she reached one of the booths on the first balcony above the dance floor, there were plenty of people. Important ones it looked like, above this area, talking in slightly-strained tones about this dragon or that occurrance. She knew that the dragons here were supposed to be of the friendly variety, given she'd accepted a ride from one of their type to this place. Well, 'their type'... She idly moved her fingers over the little pamphlet that displayed information about all of the dragons attending, and what to expect out of them.

Eggs, many eggs, she thought. An almost incomprehensible amount of them, by how their information read. But then they would all be splitting up, going to their new homes far and wide. Across space and time, across realities that she hardly even imagined. Her life had been punctuated by oddities and even a slight bit of danger here and there. This Ball certainly posed no actual danger, even when the stage show had a display of impressive alchemical explosions...

Even with the press of people, the smells and sounds of a big party and music and all, she found time to meander through the whole place. Committing it to memory, it wasn't like she would be able to return, and wondered whether this place as it was would even exist when people left it? Ah - well, there was a 'city' of sorts visible through one of the smaller side rooms, it didn't look nearly as shiny and healthy as this portion, under the crushing depths of the endless sea above. But dragons of different types actually swam past those port-holes and windows at times!

She did admire the little collectable items that came with the information packet, the sash that she discovered folded carefully into the gift-bag was of the finest silk, and dyed with amazing care! It was black with silver tassels, and she decided why not - draped it over her already clothed shoulders in a contrast with her white dress.

The party had been going a while. She couldn't tell exactly how long, but then were her people very well versed at detecting the passage of time? It wasn't as pressing for her kind as it was for those humans or whoever else, she knew perfectly well that she was three times older than the eldest human could live, and she'd hardly even begun to mature! In a way she almost wanted this event to last forever. Her perception of all the different folk here had definitely begun to expand: those that didn't exist in her realm, while equally her own kind hardly lived in most of their worlds. But they were all more similar than not.

As she dined on exotic fish and fruit, rice and meats, cake and iced juices, Lothniswen appreciated the sway of the gowns, the dapper looks of the formalwear, even the textures of the booth seat and the napkins under polished silverware - the whole place was immensely satisfying to her senses.

She sensed something odd, perhaps her dancing had loosened her bun, or all the other moving around the place. She'd put that sash over her neck and had neglected to re-tighten the braid? But when she reached her arm up and around to fiddle with the beaded tie that kept it in place, she bumped into something that was decidedly not her hair.

Startled for the first time in perhaps years, but not afraid - she leaned away from the edge of the booth's seat and turned to look with great care. Her hair slightly snugged at that motion, and that was because the end of her carefully crafted braid was in the dark and light clouded muzzle of a dragon.

There wasn't even the hint of shame on its angular and long face, either! The darkest part of the muzzle wasn't exactly chewing on the hair, but had not put it down with her long and slow slightly-shocked look at it.

Mischief was in those teal eyes, though. The start of a graceful shiny black crest cascaded down its long neck, framed by black horn buds. The face of this dragon descended, going under the table and bringing her long braid with it!?

"Excuse me?" Lothniswen finally declared, "that is - my - hair?"

I know! It's lovely, you should show it off more!

Now, Lothniswen knew that dragons could speak into minds. She'd felt only two of them do so, though, and they were markedly different from this one. She did know that it was the dragon in question, however. It was extremely clear! The little scamp was dragging her hair away from her head and unraveling all her work?

She still felt the tugging, as she attempted in vain to gather her braid. But when she reached the end of it, it was not actually in the dragon's mouth any longer! The face of that mottled dragon was across the other side of the table! And for all the world, looked to be grinning at her. But there was still the tug and tug of effort opposing her, how was this possible?

It's me, I'm doing it, the dragon asserted, and suddenly two of the dinner rolls left in the basket nearby floated up. But with that done, the hair ceased to be wandering on its own, and Lothniswen nearly flopped over from her own effort to reclaim it. That put her nearer the dragon, however.

"You - you," she fumbled for words as much as her hands tangled with her hair. But finally she sat back up and took a huffy moment or two to asses if there was any damage. There was none... though the end where the dragon had been holding it was a little damp. "You are ill-behaved," Lothniswen finally said.

It's a party to enjoy yourself, and I'm enjoying this a lot, the dragon replied, still with a strange joy. When Lothniswen attempted forlornly to return her hair to its bundled state, the dragon walked nearer once more to her other side, clamboring onto the booth seat with some difficulty, as those wings of hers were very large already. She - how did the elfess know the dragon was a female? - gave a draconic sigh and wrested control over the braid. You can take a break, I will put it back. I remember how it looked.

In the corner of her eye, the elf saw her own hair moving as though by magic, which it was, sort of... The dragon's magic held it aloft and seemed to be actually doing it right? Fascinated, and finally realizing that she didn't really have much of a choice in this lest she draw too much attention or shout about it, she let the dragonet re-fold her braid and settle it back. You can use the tie thing now, I'll hold your hair up if you want.

She did, and did Lothniswen also feel the faintest resistance where the magic was holding that cleverly-twisted bundle of hair? The dragon's magic was tangible? She was also warm, when the dragon laid her neck over her shoulder and nuzzled her jaw. There, now you are perfect just like you are supposed to be!

"I'm hardly-"

You are perfect to me whether your hair is up or down, my friend, the dragon's mind was much, much stronger though not aggressive with that said. I will accompany you now, if you are willing to have me. Even though I'm ill-behaved.

How could she respond? The sparkling eyes of this dragon were emblazened in her mind, even with her own eyes closed. Was this what it was like for her friends Tirithoron and Amathim? If the dragon could reach into her mind, which she could, she already knew how surprised and awed this had made Lothniswen. There was something gently moving through the elf's mind.

"Lomnuth, I am certain that you are better behaved than all that. After all," Lothniswen proclaimed carefully, picking up her fork and beginning to eat as casually as before, "you set things right, no harm done. I think we could make a good life together."

There was a brilliant confidence glowing through her mind from the dragon's, this was certainly going to be much more interesting than merely going home with memories!


Bond: Ansiel Venvalur, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: Between three and two hours before the midnight bell, a pair of tall and long (one was tall, the other long, both quite a bit higher at the shoulder than even most other dragons) came from one of the hatching nooks. While the oil-dark sire was like a shadow to his brightly calico marked mate, all the hatchlings displayed a wide array of markings between them! He tried to get a better look but quite a few people were between him and the dance floor. By design, really.

Ansiel was not entirely comfortable at the party, but that was mainly because he hardly had the opportunity to leave his duties back home. He did, however, feel reasonably good about being allowed or even encouraged to show off his wings; something that might have been out of place among mortals or regular folk. Here... the 'regular' folks were of such a staggering array of wild he hardly was the weirdest thing at the party.

I don't think you're weird, a voice appeared in his mind. That felt... odd, even for a seer - usually he could scrye for things, seeking information and individuals that others would then collect or aid. This was a mind that came directly to him.

It added a moment later, after Ansiel pondered this, Well maybe a little weird... He could all but feel the eyes belonging to that mind roll in amusement.

"I'm not... I'm not weird," Ansiel said, wondering now just where it had come from. Then he heard a little 'cough cough', and realized that many people were openly staring at him. His wings abruptly vanished, he stood as though having been caught at the cookie jar. But he didn't even know why?

Because now you're talking to yourself, jibed that mind. It was male, it was ... a dragon. The dragon sitting on the white marble floor in front of him, cloudy dark and pale greys across his head and shoulders, brilliant shiny white wings held carefully nested against his body. There would be dark horns coming from those odd giraffe-like horns on his head, and a bright crest of some kind though neither of those things had developed beyond nubs. I think you should take some time off, I can have you home in time for work. I'll... need some help with my studies too.

"Your - your studies?"

You can't expect me to learn how to do that, the dragon nodded his head at Ansiel's wings which had re-appeared, if I don't have proper training, do you? You can hook me up, right?

"I... suppose that I can!" The dragon finally announced himself as Xusanyth, a word that rolled around in Ansiel's mind, and it was one he'd get used to speaking once they got home, he'd get to introduce the dragon to just everyone!


Bond: Irhtos, Voluntary Companionship
Meeting Notes: They'd arrived in the thick of things, and it was pretty overwhelming to all of them. Well, maybe not to Aseir, but if he showed anything deeper than a sigh or a snarl it was a surprise. The group of candidates had been sort of pulled out of nowhere anyway, even if it was expected of locals to the Warren as an eventuality, Irhtos was still a bit taken aback by all of this. She'd maybe expected to be put in front of Hathian eggs, maybe sent to a 'traditional' locale. But this was very, very not traditional at all. A little intimidating. She remained in her human guise out of habit, but then realized as they walked into the venue, gawking... there were plenty of people who were also not human there. Tall black and white people with four arms and big hair, gently rainbow colored folk with not-quite-humanoid tails or wings and hands that were hoof-like, folks with horns and with feathers and...

She shifted out of her human shape, and no one (aside from her companions) batted an eye. This place was amazing! She felt herself swept up a little, just a little, when the aerial stunt teams were performing as they came in. Irhtos spotted several people who were more or less her age group, some of them flying around on their own brightly marked wings up in the ballroom's massive airspace once it cleared of that performance. Some of them were pretty young looking, already tired out from the night's adventure, but they'd probably gotten there way earlier than she and her gang of new companions.

There was food, drinking (well, for adults, and they had some kind of magic in place that prevented her from even seeing 'inappropriate' drinks at the big wet bar), gambling and gaming in another area. And though she wasn't technically alone, she'd wandered away from their group pretty quickly. Well one of them had just up and vanished, where he went to was an absolute mystery to her, and honestly? None of her business, really... she'd learned to not pry. Either way, there was food and entertainment and so many people - and dragons.

Many, many dragons. They had already obviously started hatching before the group's arrival, that was certain. In addition to the ones that were announced by virtue of a pause on the dance floor, bunches of little ones with checkerboard-patterned wings already scampered past bearing trays and carrying items or leading people to destinations. She knew, too, that there was tension among the leadership of her own group - something something big nasties, but... again, it didn't seem immediately to be her problem. Her duty here was to find a dragon partner, and she focused on the ones that were coming out toward the end of the 'third hour', right before the 'second hour to midnight' on the big clock above the dance floor.

They were stately, gorgeous things. And large, certainly, according to some of the folks attending the ball anyway (she'd seen much bigger, but held her tongue). The hatchlings were still a little on the bumbly side, still a little rounded around the edges where their parents were sleek and sharp. They would have long horns, high crests, elegantly held tails. They had big wings already, and one of them held his high and stretched, she knew the feeling! It was nice to actually get out there with your wings up and able to catch a breeze.

He didn't fold them back down, but he did spot Irhtos among the gathered folk on the ballroom floor. People had given her a little room when she unconsciously stretched her wings - she abruptly brought them under control, but remained in her drasis form. The dark and grey marked dragon continued to approach and indeed it was a good thing folks were opening a path since his wings would be quite big. Behind him and the others around, it seemed that his sire was watching closely, possibly even communicating with his young.

That young dragonet gave a strange blink, and then rose unsteadily to his hind feet. His tail propped him up a little, as...

"You're a shifter too," Irhtos whispered, breathless.

"You can help teach me, I might teach you too." He replied, "I am Migsulth, I will come back with you." He was confident, but he did wobble, and returned to a four-footed shape while he was falling backwards, rolling onto his big wings. Irhtos stifled a laugh, and helped right him on his four feet.

"I think we'll start with balance!"


Bond: Calietosth, Sponsorship
Meeting Notes: Even if the rest of the clutch hatched and were presented to the dragons and then the bipeds at the Ball, there was one who remained by her mother's side. Not shyly, not because she feared the larger dragons or the mass of people. The pale winged dragonet watched with wide eyes, took everything in, quietly and calmly. She held her head in a refined manner, occasionally peering into nooks they passed by, or sniffing at the new, strange smells that the venue offered.

Finally, however, Calietosth nuzzled her daughter - the one who looked most like her, really, with lighter wings and the added crest and horn nubs that her sire offered being the only significant visual differences. She wasn't chatty, like a few in the nest, clearly preferring a quiet approach, and telepathy. Calie clearly felt the little dragon listening in on her mind, she was very perceptive in that regard.

Have you found your One? Calietosth asked, when the night was nearly over. Most of her clutch mates had found friends, bonds, partners. Even the little checkerboarded 'knockoffs' were being carried by or following their chosen around.

I have not, she replied, but I might not find one here anyway. If I do need to, I'm sure there will be someone eventually.

She looked up to her mother, head sweetly tilted, and Calie just saw a mirror of herself, heart melting.

Then I will take you home, it will feel good to have more than just a fond memory of this event.

I don't know, I found this thing, she held up a dragon-sized 'goodie bag' which swayed with weight, I think there's a lot of stuff in it that will remind us!


Bond: Asco Zammis, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: Asco Zammis was unafraid to stand in the mass of people that churned on the dance floor; though they didn't really know any of the dances, it didn't look like most of the others had a clue what they were doing either. With a laugh and smile, friendly bumping-into-each-other, Zammis felt more alive than ever at this party. They didn't forget that they were there in an official capacity, of course, but representing the Heimdall wasn't necessarily their only duty here. Making contacts, connnections, friends? All part and parcel. The dragons were their priority.

When they'd first arrived as a group, Zammis, Merete, and Diggory agreed that they would meet back up on a regular basis to make sure that things were going smoothly. Merete seemed to be so... doting, it almost felt out of place around so many people, but then maybe the older man needed a little bit of that to remind him how important family was.

I think it is very important too, the voice came to Zammis not in their ears, but... in their head? The shifter looked around a touch confused. The stage show gearing up was filled with dragons, both inside and ... outside(!?) the venue, clearly visible through the tall glass windows, and their warbling, low-frequency song blotted out most other sounds in Zammis' hearing.

But this voice wasn't in their ears. Asco looked around again and realized that while the Stage was being set up, a group of dragonets had been presented. Halfway through 'hour three' heading toward 'two hours to midnight', these incredibly graceful noodles ('graceful' and 'noodles' those were certainly words...) parted the dancers on the big ballroom floor and began blending in with this group or that crowd.

One of them sat near Asco, looking directly at them, head tilted, buds of brightly white horns sprouted on her head. She abruptly shifted from a dragon into a humanoid with wings and a tail. Shiny, with a fluff of hair instead of a flopped-over crest. She looked just as surprised as Asco. "I might need some help with this," she said, "I know you can help me, can't you?"

There was a tingling in the back of their mind, as Asco blinked once and nodded slowly, gaining confidence as they reached down to help the little dragon-person up. She wobbled, her tail sort of flopping around trying to get balance right. Asco chuckled.

"Well there's your main problem," they said, "you need to lean forward when you stand, your wings and tail are very heavy!"

Just as she was about to stand on her own, the calico-shiny dragonet shifted back into a four-legged shape, landing on sure paws. I think I will stay this way a while...

Oh, she was passing it off as having been on purpose, and Asco knew it! Still, though, they didn't have to kneel much to be at eye level with the dragon's. "It takes time and practice."

I want you to show me, we have time. I'll be with you. You're the right one. Not all of us want to be part of a pair, but I do. I will be your family forever.

A rumbling from another nearby dragon seemed to be aimed at the little one: that was one tall noodle... Black, with the long swept back horns that Asco knew would be found on the adult form of this calico-marked dragonet. The pair seemed to be talking to one another in a draconic tongue. And proudly, the black dragon nudged his offspring with a gentle paw before sniffing Zammis over thoroughly. "I approve," the dragon commented, and went on his way.

That took Asco a little by surprise, but they could feel the dragon's mind, deeply satisfied, completely sure of herself, in their own. They would never be alone, and they did have time. Tserrith is my name, by the way, I can't wait to help you when I'm big enough!


Bond: ( Currently open, Yakima has AU unbreedable if it goes up)


Bond: Meena, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: She took everything in, with wide eyes and ears. Not in the mouth-gaping way that some of the attendees seemed to show, but in the gathering of information manner. Meena was the first to eagerly read up on all the breeds found at this unusual event, though she was a little unnerved at how the pre-printed pamplhet handed to everyone as they came in seemed to actively change to a language she could read... Then again, this entire thing was so magical it was hard to avoid all the ways it affected every aspect of the Ball. She did guess correctly that many of the light fixtures and other items were mechanical, technical, rather than powered by magic.

The big clock on the wall, for instance, was very much magical. Elegant, a timepiece fitting of the rest of the theme. Soon enough it showed about two and a half hours until the Midnight bell, and a steady stream of dragonets had already come through the main ballroom. They would cause the dancing to pause, or at least part, and it was amusing to watch how people bumped and bumbled against one another, like floating lilypads moving with a splash.

But there were new dragons now, tall and long and sleek. Even though young, and small, the hatchlings proudly marched through the area, or slunk off to the shadows, or leapt into the middle of the dance floor as was their preference.

And one of them stood carefully in front of Meena. Her mottled hide was blotched with large patches of 'color', all grey.

It occurred to Meena that she'd just ascribed a gender to this dragon, that was somewhat odd, perhaps even rude.

"No, you are correct," the dragonet spoke, clear and confident, with a higher voice than a dragon might - but a child? "I am going to come home with you, but... I will want aid in learning spells. Can you help me do that?"

Suddenly flooded with emotion, uncharacteristically for her, Meena sucked in a breath and nodded weakly. "I ... if I cannot, I can probably find someone to do that, yes."

The dragonet nodded, her horn buds not yet long enough to be dangerous, but given the parents of this nest, they absolutely would be soon. "Good. I might need other things," she extended her somewhat chubby paw inexpertly, and it shimmered a little into what looked much more like a humanoid hand, "but I will practice, and will be able to stand with you." When Meena's attention went back to the dragon's head, it was also more humanoid, with a face, rather than a muzzle. But the rest of her was still largely draconic, so she didn't try to stand on feet rather than paws.

"That is quite impressive for a young one like you," Meena said, "I think, anyway. I will help you, you'll make the Court proud."

Black Pawns
Boccada (shard)

Bond: Vui'veda, Sponsorship (multi)
Meeting Notes: (see also Enes)

He was early, which admittedly was a touch odd. Vui'veda had the tendancy to crash existing parties, not be promptly on time for them! Well okay he wasn't a party crasher so much, but even he was hoping that he didn't attract unwanted attention. But! He had that weirdly tingling sensation that he knew was because of his family - go there, do that! (At least, he claimed it was because of that, not wrong...) The place was filled with dragons - oh, he finally noticed that dragons on their own would be filtered to this one much larger side of the...

Woah, the place was covered in a dome, clear, and miles under the sea? Now that was a place you wouldn't typically expect to find a party! And while he could easily shift into a bipedal form (maybe he'd do that later), it felt like a lot of these dragons wanted their moment to let loose too. Most of them were obviously attached to people on the other side, but a fair few - particularly a number that prowled around looking too spikey and badass for their own good - were anything but attached.

Speaking of attached, there were events that might play hook-up or nudge some relationship sparks? Heh, well, maybe later. For now, Vui'veda spent a decent amount of time bouncing from one conversation to the next, listening to stories of hunts and battles here, watching a magic demonstration there. All of these things could hardly compete with the stars of the show, though. Every once in a while, one of the nests of dragonets would be announced (in whatever format their parents desired, apparently) and the young would be shown off.

Big and small, burly and noodly, all with only the shades of grey, black, and white that this event promised. For the most part Vui'veda gave them room, some of them were teensy, a few would be around his size when they were grown. Some... much larger. A few of those 'hatchlings' could look him right in the eye?

One of them did. Well, in the eye because the dragonet was hanging from an overhead beam, clutching it with all four paws worth of short, sharp claws. The beam wasn't wood, it was definitely metal, and it didn't make a screeching sound even though the dragon's body was very-slowly-sinking downwards.

Hey, it said. Heard you like parties. Turns out, I like parties too.

It was upside down, still trying to get a good look around itself, when it just outright plopped onto the ground... But somehow had managed to right itself and didn't break its little spine in the process.

Nice wings, Vui'veda stated, it was true, those big big wings would serve this dragon well in the future.

Thanks, I can't say I made em myself, but I'll make em work myself! Can I come with you? I mean I don't have to but--

Of course you can! (continued EVER)

Vencada Bond: Hoith and Elgy Multibond, not technically involving Ari
Meeting Notes: (continued from Hoith) They'd only been waiting around 15 minutes when Hoith chittered madly, happily, and could hardly contain himself as another group of dragons slunk through the venue. While their bigger counterparts were nosing around looking for someone to hang out with, their knockoffs spread like wildfire into the ballroom and all its corners. A shiny dark one arrived to sit in front of the slightly-smaller hatchling, and they had a conversation that went right over Ari's perception. So now they had... a follower. Very long and slinky, it wrapped itself around Hoith and looked carefully around, following every move that the other dragon made. Hoith did have to introduce the dragon, Vencada, to the others as they came forward, and Vencada pretended to be aloof each time.

Bond: Esali, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: She all but stuck her tongue out at Leyui as she packed her night bag and walked with pride toward the huge bronze dragon on the landing flat. Even if a lot of things had changed for Caledrus Hold in her parents lifetime, things had settled into a routine now, and that routine had been disrupted by Leyui - so Esali felt like it was her turn to shake things. That girl was furious, unsearched, would never likely find a dragon pair to share her mind with. Good. Maybe she would eventually quit the healer's guild - maybe they would just kick her out, because she didn't know a thing about dragon wings or intestines or even gryphon health.

Esali's parents weren't entirely sure what was really going on here, because they knew that their firstborn and strong minded daughter had been searched, but... they had no idea where she was headed. They didn't know whether they'd even see her again. But she promised them, should there be a dragon, she would be able to visit. That was the biggest change in their sixty years: the dragons would come, live with some folks even away from the weyrs and... caers, whatever those were. Some folks had never quite realized they were no longer on the 'old world' of Pern. Or that dragons could come in the colors that they did here.

When Esali and several others climbed to the harness pannier along Synesth's elegant neck, she realized that this dragon was far bigger than those that often visited from the Caer. He was big enough to hold a dozen, after all... She was unafraid though. Even when they swept into the air, his great wings slicing through the early morning fog, and then - through black, chill, endless void. They arrived... somewhere. Odd.

Her ears popped, she heard the others also talking like they'd felt it too. And while most of the group headed straight into the archway carved into the side of this rugged hill, Esali paused. She turned to Synesth, "thank you, what a ride!"

The dragon gave a low, bone-shaking purr of pride.

The party greeters suggested that her bag and cloak could be stored - they had room, they had ways of keeping track of whose was where. Her instinct was to keep it with her, after all Leyui had once soiled her gear as a 'prank', one that could have killed their patient if it had been a real injury. Yet, there was something about the broad squat man that endeared her to the idea, and she handed her things to him. His unnaturally brilliant green eyes glittered, he gathered those things, then chipperly interrupted himself with another hello, visitor! as he spotted the people behind her. Esali had to just hope that she remembered to pick up her things later...

She'd arrived with an early group, but very soon the ballroom was bustling with activity. Music played from a nook, but also there were acts upon a massive Stage. The area above the ballroom floor was filled with people too, flying with their flitters or small dragons, some with wings, and some just- hovering there! Magic? She had hardly known that things like that existed. Esali did watch with interest when a minor incident occurred with one of those littler dragons smacking a flit out of their performance, her own classes hadn't yet gotten to the small creatures but it was all the same in theory. A bone broken is a bone to set, after all.

A group of dragons every other candlemark it seemed, came from the dragon-side of this big busy place, and while she was resting up from one energetic dance with a handsome ... person (he had fur, she wasn't sure what kind of creature to call him, but he was still a man shape so he was still a man!) one particular dragonet slunk toward her. Not in a sneaky-sneaky manner, not to surprise, and not to avoid being seen either. Just that they were currently trying to avoid being smushed by the loud, foot-stomping rabbit people on the dance floor, and the dragonet hadn't yet mastered flight.

But they surely would, with the size of those wings!

"Whew," the dragon gasped, in the safe area near the wide table she sat at. The dragon put its head on the table, just able to reach it from a sitting posture. Big for a hatchling, but not as big as the 'pieces' in that nest that were also finding their new bonds. "I can see why you needed a break... Dancing is dangerous!"

Esali laughed, "well it's not the dancing, it's the bumping into people or getting stepped on part." She looked at the dragon's long tail and big wings, "you did a good job not doing either of those."

I did didn't I! The dragonet's mind touched hers, and while Esali was already a little dizzy headed from dancing and the champagne served, she... recognized that this mind was quite intimate. Not like the ones from the bonded pairs helping learn at the Guild, and not like Synesth's, this one...

I am Relcada, you seem like you could use a partner and I would like to be that partner. It paused for just a moment, their mind still seeking something, beyond just Esali's comfort. I will be honest, the dragon leaned their head onto her lap, I am pretty tired, we did some practice earlier, I guess I overdid it. We were learning about teleporting.

"Wait you already ... you already can go between?" Esali was stunned. Her training, generally speaking from a Pernese group of dragon healers, had hinted that dragons didn't learn how to do that until they were half-adults! And while this dragonet clearly wasn't fresh-hatched (somehow) it seemed so shocking. Also shocking was that they spoke verbally, but this night of surprises was hardly over.

"I can, yeah, I ... got a bit lost, there were things I wanted to see! I could show you later, they were really interesting." The lolling head of this dragon was sleek, white over grey, and those long head-knobs had the starts of what looked like horns, sort of like the Alskyran dragons that sometimes visited Caledrus. "Not-quite-dad helped me learn how to find landmarks. Did you know there were landmarks?"

With a tremendously long-held breath finally let out, Esali shook her head and whispered, "no I did not."

In her mind, then, Relcada implanted a vision of an island, not like Paniya, or any other she'd seen on maps at the Hold. More like...

"That's the Healing Den," Esali said, in her own odd daze, "I recognize the landing area, that's where Synesth and Hollis brought us, to visit this party!" She mentally 'narrowed her eyes' and looked through the dragon's mental image, it wasn't quite as clear as her own eyes might bring but then that might have been both because it was through a dragon's faceted vision, and a memory at that. "See, the sign above the tunnel, it matches, it matches you!"

She suddenly laughed, "Oh my, Relcada, you're just like the invitations and the napkins," the dragon's wings lifted up a little, showing that impossibly marked underside of checkerboards. She paused, just a little, thinking on it, "my Relcada. We'll figure out how to go from place to place... And I think I will try and find another healer's guild, so I can attend dragons in need with you."

That sounds perfect, my Esali.


Bond: Zolgrinas, Voluntary Companionship
Meeting Notes: He was big, clad all in black, but he didn't hold himself like any of the locals. He wasn't a bodyguard for someone in the delegation on the balcony talking shop, nor a sentry to stand watch at the entry to the other portions of the venue. No, those things were painfully obvious by the fact that he was a demon, just-not-human-looking enough that no one would mistake him for a local. But also hardly out of the norm for this party. That fact alone brought Zolgrinas a little bit of boldness, a touch of confidence in something other than his battle prowess.

He spotted several people that matched him in size and musculature - including at least one that was most definitely a host of the event - he didn't feel all that out of place among what seemed to be a largely-human gathering. That thought fluttered around and faded as he got closer looks at things, some of which... fluttered around his head before giggling and flying up to dance with other fey or draconic people in the rafters above.

As several nests of dragons came through the place, he watched eagerly. Dragons were quite different here, weren't they? From one another, as well as anything found on his own home. Idly he flipped through the little pamphlet that one of the greeters had handed him, wondered what was in that goodie bag (smelled like something sweet, and possibly something liquid?). He found himself looking over the last page with descriptions and images, grunted to himself. "Pointy bits, might keep some away."

"Might interest others," someone commented.

Without looking up, he gave a sideways nod, "perhaps, army's always looking for new ways to spear things through."

"You are not looking for that," that same someone said, and suddenly Zolgrinas realized 'someone' was looking right over his shoulder, peering with some difficulty at the booklet he had on the table. "You are looking for some peace, aren't you? But sometimes peace has a cost."

A sharp dragon face, not like the ones at the end of the book, more like ones toward the front... Blinked and finally rested their chin on his shoulder. "I might help you pay that cost, if you want. I might not be big enough for you to ride," it glanced away at what appeared to be its 'parent' clutch - who were quite a bit bigger than this little hatchling with the black backed checkerboard wings. "But I can already fly, and I think I can learn how to do some magic. I liked listening to our not-father's spellcasting lessons. I won't be very good at it? But maybe it will be enough."

A strange wave of confidence and ... and what? What was the mood he'd discovered? It had been so long since there were things other than dread, anger, and exhaustion in his life. Anticipation? Optimism? It came through him like a storm, little wisps at first and then a gale of emotion. It was not a truly magical bond or an impression, like some he'd read in that book, but it was a true pairing indeed. Dewcada finally introduced themselves formally and might be the tipping point for the demon's escape from his endless toil.


Bond: Shion Sponsorship, Multibond with Niocada and Gyocada (white pawn)
Meeting Notes: Now this was a party! Shion entered the big ballroom and passers by could have sworn he had stars in his eyes. He had to pace himself as he wandered the floor. There were people he wanted to talk to, tilted an ear to their corner and waited for a good moment to nudge in, got the information he wanted to tuck away, and moved on. There were dragons aplenty, and as each clutch of them were paraded across the ballroom he greeted them in his draconic form. And food and drink? Covered, amazing, outstanding.

Shion spent a while gazing out the big arched windows that framed the Stage, baffled at the way the dimensions blended together seamlessly on the outside as well as brought together such a staggering array of beings on the inside. Those beings... well, they did include some dragons that any sane person might have carefully excluded. But then he realized: no, no, neutral ground was neutral ground. They weren't stirring the pot, it could have gone badly if they hadn't been allowed to come. He did keep his eye on them. After all, they certainly were keeping their eyes on everyone here.

As he did a pass around the casino and karaoke bar he had the opportunity to also chip in on the sly to a conversation regarding another attendee - someone in another part of the ballroom thankfully - and delighted in the chittering gossip and speculation. He didn't even know them; he didn't have to, they had described that guy perfectly.

He realized there was a tattoo parlor or something nearby, he could smell that oddly distinct aroma of antiseptic on a few passers-by, fresh ink was very distinct in its whiff. At least in his semi-draconic form, it was easy to detect. His humanoid nose, not so much. He did smell more of those amazing fajitas being prepared when he was closer to the ballroom's bar, and hung out while that was piled onto the buffet table. He'd have to work off some of this stuff - maybe he'd fly around the ballroom's big ceiling area, there were people and dragons doing it already. As long as they didn't decide to drag him down to the dance floor, that was a nope.

Why not dance? Inquiring minds want to know!

He glanced around mouth half-full of beef strips and red peppers.

You'd look so cool dancing! It's not like other dragon people aren't doing it.

Two minds, distinct but... not. He swallowed the spicy food, unabashedly licked his lips and face clean (advantage: dragon), and gazed around. His practiced eye caught the presence of new dragons on the ballroom floor, but as had been the case for quite a few of these presentations, the dancing never really stopped for them, just got out of their way.

The clock says it's almost two hours until midnight! But you don't want to stay that late, why? Can we meet this person? Are they fun? Are they a dragon, or not a dragon? Why aren't they here? Can we come?

The endless barrage of questions - he'd heard such a thing before, mostly while shopping or dealing with tourists and families. Finally he saw the sources of these chipper and amused voices. Two dragonets in specific - two knockoffs if that's what they were calling these smaller-sized ones. Both shades of grey, one shinier than the other but they were still obviously from the same genetic line.

Gyocada, one of them said, with their black-nosed head held high.

Niocada, the other replied, butting their own white-marked face into their sibling's air space. But instead of starting a squabble as Shion had seen plenty of times ("he's touching me!" "you started it!") the other one pressed up against their cohort and they presented themselves as a team.

... A good team. Shion's eyes narrowed with a grin. As he led the pair to the hatchling feed area, he began answering their questions one by one.

PB7 (adopt)
PB8 (adopt)
White Pawns

Bond: Peter Prideman, Voluntary Multibond (story also for Edasheva)
Meeting Notes: Though he was part of the 'delegation', if you could call it that, from Carramba, Peter was apt to hang with the other crews that were on the Stage and behind it - he was part of the big drag show (not dragon show, that came on later!) that professor Hidalgo and Miss Sanguine put on. It was an absolute hit, there were so many headdresses and sometimes headwings, feather boas and sometimes feathered boa snakes... He was the youngest on the stage at that time, but there were others that were around his age aside from the students he knew. He did know when to cut out of the group activity, since they were heading to one of the more 'mature audience' bars scattered around the venue to schmooze. Peter let them, he knew he'd be getting so much extra credit for this bash... Hidalgo was quite happy with his performance.

Peter heard strange words, accents that he'd never encountered on campus (which was saying something, given that it was a nexus world) so he listened in on the exotic speech. And though he did spot one of his professors among the crowd, he realized that the other was not 'in costume' - and he was one of the few who could say he knew that Nachos California was also Keenan Lane. Approaching the always-formal Lane, Peter was greeted with that quirky smirk the old man often displayed. "Impressive work out there," he said, "but the night is young. Don't wear yourself out, you might need the energy later."

The man then smoothly turned to one of his strange companions and that conversation was over. Peter wondered what he meant. Spending the next two hours mingling and showing off - there were other superheroes in training, and even a couple fully-licenced ones in attendance - he did get a strange itchy feeling later. Like something was watching him. He kept his cool, kept his mouth full with the insanely good stir-fry, and looked around for the source of this oddity.

With abilities like his, he had to know who to select for either duplicating powers, or negating them. If he did the wrong one, or choose a team mate, that might mean disaster in the field. Odd though, the feeling vanished when he tried looking for its source. Like it was hiding. Hm. He rose from the group table, excusing himself politely, and headed around the dance floor. He'd already done the dancing, lots of it, his legs were feeling it. No, this trip around the room was to get any 'ping' responses from his mental energy. Peter yoinked another stick of dango dumplings, and ate them (stick and all, he wasn't picky... he could eat anything)(those fangs weren't just for show... and Miss Sanguine was quite intrigued by them... having her own) while looking casually at some of those now-dim archways. They had brightened and opened during the course of the evening, with the dragons that hatched for the event coming from them and distributing themselves among the patrons of the party.

It was getting kind of late, an hour until midnight, when he felt the ping again. This time it was two-fold: he got a buzzing like tinnitus or the way your mouth felt during a dental numbing... Weird. This time, however, he spotted a location that seemed to be the sensation's source. Up on one of the balconies, he hoped he could reach it in time. He was getting a bit weary, wouldn't want to miss the next hour's events.

We don't want you to miss it either, he heard. He knew from experience that this was telepathic speech, even though it sounded like he'd been whispered to.

Well I know I don't want to miss it, but I still don't know what the 'it' is.

Well you'll see, won't you?

So... there were definitely two of them. And, from what he could tell, it was ... two dragons. Those two dragons, who had seated themselves up in one of the smaller private booths overlooking the entire ballroom. It was only designed for about five humanoid shapes, but then they were hatchlings, and neither of them was going to be tremendously large like some at the event. The one, dark, sat with its chin on its thick-clawed hands (they were hands, they looked much more like hands than the paws on the other one) looking down at the event. The other, brightly white, held its head up and watched as Peter approached.

Dun dun dunnnn! He arrives! At last!

With that, Peter chuckled and bowed with a flourish. "I have arrived! And ... who might you both be?"

We decided that you would be good to go with, and each other.

We might not be as powerful as our big sibs, the dark one announced, but we will do our best to show off what we can do.

I am Yencada, and this is Edasheva, your shoulder angel and devil, at your service.

Now how did a dragon that was barely three hours old even know what that was?!


Bond: Faeji Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: The family was, if anything, somewhat relieved that their youngest would at least have something to do with herself. She was a smart girl, a healthy child, and her skills might have been of more use to a weaver's guild than a dragonry, but... Well, perhaps they needed someone with those hands. They hadn't realized that dragons might come to their children, and hoped for the best. But they also prepared themselves, as she was gathering her dress and comfortable dancing shoes; they might not see her again. She might be lost to dangers that dragons fought, she might be too busy at a Weyr or wherever dragons could roost, to come home to them now and again. They did love her. But it was also time that she, as an adult, did what she could do for herself.

They hadn't realized that she only packed enough for this Ball - she would be back because she had her life with them to account for! But she blissfully left that out of her excited if teary-eyed exit from their home. She hadn't anticipated the place they would be arriving, either. Not unprepared for a ball, but ...

"Oh my hair," she muttered, Faeji pawed at it. Normally curled, now almost poofy with the strange humidity of this place. Why was it so humid?

Speechless, she looked at the sea-floor view outside the ball's window, and knew. This was approximately as far as one could get from the high, desert air of her home Hold. Rather than become concerned, worried, or even frightened (she spotted each of those things on some of her companions, as well as random strangers at this ball!) Faeji decided that it was a party first, and a scary undersea domed city second. Faeji met with the approval of the tan-skinned and incredibly pretty woman at the one desk, who seemed to be more like the weaver's guild head examining her work. She was proud to show off her broad skirt and ruffled tunic: she'd made them herself.

There were familiar looking knots and rank sigils on a small portion of people attending this big ball, but Faeji was intrigued by a wide variety of the people. Some of them had fur, long tails, and she even recognized the look of distress on another of those furry types, whose own head of brilliantly white-silver hair had puffed up just like her own. They shared a laugh, complimented each other's attire, went dancing with their appropriately dapper partners. The man Faeji had danced with was human, this other girl's was... well, a lion? And if his mane was frizzy no one could tell!

This was the life, Faeji thought. There were official looking folk up on the balcony, groups of younger teenagers - some human, many not - scattering through the place and dancing or trying to sneak a drink from the bar (they failed to get the alcoholic ones, thanks to some diligent little colorful flitters shooing them away). So finally, after an hour or more of dancing and brief breaks, looking for places to watch people and sneak a touch or even boldly ask to feel the weight of a cloth wrap on an attendee, Faeji finally plopped herself down on a black cushioned booth seat overlooking one portion of the ballroom floor.

This IS the life, a thought repeated within her mind, but it wasn't her mental voice. I found the meat, I know where you are but now I'm too tired to go up all those stairs, what is up with all these stairs!

There was a pause. As if Faeji knew there would be more to this.

WAIT I have wings. We trained for this, I know how to fly, I can ...

"Give my legs a rest!" The voice was the same as in her mind, but this dragon, this dragon was speaking. To her.

Had she been more simple-minded (like her elder sister) she might have fainted dead away. But then again Forrei would faint from being surprised in the hallway.

I would like to meet them, I could sneak up on them and give them such a--

"No! No, she's ... my sister is delicate," Faeji tapped her forehead, "she's not ... suited to dragons." She looked away and faintly added, "she's not really suited to anything but I guess that's fine."

"I am glad you are suited, you suit me. Aren't those things called suits too? Can you make me one?" The dragon was lookingat a group of very finely dressed young men leading a group dance on the ball floor below. With their long nose pointing at them, Faeji noticed that the backs of their head knobs would surely have horns growing from them, but also that fine, shiny black crest. What a handsome dragonet. "Thank you," the dragon asserted, apparently just reading her mind.

Am I not supposed to? You're my one, Faeji, I am your Zaicada. I chose you because I like how you looked at people, I like looking too! But you are the one that stood out to me.

Faeji blushed, this dragon's mind was sure, honest, and embedded deeply into her own by now. They could make a good team, now, couldn't they? She could ... fly far and wide to find the right materials, make the finest cloth and deliver it with style!

"Well you stand out to me too, Zaicada," the lack of that -th name, kind of strange. But again... tonight was a night of surprises!


Bond: Eh Hyeng, Voluntary Companionship
Meeting Notes: The Earthbender liked traveling with the others. Eh Hyeng had hardly ever stepped off of the island she'd been born on, and they had stories of their own places that she listened to. Fiddling with any given piece of crystal while they were transported to Ski'nahket in the middle of the desert, she enjoyed their tales. That desert caught her attention, parts of it had a tremendous amount of crystal either under it or ground to sand. And let's not mince words: she saw how Kallah Vahh watched her, did he sense her sensing that crystal? Possibly? It was highly likely that he'd been the one to send those tutors for her as she developed her first very strong shaping power.

And now, he was there to escort a decent sized group of people - natives of that world, or otherwise like the Benders - into ... this thing, this massive ring of metal and electricity, focused by a dozen crystals. And had she the time to examine those, she would have been captivated by the stories they could tell, as they were each from a different distinct world or even dimension.

But the party! The party they reached through it was stunning. As Siji bolted off to find the booze and trouble, and Lumada staggered up to the big windows showing the depths of the sea they were under, Eh Hyeng gently took Runzon's elbow and helped guide him along. He wasn't blind, but he was nice and warm and smart.

He watched most of the party from 'beyond' as his body went inert, which was at first a little weird, but she'd heard of such things from those tutors. But that simply meant that she got to enjoy the Stage shows, colorful and amazing dragons, bright illusions, and acrobats alike, knowing that he also had a very good view instead of squinting so hard to see. Every once in a while, several times an hour it seemed, there were dragons that would come from the big archways - attracting her magical attention, it wasn't just that there were doors, they magically opened and closed, altering the stone or metal. And she was very, very keen on seeing those up close.

She got the chance, something seemed to be gnawing at her, even after they'd had a meal. She liked the spiced vegetables, diced meats, even the checkerboard-patterned cake afterwards. But she was still... hungry. Curious, a little oddly wobbly as she got up and walked toward the side of the ballroom that held those archways. When one of them opened, it was to show a giant black dragon, and an equally large but lower to the ground and noodly calico grey one... and their procession of babies! They walked or trotted or faceplanted or wove among the guests. Their patterns were glorious, some calico like their momma, others with spots or points, and then there were a large number of them with solidly black wing backs and... checkerboards underneath?

They scattered, like marbles in a game, or like shards of broken glass. And one of them stepped right up to her.

You don't want to drop that, it'll break... the voice in her mind was clear and smooth, like crystal itself. It was only then that she noticed that while she'd been holding a wine glass in one hand, her grip on it had completely gone as she watched the dragons' arrival and it was... hovering in mid-air just at knee level.

Without pause the dragon then stated, I am Oddcada, can you help me grow strong with this? I still have pieces of my shell, it looked behind itself and sure enough there were several large nearly-intact shell bits hovering improbably behind them. It wasn't the whole thing, clearly there was around a third of the shell that couldn't be kept. I'd like to see about making this into something. Maybe you can do that while I hold it up?

"You're already so talented!" Eh Hyeng exclaimed, taking the glass and immediately putting it down on the floor. "Of course I can help with that, and you will be so useful in the studio!" She glanced at the two parent dragons, "you might wind up to be a little large to fit in the studio..."


Bond: Katydid, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: The place was just absolutely crawling with dragons! And that suited Katydid just fine. She fit right in here, with her own striking black and white and rainbow-speckled appearance. It was a sure bet that a good number of attendees thought she might have actually been part of the event herself. And why not! She strode around the place like she owned it, and would give a little purposefully-nonchalant chuckle and waved off any questions. "Oh it's not my event," she would say.

But it very much was. Her mentor wasn't here, she could strut her stuff among so many different dragons. And those humanoids, bipeds or whatever over on the other side? Pffh. Delicate little things. Not big enough to withstand even a drop of toxin or venom, most of them. Not hers anyway.

Her dreams had called her here, she knew there was a reason. Of course the dream had included only a dazzling bunch of black and white checkerboard patterns, the hints of wings, claws, horns, powers. That ... kind of described literally every dragon hatched here already, and according to the strangely large onyx and quartz clock on the cavern wall, the night was more than half 'over'. How many more dragons would break shell and arrive?

And how odd they all might be too. There was plentiful magic going on, keeping hatchlings safe until exiting their nesting chambers. It looked like some of them were much older than others, with a fair few having that look of freshly pushed through their shells. With regularity however, whole batches of dragonets were 'announced' somehow, paraded through the draconic venue and in most cases, heading through the entry way to be displayed to those weak two-leggers.

Many hatchlings followed their parents through that archway, but some... Some remained. Even some who were the 'smaller' type, all with distinctive markings. Checkerboard markings. With dramatic wings, as impressive wings as they came, in fact!

You like my wings, good, I like them too! I am not strong enough to fly yet, the mind of this one particular pale grey dragonet spoke, clear and eager, but with a hint of 'holding back'. But you look like you can fly very well, more wings, better control, am I right?

Katydid appraised the dragonet. It would be smaller than herself, but that seemed to be the theme for the 'knockoffs' here. But that proud little black-pointed face, horn nubs visible, dark crest half-formed on the neck... Oh this was a good little dragon. And by 'good' Katydid definitely knew better than to think 'alignment' there.

"You are correct," she paused just long enough to collect her wits and listen to the prophetic memory, "Czicada." She'd spoken the name, and it seemed like a relief to the youngling. But they wouldn't be fooled or lied to: that mental connection was strong, deep, it ran in their blood.

Don't worry, I will keep your secrets, Czicada bespoke, I will assume anything you tell me is for me alone.

PW5 (adopt)
Gyocada (See above, Niocada)
PW7 (adopt)
Bulcada (shard)
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