Checkerboard Ball Pickup Collection Page for Dray

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Name Dragon Name Dragon Gender Clutch Parents Bond Type Board Rank
Jade Meebam Sheva Male Sheng Stac'ver + Vassago Thain Voluntary Companionship King
Pebble Scodmeba * Merajanay + Bales apa Larsis'Iann Voluntary Companionship Black Pawn
Jetta Syqueth Female Maranth + Minath Impression King's Bishop
Pero Puthuvarshamth Male Ancheoth + Tehndarinth Impression King's Pawn (c)
Beaumont Stathol * Thaljath + Olelikoth Voluntary Bond Black Pawn
Meena Shairoyth Female Calietosth + Dairruinth Voluntary Bond Queen's Bishop
Albion (1) Knuurth'Alkar Male Kelirith + Baniar'Alkar Voluntary Multibond Black Queen's Bishop
Albion (2) Tsaplaeju * Laeurath + Juth Voluntary Multibond White Pawn
Mahogany Lunid'nye Female Smirch + Nekeel Voluntary Companionship Queen
Sprig Oaggesu * Gertith + Surrith Impression White Pawn
Ash Quipstash * Sta Turun + Shiyo Voluntary Bond + Tattoo Black Pawn
Willow Iorasa * Rakki + Sasazik Voluntary Bond White Pawn
Elowynne Det'darrth ahlHadaa Female Evugith + Fadhila Voluntary Companionship Queen's Rook
Koa Kulrengi Dumani Female Dantinath + Dymati Voluntary Bond Queen's Pawn (c)
Yves (1) Vioth Male Amrith + 50 Shades of Grey Voluntary Multibond King's Pawn (c)
Yves (2) Etu Zwitterion * Evocation Zone + Errick Voluntary Multibond White Pawn

* Knockoff gender is up to you, and will only become important if you choose to fully write them up and give them Pawn status. (c) Crowned Pawns are not knockoffs, they are full sized Pieces


Meebam Sheva

Name: Meebam Sheva (ME bomb she VAH, a mixture of the parents names, as apparently is now tradition for the dad's line; if bred into more complicated naming, readopt mother's ' or any other changes)
Gender: Male (+preference as desired)
Size: 12' hip biped /l/ws
Build: sleek, strong
Physical Features: Azon/Halloween Mutt, bipedal though often can run on all fours, with four legs and two main wings, with large claws on all; small hip-wings (nonfunctional), split-ended tail with spikes and poison stingers; angular head with external ears, sharp back swept horns, webbed head and neck spines; pupiled eyes
Colors: *body soft white; back, legs and wing fingers have large grey fire-marks; belly silver lined fire marks; face and tail intricate grey fire lines; wingsails solid grey; spikes graphite, neck webbing flame marked grey and high white; *note that all flame patterns are capable of changing from grey and silver to either sunlit yellow or deep shades of green; body and wingsails do not change
Stats: Strength 3, Speed 4, Endurance 5, Agility 4, Health 6, Intelligence 5
Abilities: 6 void portal, spirit sense (cancels infernal power); 5 flight boost; 4 telepathy, chameleon coloration * grn/yel this feature will only turn up as he grows, but his colors may match Jade's if he concentrates; 3 verbal speech, local teleport, magic breath weapon (average, choose effects); 2 nexus teleport, poison stings (weak, causes paralysis) 1 (infernal senses negated)
Parents: Sheng Stac'ver and Vassago Thain
Bond: Jade, Voluntary Companionship
Meeting Notes: "You didn't think we would just wait the entire night, did you?" It was a surprisingly deep voice for a hatchling. Speaking the truth, too, when he added, "we didn't want to sit around any longer. And our father decided he wanted to find someone out there too. I have taken my time deciding... but I will go with you and yours."

Jade looked at the dragon with a mixture of curiosity and pride. She'd spotted the opposing leader and his group early on, they could hardly be said to be 'hard to spot' among the humanoids... being nearly twice the size and height of most of them. And he'd definitely seen her. But his response to seeing her was tame... perhaps tempered by the fact that her 'side' had won their 'game' recently.

"So now, you come to me, you will definitely be good to help us protect our-"

"I will help you see balance," the dragon rumbled. Though he was hardly up to her knee, Jade realized this dragon was among the biggest of the group and would be burly for his height too. And he was defiant, but calm. What could that even mean? "It means... your vision is clouded. Mine is clear."

So he was reading her mind? Then - he knew.

He knew that they'd stolen the invitation, that they'd snuck in to this event...

The dragon spared her the embarrassment of speaking aloud, if you got to this place, you had an invitation all along.

And with that, Jade stiffened. The rocky edges of what passed for eyebrows on her face ground around, but she didn't let that concern show for too long. As the leader of her faction, she maintained herself at all times. What the dragon had thought, intruding on her mind intimately like that, was true. So where had that invitation gone, if she was meant to have one in the first place?

Perhaps it was meant to be shared, the dragon's mind echoed her own nagging thought. The inkling of it had been bouncing around in her mind for a while, but now it was obvious. Though they were fractured, these people - her people and his people - were ... they were all still from the same stock, from the same realm. On the same board, just having chosen different steps upon it.

"I am Meebam Sheva, and I will aid you - and your people," the dragon spoke once more, sounding proud and patient. It was still difficult for Jade to reach a point where she could reply, so she said nothing, nodding to the young creature. He was quite the special looking dragon, too, with fine shiny stripes on his pale hide. What would come of this all, who knew, but she now had a different sort of advisor on her side - as did a number of others, which she was now far more interested in than before.

There was still an hour befor the Midnight bell, a magical hour anywhere, but who knew what might happen after then.

Scodmeba Name: Scodmeba (SKOD may baa, while the full Pieces inherit a much more complicated naming structure, the Knockoffs 'get' a shorter, easier to remember -MEBA ending. If promoted, they may choose to use the other style, or keep this one for their offspring)
Gender: (choose+preference as desired)
Size: 4'3" s/l/ws
Build: long and snakey
Physical Features: Drak-like supermutt, four legs with heavy claws, fluff on back legs; four wings two main and two butt-wings, with claws on the fore and Shatternak-styled wing barbs on hind; head has two horns, ear floof, a silky mane, multicolored sclera with pupil; tail has floof and a sharp (poison?) spine; they are furry but they are also egg-layers
Colors: Black Pawn 1, a very dark slightly mottled hide devoid of colors; mane, hind leg, and tail floof grades from a shiny pale platinum to a dark sooty graphite at tail; wingsails have a variety of sizes of checkerboard patterning, biggest on undersides of main wings, and smallest on backs of hind wings; horns and claws all dark but top horn, ear fluff dark, eyes rainbow yellow
Stats: Strength, Speed, Endurance, Agility, Health, Intelligence 3 average with one stat at 2 and one at 5 your choice
Abilities: (telepathy, verbal speech, local teleport) at 3, but exceptionally strong specific-location Portal (6) and 5 choose what kind of spit/sting they produce; do not use or carry the shifting or genetic abilities of full pieces regardless of promotion from knockoff
Parents: Donor Clutch Merajanay and Bales apa Larsis'Iann
Bond: Pebble, Voluntary Companionship
Meeting Notes: see Oaggesu below

Name: Syqueth (SIGH kweth, traditional Pernese ended -TH naming, as this is a full blooded Pernese dragon)
Gender: Female (+preference as desired)
Size: 8'4" s/l/ws
Build: smooth, muscular
Physical Features: Pernese, hide skin with possible iridescence resembling scaling, four legs and two wings with large claws on all, boxy head with knobs and a low neck ridge, fleshy ridge on rump and high tail, split ended tail, faceted eyes
Colors: Body and backs of wings dark grey with graphite belly from chin to low tail; wingsails underneath soft black with iridescence; dorsal ridge graphite, claws dark, eyes faceted yellow
Stats: Strength 4, Speed 4, Endurance 2, Agility 3, Health 3, Intelligence 5
Abilities: 6 Search sniffing*; 5 telepathy; 4 nexus teleport, telekinetics; 2 local teleport; 1 unassisted firebreath (allows for fertile flames, but she's almost entirely unable to use this anyway) *This dragon is a very, very strong Search dragon, and that along with her ability to move between dimensions might lead to some interesting discoveries...
Parents: Maranth and Minath
Bond: Jetta, Impression
Meeting Notes: Time was, this sort of gathering would have been reasonably common between their people. Jetta both remembered that era and had studied it thoroughly later on. The tales of high-soaring pillars of trees with a canopy overhead allowing in just enough sun- or starlight to dapple the ground, or the vast broad stone caverns with an underground cistern reflecting the torches and fireflies. The murmur of many voices, spotted with laughter or a shout here and there. The strains of music occasionally growing boisterous or somber, along with lines or clumps or pairs of dancers near the orchestra.

All of that was here - pillars of marble with tree-like fan shapes at the ceiling, and water surrounded them; no starlight nor sunlight could penetrate, but there were stars, there were suns and moons, visible through those big magical windows. There were piles of people everywhere, humans and not-humans and upright deer and hounds alike, all of them talking and drinking or dancing and laughing. Gambling, arguing. Romancing one another, all the things that people did when there was a party.

Jetta noted all these things as she walked past them. Putting them to words would come later, her keen mind would certainly recall everything needed. She did pay attention to the other Court, Mahogany's, as they were apparently the ones who had technically received the invitation. But wasn't it possible that, like old tales of warnings, their own had been misplaced? Hadn't that been the core of most misunderstandings that led to...

Well, that led to where the two Courts were now?

As Jetta made her way through the ballroom and settled at a balcony ledge with a small table fit for perhaps four normal sized humanoids, two of her build, she pondered what might be written after this event was done. Would they really have to go back to their... to their war? She only dimly recalled her own desires and impressions of the parties they would have had before then. Was it really that long ago that she risked forgetting how to have fun and enjoy this all for what it was? Rather than merely yet another competition to see who came away from it with the spoils?

For several hours, she moved between that balcony and a variety of rooms, watching the entertainment with a quirked expression (what was this noise they called music? but the acrobats and the dragons flights, oh those were pretty and amazing!). Something gnawed at her, she was hungry all of a sudden. Very hungry, even though she'd been sampling the foods (heedless of that old saying that if you ate the food of an underworld you'd never leave it, was this the underworld? probably not.) and hefted a large mug of quite tasty ale here and there, she was suddenly given to a stomach rumble as if she'd hardly eaten in the last week.

And a bit dazzled. She felt numb as she went down to the bar, tried to select something and had to blink away a vision of many legs and black and white cloaks and feet and--

There you are, there you are... I am here, where are you? There's too many between you and me!

It was a voice in her mind, and when Jetta finally realized where it was coming from, she had to all but drop the plate she held and sprint over. A small but strong looking grey dragoness, nearly trampled by the dancers that were milling around. The relief in her mind was quite tangible, the swirling eyes of this creature looked into her own and Jetta recognized joy when she saw it. Did she feel it? Was this for her?

I am for you, yes! My name is Syqueth! I see so many that will make good pairs, but you are the only one I need. We can find others later. I passed through the dragons before coming here... Her mind turned a little sad, hesitant, when she added, I think some of those dragons want to make war, and I couldn't bear the thought of fighting my own kind. So I came here. To find you. Can we eat?

Jetta wasn't sure what to even think, how to reply. The dragon's mind was insistent, sure, and now that she'd been found and comforted from the confusion of the Ballroom... hungry once more. Perhaps she'd have to think on how to take the right course of action. Because history was her subject, not speculation. The energetic dragon, however, might have something more to say than her history scrolls...


Name: Puthuvarshamth (poo too VAR shamth, 'New Year' in Malay with traditional Pernese -TH ending), is fine with Varshamth which is 'year')
Gender: Male (+preference as desired)
Size: 6'1" s/l/ws
Build: sleek and slender
Physical Features: Pernese, four legs and two wings all with short claws, long neck with boxy head, prominent fangs, high crest, faceted eyes; slender tail with spade tip
Colors: Body solid flat black; wingsails lightning strike silver and high black; crest and tail spade lightning strike high white and graphite; claws light, eyes faceted goldenrod
Stats: Strength 3, Speed 5, Endurance 3, Agility 6, Health 3, Intelligence 4
Abilities: 6 telepathy; 4 local teleport, assisted firebreath; 3 nonhuman bond; 2 nexus teleport, multibond
Parents: Ancheoth and Tehndarinth
Bond: Pero, Impression
Meeting Notes: Even if they hadn't been the first to be invited, Pero did his best to act like it. Though in another realm he might have been considered a 'spin doctor', able to make even the worst news sound mild, and the best be the most amazing ever, here he was one of many such folk. He came across a strange man who talked to himself as he examined the party-goers, their pets and their friends, their choices of meals... But he did like the style, maybe there would be some potential to incorporate it...

Honestly that was a good idea, but it wasn't more than an hour in to this big amazing ball, when fanfare announced the presence of a clutch of dragons! There had been a pamphlet... thing, delivered to everyone even though they had 'snuck' into the event - somehow large enough to be handled by the larger-than-human personages of the Court. He looked at the shapes of those parent-dragons, and realized this was the pair that had 'started it all', and they were simply lovely. Long wings, slender tail, high hind legs, and a jaunty neck crest - and those patterns?

Festive wasn't even the start of it, they were downright impressive.

We are festive as well, but I like impressive. Impressive suits me.

"What was that?" Pero said, interrupting his own mental dialog. "Who said that?"

Others around him, standing near the edge of the bar-area and not quite on the dance floor, glanced up at the large stone-like man, and gave him a little more space. But that wasn't because they thought he was dangerous or weird. It was more due to the presence of the tar-slick black dragon with the stunningly reversed lightning wings who strode through the crowd. He had come with his siblings through one of the arched connections between the 'dragon side' and the biped-side, and they were getting attention for sure now.

It was me, I am here, you may announce me. The dragon didn't sit on his haunches like a few of them were doing, before their respective... Bonds, yes, I am yours. You know my name. He paused, tilted his broad head with what seemed like a grin, say it.

"Puthuvarshamth," the word tumbled out of Pero's mouth, so many syllables for such a young little dragon. "And you're probably hungry, little one?"

Very, I know it is early in the night but that means I will have a full belly for the rest of the party.

"Then I will escort you, my new little friend," Pero smiled gently "And then we'll make sure to check out everything we can, this party will stick with us, I think."


Name: Stathol (STAY thol; -THOL is swapped for the parents traditional Pernese -TH ending, though these are technically full blooded Pernese)
Gender: (choose+preference as desired)
Size: 5' s/l/ws
Build: Sleek but strong lookin
Physical Features: Technically Pernese, four legs and two wings, horned head with small external ears, faceted eyes, sharp spikes with webbing between on neck and hips/tail, tail fin similar, large conical claws
Colors: Black Pawn 2, rich dark sooty black body; wingsails and webbing all checkerboard patterned, largest on backs of wings, medium under, and smallest on neck back and tail webs; horns and claws white, spines and tail spars silver; eyes faceted orange
Stats: Strength, Speed, Endurance, Agility, Health, Intelligence average 2 each with one being 4 and another 1 you choose
Abilities:; 3 average for most normal abilities (telepathy, verbal speech, local and nexus teleport, and unassited firebreathing), if written up to breedable Pawn status may also select one of time portal, foresight, or empathy, otherwise these are dormant
Parents: Donor Clutch Thaljath and Olelikoth
Bond: Beaumont, Impression
Meeting Notes: He remained steadfast and silent as much as he could, through this event. But frankly it was all amazing, and there was so much to see and do. It looked as though Jade was holding her own, giving glances around, which he occasionally picked up on small cues: she spotted Mahogany or one of his people, they ducked away a little. She focused on a tiny tiny dragonet as they brought her an improbably large mug of ale, he watched for enemies among the throng.

There were none, really. This was a party where even he felt... almost comfortable. Almost like it had... before.

They all enjoyed themselves, progressively getting more easy with the swaying of a dancing group, or watching in awe as acrobats took to the Stage. With all this going on, Beaumont briefly lost sight of his Queen but it was very easy to find her again - being taller than almost all the other bipeds - and most of the dragons as well - meant it was hardly difficult to find each other. Beaumont sampled some more of those pastries that the one person handed out, and realized that the first time they were tiny, little human-fingerfoods. And then later on, at least one of them was fit for his own much larger mouth and fingers! How thoughtful!

There was a moment, a fleeting and too brief pause in time, when he spotted one of Mahogany's people at the edge of the dance floor. She'd been there with another of his troupe, and as they parted she... looked over at him almost like she'd dance for hours. But then - they both realized eyes were on them. The wrong eyes, perhaps, for either of them to maintain this contact. She swept by, he turned to the bar. Very faintly... disappointed. He had to distract himself, then.

Group after group of dragons were shown off each hour; sometimes it seemed like they were barely interested in remaining here on this side of the venue and Beaumont spotted a couple that took one look around and ducked back to their dragon side straight away. That was fine, it wouldn't do to stress them out or require too much of newly hatched creatures, would it?

I looked around and didn't see anyone I wanted on four legs, a strange slightly-high-pitched voice came into Beaumont's mind. So I came here and scouted a little... I like you. I can keep watch with you and do... whatever it is you do too! It seemed faintly unsure, because then he felt a warm pressure on his leg. It was this dark dragon with brightly checkerboard patterened wings, looking adorable and lovingly up at him.

"Well well I've found a friend?" Beaumont rumbled with a smile, "and look at you, those little nubs will grow into a fine set of horns and spikes won't they, fitting for a defender."

I hope I'm not too sharp, they replied, otherwise it's hard to get close...


Name: Shairoyth (shy ROW ith, traditional -TH ended name from several portions of line)
Gender: Female (+preference as desired)
Size: 11' s/l/ws draconic, around 7'5" at head humanoid* (quite tall, along the biggest end of this pair)
Build: slender, lean, springy, built for speed
Physical Features: Pernese-Alskyran/Danachian/Eienic Mutt, four legs and two wings, feet have apparently retractable claws, wings have large wrist thumbs with thick claws; angular head with knobs having very long and sharp horns, faceted eyes, and a jagged tall crest, echoed on the spade of very long slender tail; * Notably this dragon is a shapeshifter with a humanoid bipedal alternate form, which keeps the long tail, wings, and horns, coloration, feet with claws, head having hair instead of a crest (female only) and external ears for a more human looking face
Colors: body cloudy calico marked** pale grey, dark grey, and silver; wingsails very dark grey; crest(hair) soft white; horns and claws pale grey, eyes 2-tone green **calico markings will only ever pass to female offspring, if on male will be infertile
Stats: Strength 2, Speed 5, Endurance 1, Agility 4, Health 3, Intelligence 5
Abilities: 5 voidspells, shapeshift, verbal speech; 4 void teleport, telepathy; 3 local teleport, lifespan; 2 telekinetics, void senses; 1 unassisted firebreath
Parents: Calietosth and Dairruinth
Bond: Meena, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: She took everything in, with wide eyes and ears. Not in the mouth-gaping way that some of the attendees seemed to show, but in the gathering of information manner. Meena was the first to eagerly read up on all the breeds found at this unusual event, though she was a little unnerved at how the pre-printed pamplhet handed to everyone as they came in seemed to actively change to a language she could read... Then again, this entire thing was so magical it was hard to avoid all the ways it affected every aspect of the Ball. She did guess correctly that many of the light fixtures and other items were mechanical, technical, rather than powered by magic.

The big clock on the wall, for instance, was very much magical. Elegant, a timepiece fitting of the rest of the theme. Soon enough it showed about two and a half hours until the Midnight bell, and a steady stream of dragonets had already come through the main ballroom. They would cause the dancing to pause, or at least part, and it was amusing to watch how people bumped and bumbled against one another, like floating lilypads moving with a splash.

But there were new dragons now, tall and long and sleek. Even though young, and small, the hatchlings proudly marched through the area, or slunk off to the shadows, or leapt into the middle of the dance floor as was their preference.

And one of them stood carefully in front of Meena. Her mottled hide was blotched with large patches of 'color', all grey.

It occurred to Meena that she'd just ascribed a gender to this dragon, that was somewhat odd, perhaps even rude.

"No, you are correct," the dragonet spoke, clear and confident, with a higher voice than a dragon might - but a child? "I am going to come home with you, but... I will want aid in learning spells. Can you help me do that?"

Suddenly flooded with emotion, uncharacteristically for her, Meena sucked in a breath and nodded weakly. "I ... if I cannot, I can probably find someone to do that, yes."

The dragonet nodded, her horn buds not yet long enough to be dangerous, but given the parents of this nest, they absolutely would be soon. "Good. I might need other things," she extended her somewhat chubby paw inexpertly, and it shimmered a little into what looked much more like a humanoid hand, "but I will practice, and will be able to stand with you." When Meena's attention went back to the dragon's head, it was also more humanoid, with a face, rather than a muzzle. But the rest of her was still largely draconic, so she didn't try to stand on feet rather than paws.

"That is quite impressive for a young one like you," Meena said, "I think, anyway. I will help you, you'll make the Court proud."

Knuurth'Alkar Name: Knuurth'Alkar (NEW earth AWL kar, naming convention thanks to dad's side of things since mother is basically Pernese the first name is -TH ended, if bred to another with a last name, modify it accordingly or use Alkar)
Gender: Male (+preference as desired)
Size: 3'9" s/l/ws
Build: catlike, muscular, burly
Physical Features: Pernese mutt with highly cat-like qualities, including four legs and 2 wings all with sharp large claws, wing wrist has two claws; split-ended tail; head has external ears, and long back-pointing horns; offspring are split with either faceted or pupiled eyes
Colors: body shiny high-contrast graphite; wingsails transparent gel-shiny smoke grey; claws and horns light grey; eyes pupiled green
Stats: Strength 6, Speed 1, Endurance 4, Agility 4, Health 5, Intelligence 6
Abilities: 6 local teleport, planeshift; 4 verbal speech, fire manipulation, blood magic (empathy, locate family, sense life); 3 nexus teleport, telepathy; 1 speed tricks, unassisted firebreath
Parents: Kelirith and Baniar'Alkar
Bond: Albion, Voluntary Multibond with Tsaplaeju (and whoever else might show up)
Meeting Notes: (see below)

Name: Tsaplaeju (tss-AWP LAY joo, though their full Piece relatives have a -TH ended Pernese name, the Knockoffs have -LAEJU as their inheritable moniker, though if promoted they may also choose to pass along -TH if appropriate)
Gender: (choose+preference as desired)
Size: 3'3" s/l/ws
Build: even, noodly
Physical Features: Pernese with embellishments, four legs and two wings all with short sharp claws; long muscular tail with spade; dished head with knobs having short horns, and a tall segmented crest
Colors: White Pawn 8, body medium grey; wingsails, crest, and tail spade all have checkerboards with the largest being on the outer wing, medium under, and quite small on crest/tail; horns and claws black; eyes faceted red
Stats: Strength, Speed, Endurance, Agility, Health, Intelligence average 2 except for Agility of 4
Abilities: as their larger counterparts, only they cannot use firebreath and cannot control humanoids, have an average of 2 level in most things otherwise, and a 5 in flitter control
Parents: Donor Clutch Laeurath and Juth
Bond: Albion, Voluntary Multibond with Knuurth'Alkar and whoever else they collect
Meeting Notes: (see also above)
There were so many people, dragons, dragons that were also people, and creatures that defied even his knowledge here. But it was with interest toward some of those scurrying young hatchlings that Albion looked. The sleeker ones that had been there the whole time were attentive and useful, but now that a good number of other breeds were out on the floor it was clear that every one of them would have their proper job and place.

But they were milling about, just like the throng of party goers. Several of them would congregate around groups, and the part ways with their special 'one', with nuzzling and sometimes chittering dragon hatchling speech. It was quite endearing.

"Are we endearing?" A voice asked.

Another replied, "I think so, I think you're endearing. I'm not sure what that means though."

"Then how can you know I am? Be sure first!"

The voices had moved around, and Albion looked down - had to twist a bit because there were two dragons now weaving around his legs. Careful of both each other and his own feet, the dragonets made for quite the dramatic pair. One very dark and shiny, the other a lot lighter and with wings covered with checkerboard patterns. They eventually noticed that they were now being watched, and both of them came to halts, each before his knees - and hardly even approaching half their height when they sat.

"I know we're small," the dark one said, "but we can be of use, can't we?"

"I know I can be," the checkerboarded one replied.

Neither had turned their gaze from him. He felt a little strange, he felt those eyes even when he closed his own.

That is because we will be yours from now until forever, the dark one sent a thought.

We will also love to see who else will be part of our family, the checked one thought. Their minds were very distinct but also very intimate.

Their hunger, the newness of everything, their enjoyment of having found him, all those things crashed into Albion's mind. So this was what it was like, to be 'bonded'? But they also weren't wrong: he could feel how eager they were to spot others, perhaps bring home new friends. They caught his imagination, an image of a helpful flock of dragonets to move goods or spot prey, no matter their size.

I like that idea, I am Knuurth'Alkar. And this is Tsaplaeju, and we are hungry, yes...


Name: Lunid'nye (LOO nid nie, father's naming convention indicates location or clan, in this case 'nye for New Year's Eve/nt; further generations should follow local tradition or family name for this addition; note also that ^markings indicate strength of magic or inherent abilities, following father's line, not all in this clutch are strong enough in those powers to show)
Gender: Female (+preference as desired)
Size: 19'4" s/l/ws
Build: sleek, whip-like
Physical Features: Pyrrhan/Myrsilk, remarkably long, four legs, two wings with very large ice-cutting claws on all; long head with external ears, sharp back-pointing horns, cheek horns, and paired curved neck spines, end of long skinny tail also has sharp spines; pupiled eyes; scaled hide (found in only some of this clutch, this dragon has hide), armor, will breed similarly to other types accordingly
Colors: body gradient graphite at head to high white at tail - circular ^markings (female) in grey, smoke, and high black; wingsails gradient silver through grahpite with backs and undersides reversed, and bright high white star patterns on both sides; spikes and claws speckled silver with flat black
Stats: Strength 1, Speed 4, Endurance 3, Agility 4, Health 3, Intelligence 5
Abilities: 6 Void Magic^, Ice Breath, verbal speech, prediction; 5 telepathy, dark vision^ 4 prophesy; 3 nexus and Void portal^; 2 flight speed, summoning^; 1 local teleport, body language, ice manipulation
Parents: Smirch and Nekeel
Bond: Mahogany, Voluntary Companionship
Meeting Notes: the portal to this odd event opened to a semi-natural cavern passage, with equal amounts of stone and foliage visible for most of it. The light was dim but obviously meant to guide them toward the much brighter area that ... opened to a fascinating scene indeed. Brightly lit, dazzling in fact, the venue for this party was a marvel. It did all look a little ... small, to him of course. Because of his size.

And because of his size, he could see quite easily and clearly, when his opponent Jade entered behind them. How had she gotten a... hm. Well, perhaps that was all part of the Game. Perhaps she'd copied it. Maybe one of her spies had stolen it. It didn't much matter, his heart wasn't ready to get angry, he had been invited and that was important enough to blot out any ire at his opponent's presence ... for the time being.

There was still quite a bit of resentment in him, he'd lost the Game and was still stinging from that. But at least there was this place, this respite. The teams of small dragons had to work overtime to get drinks and food for him and his group, but it looked like everyone's plate and mug were the right size, the foods well prepared and in plentiful supply.

And the performances... How many of these amazing tricks and songs would have been performed on his grounds for his people, had they only won the Ton-Seraph? He saw how captivated Ash was with the bold splashes (sometimes literal) of the 'potions' performance; he watched his retinue mingle and even seem to start enjoying themselves. He also spotted Jade's people, her court overtly more energetic and cheerful though in a strangely cautious way. Like they knew she'd swiped that invitation, perhaps?

Perhaps. A couple hours before the Midnight hour, however, there were plenty of small dragonets rushing about the room. From up in the rafters, along the balconies, behind pillars, and on the dance floor they scurried about with their newly found bonds. They went from feeding to sleeping, running, to crashing into servers and causing a brief but entertaining ruckus... But there were some now that came out from their magically opened archway, that held Mahogany's attention entirely.

Stately, precise, long and lean. And marked in the most amazing black and white - like all of them were, but... One of them in particular seemed to be watching him, with faint round marks making her eyes look wider than they were. She was bigger than most, and bigger than all but a couple of her own siblings - placing her perhaps among the largest hatchlings of this event.

It seemed therefore somewhat proper to guess that she would be attending to him, among the many she could have chosen. There were clearly other leaders here, some making deals on the balcony, or even running bets in the casino and wasting their hardly-earned fortunes on cards. But this one...

She paused on the marble floor, standing quite precisely at the corner of one black and one white square. The dark front of her body stood upon that white one, the brilliant white tail swishing across the black behind her. And her wings, mixing both silver and darkness, sparkling of stars. She was beautiful.

"You are in need of reminding," she said, calm and clear. "You were once as proud as they came, without arrogance or jelousy."

Her words stung, and rang deeply true. He lowered his gaze, and his head followed, then his shoulders. But she had more to say, more kindly.

"I will show you a path you may have forgotten, my friend," she butted her head up against his thigh - all she could reach even if she was on the biggest end of this hatching. She had spotted horn buds, her claws mixing black and white, the only color in her was her eyes, a brilliant green that might match the finest foliage... or ... Jade's gem tone. She'd chosen him though. He cautiously reached out and she clung to his bark-like arm. She wouldn't weigh as much as he thought she might - slender, lean, she'd be quick, she was already clever.


Name: Oaggesu (wag GUESS oo; though the donors are still traditional Pernese with their -TH ended names, the Knockoffs inherit the -GESU moniker and if promoted to breeding status will keep this end or modify it with partner's)
Gender: (choose+preference as desired)
Size: 3'3" s/l/ws
Build: thicc and burly
Physical Features: Pernese, four legs, two wings, all with claws; head knobs and soft short neck ridge, tail spade, faceted eyes on some, pupils on others
Colors: White Pawn 6, body is strong contrasting medium grey, wingsails, neck ridge and tail spade all have large checkerboard patterns, grey claws, faceted blue eyes
Stats: Strength, Speed, Endurance, Agility, Health, Intelligence average 2 in each, with one 5 and one 1 your choice
Abilities: modest but varied, max 5 power level for teleportation, 2 otherwise for nexus senses and communication, telepathy, and unassisted firebreath
Parents: Donor Clutch Gertith and Surrith
Bond: Sprig, Impression
Meeting Notes: (see also Scodmeba above)
They came at the same time, out from one of the dragon sided portals through the main ballroom. Couldn't have been more different in colors save for those checkerboard wings. Rather like the pair of people who slunk through the large venue attempting to avoid detection by their respective groups.

Sprig and Pebble watched as this pair of dragons mirrored their every move, dark and light, light and dark. When Sprig leaned back, the lighter dragon sat on its haunches. When Pebble peeked out from around a marble pillar, the dark dragon scooted around to the other side and peered back.

"You cannot hide from us!" That dark dragon said, and though it was small, it wasn't going to remain small all its life given the elegant shapes of its parent-clutch. The lighter one did not speak, but seemed to nod in agreement with its broad, blunt head, while staring right at Sprig.

"We will be in so much trouble," Pebble said, quietly, "how can we explain this?"

Their groups had been at this event less than an hour, and while their leaders did acknowledge that they were both in attendance (silently, sullenly) they had not interacted beyond a little glaring at one another.

But no one had counted on this pair grasping how important it was that both of their courts come to this event together. Sprig and Pebble had confided in one another, perhaps for years, perhaps for centuries. But they couldn't openly show this cooperation, could they?

Until now, perhaps... Until now.

Where the one dragon was long and lean, the other was somewhat squat and burly. Where one of them had silken hair and fluffy starts to fur trim on their ankles, the other was smooth hided and small-clawed. Yet they stood together, now, beside one another in solidarity.

I am Oaggesu, the squatter one bespoke to Sprig, You made the right decision to bring your leader here.

I am Scodmeba, the dark silken-maned one thought to Pebble, We will make a difference, as will you.

"But how?" Both Pebble and Sprig said, half surprised that the other had also spoken.

"Bring us home and find out," Scormeba announced.

We will help every way we can, Oaggesu bespoke them both.


Name: Quipstash (KWIP stash, though the Pieces inherit the Turun name, the Knockoffs will use -STASH unless they promote to Piece, but they don't have to use it)
Gender: (choose+preference as desired)
Size: 3'10" s/l/ws
Build: sproingy, slinky
Physical Features: Tattoo/Kijana mutt, four legs, two wings with feathers and membranes, head has small horns and external ears, pupiled eyes, lots of sparkly floof, paw pads and claw feet, long tail with feathers, orb with magic; requirement of being tattooed (or... temporary tattooed)
Colors: Black Pawn 7, a medium grey body; mane, floof, and tail tip sparkly pale grey; wing leading edge black, middle feathers and tail feathers grade between black and dark grey; flight feathers silvery grey; under wing membrane has bold checkerboard pattern; horns and claws light, pawpads light, pupiled aqua eyes; or is... improbably, checkerboarded even with an aura
Stats: Strength, Speed, Endurance, Agility, Health, Intelligence 3 average, with one stat at 1 and another at 5, your choice
Abilities: 5 telepathy, verbal speech, magic sense; 3 paradise creation; otherwise they use only very modest versions of light breath and divination
Parents: Donor Clutch Sta Turun and Shiyo
Bond: Ash, Voluntary Bond, with a stack of Temporary Tattoos...
Meeting Notes: They had hardly even gotten into the event's large hall, when something odd happened to Ash. He could easily see that there was plenty of magic all around, but something in particular jumped out at him. It didn't seem that anyone else noticed this effect, either, so he headed toward a half-shadowed alcove along the main entry path while the others in the group continued on.

Though the archway was magical, it didn't actually lead anywhere. Rather it was merely a recess along the marble wall, arm's length deep at best. But there were shelves on this otherwise blank sort-of-grey wall, and on them there were small papers. Well, slips of something like paper, it was clear that whatever they were, they were intensely magical in nature.

Ash tilted his head, trying to figure out what exactly it did, the magic on these things. It was strong, intimate, but like nothing he'd ever encountered. On one shelf near his right hand sat a particularly attractive glowing stack of these papers. And beside them: an elegant bottle with a stopper - one which actually looked quite a bit like the design on that paper.

Like a pawn, with an added glowing dot over the simple 'head' of it. It was all chess-themed here after all! But what was in that bottle? And was it somehow connected to the papers?

They did seem to be, a powerful urge overcame the court mage, and he lifted one of the papers up, examining it, and then opened that bottle's stopper. It smelled of liquid, not quite water, but definitely not something you'd drink. Wait wait - on looking at the back of the paper, it showed an instruction? It looked like you'd douse the paper gently, and then... place it against your skin? Why?

Intrigued and far too curious to back off now, Ash did as the instruction suggested. He put the liquid drop by drop over the paper, which seemed to glow with more of a pulse, now, and then... when it was good and moistened, put the other side of it toward his skin, on his right forearm. He wasn't sure where else to put it, he wanted to be able to see what would happen!

What did happen was definitely magical but hardly visible. Definitely some strong magic here tonight! When he stopped applying pressure as the instructions said to, one side of the paper became blank... transferring the image of that pawn, onto his skin!

Before he put the bottle and the paper back onto its shelf, he realized that they both had his name on them. As if they were for him. So... he took the stack which glowed, and the bottle, placed them carefully into his pouch (a good alchemist was never without one, after all) and headed off to the party proper.

He'd heard there was going to be a potions and magic demonstration and he didn't want to miss that!


That 'Mixology' demonstration was bold and ... well, more than a little messy! But with whatever people and magic on hand to clean up after it, the Stage held numerous other groups and performances throughout the whole evening. Ash knew that his leader was broody, somewhat sullen, but now that they were all here, it seemed he was almost enjoying himself! They had big platters of food brought for the bigger-than-average sized attendees, though the whole group - nor its opposing one - hardly sat down at one of the big balcony tables together.

There were plenty of people here that had magic up their sleeves, and Ash was truly in his element talking to them. It was almost like the times before... before.

Long before.

But not long before the Midnight celebration rang out, he discovered that his forearm, where that little temporary image had been placed, was actually... glowing and a bit itchy! Should he worry!?

"Nope! Don't worry about you, worry about me!" It was a high, somewhat jovial voice. How long had it been since someone had addressed him with such eagerness? Too long. The voice came from a small dragonet, one whose coloration was very similar to that on those little papers in his satchel!

"Did you come from this tattoo?" Ash asked, glancing once more at his arm. "How amazing!"

"It's magic!" The dragon responded. "I'm glad you read the instructions, I'll need those temporary papers if you want me to continue being your dragon..." It looked away, horse-like face glancing here and there until it gave off a strange laugh. "Not that I would ever be anyone else's."


Name: Iorasa (EE oh RAW sah, while Moonshield is the clan's name for this event and clutch, taken by full Pieces, Knockoffs receive -RASA as their name component and this will inherit if it becomes fully gendered/breedable)
Gender: (choose+preference as desired)
Size: 3'11" s/l/ws
Build: sturdy, long legged
Physical Features: Drakkari / Dragonstake mutt, high bodied and long legs, four legs and two wings, with claws on legs only; conical face with small horn on nose, and fanned head fins, otherwise smooth until the tip of very long narrow tail in a small spade; hide that is very shiny, pupiled eyes
Colors: White Pawn 5, light grey body with little contrast; wingsails large checkerboards, head fins and tail spade smaller checkers; claws white, eyes golden yellow
Stats: Strength, Speed, Endurance, Agility, Health, Intelligence average 3 in most, with 1 in one and 4 in another
Abilities: 5 telepathy; 4 local teleport, empathy; 3 and 2 average in most including Firebreath, nexus teleport, verbal speech; 1 moon magic + (not functional)
Parents: Donor Clutch Rakki and Sasazik
Bond: Willow, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: The night had gone surprisingly well, smoothly for the giants in as much as they stayed well away from each other's chosen haunts the whole time. Churning around the rooms, occasionally the 'territory' of each of them would change, if their leader was near the dance floor, the others remained around the casino or the balconies. If one of them somehow chose to enter that casino, the rest would scatter to the main ball room. It felt artificial, it felt... like they were herding each other, and it made Willow a little ill.

She wasn't ill from the food, that was certain, it was so much more flavorful than their... well, while their food was certainly nutritious back at home, it wasn't fine. They had wine, it wasn't sweet or crisp so much as watery and bland. And the expressions of everyone - here they seemed to have come to life, where they were drained and almost morose at home.

It had to change. It just had to.

And... not in that way that every year they pitted against one another. No. No. It was not like that here. Willow observed a group of dancers, rabbit kin by their big ears and feet, as they stomped their way across the floor, and others joined in. Some with better success than others, but when that group encountered another more formal team, both of them tried keeping up with each other. It was a mesh of ballroom style and raucous barn stomps, and it was brilliant. Everyone on the floor wound up clapping in time, as pairs from each group switched off, and finally mixed together in a more bouncy version of an Elfin waltz, which seemed to irritate at least the elf among them, but delighted most of the others.

They went their separate ways, with returns to the floor over the evening. And Willow watched all of this with a careful eye. She did take in a few hands of cards (doing markedly better than some, reading her opponents body language), but mostly she gazed at the ballroom from the lower balcony for hours. Something dug at her mind, something deep and sure, but distant.

Near the Mightnight bell, as near as you could get without actually throwing the confetti and streamers up, among the last of the magnificent dragons of the event came out from their magical archway. They didn't look like hatchlings, exactly, they may have been around for hours, days, or months, she wasn't sure how quickly they matured. These were elegant with high held wings, a tiny spade on their long tail, a nub of a horn on the end of their sharp face. The feeling of hunger crept back into her gut, but she'd eaten well all evening... and was used to ignoring pangs that couldn't be sated.

But this one could. This one, this pale grey dragonet before her had walked carefully between all the onlookers and dancers and celebrations to sit with its checkerboard-covered wings folding down as a flower would close for the night. I'm hungry, yes, but so are you - I can eat meat though. We can show your people how to love again.

Willow cried with a genuine smile.

Det'darrth ahlHadaa

Name: Det'darrth ahlHadaa (de' (t is nearly silent like a grunt) DARth; those who are biped shifters or who want to carry the name ahlHadaa may do so, meaning 'family lacking colors'; each given name has a meaning, in this case 'gentle light')
Gender: Female* (+preference as desired)
Size: 8' s/l/ws
Build: even, smooth
Physical Features: Perneseish/Zekiran/Zebra-kin, slightly furry hide; 3+thumb / claw paws, +wrist finger wings; mane and tail tuft hair; back pointing straight horns - slight Pernese influence no knobs though; horse-like face; no external ears but hears fine; faceted eyes (some have pupils)
Colors: Light grey body with narrow widely-spaced soft white stripes and high black paws/wing digits; wingsails light grey and though you can't see the backs of the wings, they do not have stripes (some siblings have body pattern continuing on them); mane and tail high black with light grey narrow stripes; claws and horns high black; faceted eyes indigo blue
Stats: Strength 3, Speed 2, Endurance 2, Agility 5, Health 4, Intelligence 4
Abilities: 6 immortality (heals almost instantly from wounds, will not age after adulthood); 5 gender shift*, verbal speech, telekinetics; 4 local teleport; 3 fire (telekinetic), telepathy; 2 nexus teleport, (shapeshift carried only)
Parents: Evugith and Fadhila
Bond: Elowynne, Voluntary Companionship
Meeting Notes: Oh how this place beat with life! Not just the steady and increasingly loud music with a very foreign sound, but the walls and the floors and the lights just... everything had been touched by magic, of some sort. This metal piping, that marble tile, the laquered wood framing the big archway nearby, the glass windows looking out to the deepest sea or the deepest space?

There were scents and flavors and sounds to just breathe in. A few of those scents were more compelling than others: Elowynne caught whiff of what was obviously a narcotic smoke, not unpleasant but not her style specifically. But also the smoked meats, something they called a 'barbeque', and salmon with that same delightful smell; pungent smokes from the casino, puffed from pipes or large rolled cigars. She wandered without purpose for a while, kind of a long while actually, but enjoyed every single step she took.

She danced with Yves, but caught herself pausing before accidentally stepping up to tall and dangerous Beaumont - he was not of 'their' tribe, and beyond his tall shoulder, on that one balcony, was his mistress Jade - that would prove a disaster, this would not work, this was...

She turned with a different very tall man whose four black and white arms were able to distract her from that momentary lapse in judgement, and continued to enjoy herself on this big marble floor.

Elowynne picked up recipes from the cooks, tucked away a few little seeds from one of those odd glowing furry dragons sporting the narcotic scents. Got ran-into by a young human or two or three, but at least one of them nodded and apologized before offering her one of the little party-popper... things ... he held and running off to find his friends.

The night wore on, it was about an hour left until Midnight. She was still grinning from having won a darts game in the casino, though 'darts' for people of her size were more like 'javelins' to the humans. It was right that they got to enjoy themselves. They'd been invited, this place wasn't their distraught home, their eternally-squabbling land.

Why squabble? When you can share?

It was a voice that came through her mind, and it wasn't a hallucination brought on by one of those 'nightmourner's illusions. Elowynne glanced about, not quite sure where to look.

Here, I am here, just - give me a moment, it's so crowded and I cannot fly yet!

Elowynne wasn't the biggest of her group, but she was still more than head and shoulders taller than most of the attendees, and spotted the source of this mental voice. Pale grey but not white, and those paws - dipped in ink it looked like! Very delicate white stripes... this would be quite the lovely dragon!

"Do you think so? I think so too but that's not really important. What's important is on the inside, don't you think?" She said, her voice was strangely accented, not slurred. "Sometimes people forget to look inside themselves, to see others better."

Elowynne picked up this dragon, who announced herself quietly as Det'darrth ahlHadaa (quite the name for a little hatchling!) and looked around, to see Beaumont once more, who also held a dragonet in his arms - dark where hers was light, but no less impressive looking. This time, she dared to smile when he noticed.

Kulrengi Dumani

Name: Kulrengi Dumani (cool RENG ee due MAN ee, Dumani is Turkish for 'smoke' and their names reflect their appearances; this means 'ashen cool')
Gender: Female (+preference as desired)
Size: 6'5" s/l/ws
Build: sleek and long
Physical Features: Pernese/Smoke, four legs and two wings, claws on feet only, long neck and tail, beak-like face, faceted eyes, smoke based webbing and crest/tail that may vanish entirely
Colors: body solid dark grey, wings graphite backed and silver underneath (don't ask how this effect happens even though they're made of smoke); tail smoke dark grey; crest solid dark grey; eyes faceted green, claws dark
Stats: Strength 1, Speed 4, Endurance 4, Agility 5, Health 2, Intelligence 5
Abilities: 5 verbal speech, telepathy, nexus and local teleports; 4 shadow portal, assisted firebreath (any flammable); 1* density, particulate control, vapor control *these abilities are present but not functional; the density at this level means she cannot grow or shift in size and always looks about the same as image (wings cannot 'retract', but also cannot be solid)
Parents: Dantinath + Dymati
Bond: Koa, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: He knew from experience with the Court that they were here, he could smell them. Though his King had clearly wanted to come without those pests following, it was sort of a given that they would somehow manage to squeeze in behind them. Maybe the portal opened too wide for too long. Maybe... There were other factors at work here, and he intended to figure it out.

But for the moment, when they entered the Ball, Koa put those thoughts very-slightly-aside. They had been invited. This was a party, not a war zone. Truth be told though, he never stopped thinking about where to put defenses, how to get from one area to the next without being seen. The place was too big and bright to be easily traversed by people like him, but there were other means. Certainly.

He could swear that there were people popping in and out of the corner of his vision, constantly. One of them appraised him from a nearby archway with stormy turquoise eyes, shortly followed by a much larger version of him stuffed into an equally formal suit, who didn't glare but still seemed to be judging him - and then offered him a 'clip on tie' which somehow didn't entirely clash with his existing formal clothing.

This certainly was going to be a challenging evening. His instincts were apt to rise with the appearance of any of Jade's people. Thankfully there weren't that many... he counted the same number on her 'side' as they had. Convenient. Always paired, they were so used to the competition.

There was a dance-off on the large ballroom floor, just then, but Koa wasn't entirely sure who won.

The audience, a faint wafting voice said.

It seemed accurate, that would track. ... But who'd said it? It felt so close and yet so distant at the same... A movement of dark grey at the edge of his vision, appearing along the higher balcony, then behind one of the long tables. As if from the shadows themselves, the faintest flash of lighter grey, sparkling a little, moving at the edges. A wing?

The shadow moved, and Koa followed it. Finally into one of the 'crash rooms' where two beings were zonked out on comfortable couches, but otherwise no one else was there. The shadow revealed itself to be a smallish grey dragoness. Her long tail moved like the edges of her wings, slightly billowing.

"You were easier to find than I expected," she said, and Koa's mouth snapped shut - because he'd been about to say exactly the same thing. He paused for a moment and then chuckled.

"Well I suppose that's because I'm pretty easy to spot in a crowd," he indicated how much closer to the ceiling he was than she. Even if the dragon was young, she'd still be taller at the shoulder as a human might get, and he was no mere human.

"I am Kulrengi Dumani," she bowed, her beaked face notably still able to look up at her surroundings as she did so. "You will want me with you, I will be able to see things you cannot, and go places you cannot reach."

"That will be very handy indeed..."

Vioth Name: Vioth (VEE oth, though this dragon has his mother's traditional Pernese -TH ended name, some in his clutch share a 'word' naming of their sire, and this may happen in any subsequent generations as well if the right pairing is made)
Gender: Male (+preference as desired)
Size: 7'8" s/l/ws
Build: muscular and springy
Physical Features: Pernese/Pyrrhan, four legs, two wings, all with claws; strong neck; spaded tail with double row of spine/nubs; hide with scaled armor (spliced features carry as-is to any Pernese, may lapse to scaled with similar pair); face sharp with back-pointing horns, external ears, spike crest; eyes may be faceted or pupiled
Colors: body marbled medium grey and light grey; belly marbled shiny and matte black; armor marbled light grey and white; wingsails marbled white and black; back spikes and claws marbled light grey with white; horns marbled dark grey with soft white; eyes pupiled red
Stats: Strength 4, Speed 6, Endurance 1, Agility 2, Health 3, Intelligence 4
Abilities: 5 longevity; 4 verbal speech; 3 telepathy, stealth, unassisted firebreath; 2 local and nexus teleports; note that Vioth takes very strongly after Amrith, in appearance as well as abilities
Parents: Amrith and 50 Shades of Grey
Bond: Yves, Voluntary Multbond with Etu (and others?)
Meeting Notes: See Below
Etu Zwitterion

Name: Etu Zwitterion (eh TWO zwi TEE ree on, last name for the entire clutch regardless of status; name is from chemistry, a molecule or ion having separate positively and negatively charged groups)
Gender: (choose+preference as desired)
Size: 3'10" s/l/ws
Build: lithe, energetic
Physical Features: Hathian-Whorling, with four legs the front two having wing struts, long sharp claws, very long bare tail, long angular face with eye armor blending into neck fins, a fluffy mane, shoulder armor with similar fins; their mane can stand up if needed
Colors: White Pawn 3, bright high-contrast light grey with vibrant black face and belly, 'white tie' marking on chest; wingsails and webbing checkerboard patterned, smaller on neck and shoulder webs; shiny black shoulder armor, shiny white eye ridge; chrome neck mane; claws dark; eyes faceted violet
Stats: Strength, Speed, Endurance, Agility, Health, Intelligence average 2, with one being 5 you choose
Abilities: average 2 with 6 in 'singing' (sonic manipulation and perfect pitch), cannot shift in any way, but they do display adept ability with computers and electrical items
Parents: Donor clutch Evocation Zone and Errick
Bond: Yves, Voluntary Multibond with Vioth (and others! yes!)
Meeting Notes: (see also Vioth)

Now this was a party!

Yves dove in with wide eyes and a wider smile. So much to do and see, taste and sample, touch and linger... He could almost forget that they'd lost the Ton-Seraph, he could almost taste and thrill and feel again.

No, not almost. That was a falsehood, they could all feel, they could all know the fast-heartbeat pace of love or joy and the heart-wrench of sorrow. They were all capable of it, stone or timber, they were still just two sides of one coin.

And he intended to prove it. Somehow. And this place, with these people... and that Stage... That would do it. He was certain. From the first performance of the evening on that big platform - he knew. Look at them, those humans were varied in color and shape (and some of them had features that betrayed other lines in their blood); and their dragons were of so many different shapes and colors and sizes! Surely if a group that disparate could perform their flag-waving demonstration with such ease and grace... Surely theirs could do so again too.

But how?

Yves wandered the area eagerly, listening in on a multitude of conversations. From the mundane ordering of a meal, to the far flung daydreams being muttered out of half-conscious mouths; and among them, too, discussions from serious folk - up in the balconies, leaders of groups convened. Hashed out deals, barter agreements, brokering travel, solidifying ties. They spoke quietly but with power, they knew their roles and how to play them. Almost casually they would put in a gentle jibe, a mocking rememberance of an event elsewhere or long ago. Those were rejoined with a subtle chuckle, the wave of a hand, or sometimes with a darker glower. He couldn't pretend to know the circumstances behind any of those things, but he did absolutely tuck away those replies and those movements for future reference.

Every time that they... well, lost, it was a struggle to reassemble the Troupe, to step up and try at least to practice, to keep up with things so that the next year would be a valiant effort rather than a losing battle. It did get harder each time. Then after a while, the opposition would have gotten lazy and rested a little too much on their lau...their hind ends - Laurel was a perfectly good performer. So the cycle would flow, they'd win again and get their time to shine.

Why did it have to be about winning when the performance was the important part? And why did it feel like it came down to him to push a little more, to use those faint motions and jibing smiles, just to get even a little response? They were so hard to rouse sometimes. But now, this party? It was going to do the job. And any little bit of it that he could bring back with him was going to make or break their next event for sure.

"Are you sure?" Someone said, a bright voice, young sounding, confident. Something in the back of Yves mind started tingling for some reason. Odd. As if there were a line of dialog that he knew by heart, that couldn't quite be spoken.

"I'm positive," another one sang - and it sounded slightly more familiar but only because of recent exposure... it wasn't so much words, than sounds put together that seemed like speech? Oh - that's right, the chittering and chirping sing-song talk of those little server dragons? Was one of them attempting to give him another glass of wine? Why did he understand this one's speech so well if it wasn't actually saying words?

Yves shook his head and glanced around, clearing his mind to concentrate on the immediate surroundings, and discovered two dragons were watching him intensely from a little nook nearby. There were many such recesses in the walls, fit for people or apparently dragons to linger in and be just slightly out of the way of anyone needing to use that passageway.

The pair of dragons had overt similar colors: a light body with a dark belly, and wings that danced with patterns. They both had long, narrow faces, and long, slender tails. They were quite different in ways too: one had nubs of horns, ears that were visible, the other a shaggy but shiny mane where their companion had short spine ridges. And on more close inspection, the one with checkerboard wings actually didn't have wings on their back - but on their forelimbs.

With the attention they were now getting, the pair both straightened up and looked more interested. "What say you," the bigger one with mottled wings on his back said, "to bringing us along? We have skills, and plans..."

I'd be happy to make music for you, the bow-tie marked one shook its head and let off a delightful tumble of sounds.

Yves stood straight, proud, "I would be honored, my new little friends, but how shall I address you?"

"I am Vioth, but you knew that," - that was the word, what had been on the tip of his tongue all this time, Vioth, the dragon's name inserted itself into his mind and soul. But the dragon wasn't done with the introductions. "And this is Etu Zwitterion," the smaller one gave a half-standing bow, good enough to be on their hind legs and balance with that long-long tail. "And we are now a trio, but we're more than happy to become much more."

As always, images are (c) Lethe / Shard 2022 and are not to be used in any manner, including downloading by right-click, other than by permission, to those who have earned them! No reselling or unauthorized use permitted!