Pickup page for KITSUNEKO


Parents Eorith / Unnep
Name Ekaedet
Gender Female
Size 32' long
Colors Gem Mint, Red-Gold Winged
Features Horns, Crest, Claws, Spade
Powers/Abilities Telepathy, Teleport, Fire Breath, Glitter, Surprise
Restrictions Prefers a bond

Amazing Avian

Amazing Avian – Female Brahminy Kite kin

Around 5' tall

Born on Planet 20, age 13

Able to produce tremendously focused sonic attacks, and to a certain extent manipulate air currents. With some amount of practice, she might be able to purify air or accurately mimic voices. She is quite young, and has been placed in numerous foster families, none able to easily take care of her given the powers she's got. Perhaps a little more training is in order, and a good solid friendship.



Parents Matsuko / Raindith
Name Moyauxtren
Gender Female
Size 45' long
Colors Evergreen / Pine Green
Features Armored, Paws, Spade Tail, Horns, Fin Ears
Powers/Abilities Telepathy, Teleport, Fire Immunity/Breath, Everburning Evergreen (warm trees), Snowmelt
Restrictions Prefers Bonding

Wood Fairy

Wood Fairy – Female fey

Around 4'8”

Born ??, around 250 (adult)

Mystical in nature and highly attuned to the ways of the woods, this fey not only has command over trees and flowering plants, but of small creatures which live in and near them. Her skills with archery are stunning, and not magical in the slightest – she learned how to use that specially created bow to keep enemies away from her territory. Though she does have a reasonably strong magic, she is aware that magic alone cannot prevent incursions.



Parents Siere / Fuburroth
Name Recaryn
Gender Male
Size 32' long
Colors Red Evergreen-Winged with Pine and Frost Markings
Features Paws, Flaps, Crest, Horns, Fin Ears, Glowbobs
Powers/Abilities Telepathy, Teleport, Fire Magic, Light Magic, EverGreen (tree life), Cause Snowfall
Restrictions Prefers Bonding

Cyber Mouse – Female Grey mouse kin

Around 4'3” tall

Born elsewhere, exiled to Planet 20, age 19

This kin has an interesting and fairly specific power, which allows her to focus psionic energy into a material form. She was going to be used as a battery by her owners on another world, but when she rebelled she was taken with numerous others and dropped onto Planet 20. She serves as a guard on a caravan, putting her energy into a sword-like form. Many would-be attackers underestimate this girl's reach with that huge sword.



Parents Veridiain / Fyrrieldur
Name Travinur
Gender Male
Size 52' long
Colors White, Black Fire, Red Velvet, Evergreen
Features Armor (smooth), Claws, Mane, Antlers/Horns (they do not shed, they grow), Ears, *Carries Drak multi-wings, any pairing with further multi-winged mates will always produce 4+
Powers/Abilities Telepathy, Teleport/al (either), Verbal Speech, Infernal Senses, Winter Senses, Naughty-Nice Detection / Manipulation
Restrictions Prefers bonding, collects stuff

Tattooed Boy – Male Human

Around 6'2

Born in the Healing Den, around 22

Fashionably inclined, dead sexy. It's likely that the Healing Den itself has started causing guys like this to appear, there are a good number of staff and on-hand inhabitants who could claim to be his parents. Like most dragonry children though, he was raised mostly in a group and mostly with whatever skills he could pick up as a youth. Those skills include a lot of artistic pursuits as well as grooming habits. We don't know where he got those boots.



Parents Ganitagonoag / Raindith
Name Gorotith Nightspark
Gender Female
Size 46' long
Colors Green Gem Emerald with Ruby
Features Belly Gems, Paws, Tail Tuft, ButtFins, Horns, Neck Tines, Ear Tufts
Powers/Abilities Telepathy, Teleport, Electric Breath, Sparkle, Warmth
Restrictions Prefers Bonding

Zekiran Icy



Parents Yerpiverth / Unnep
Name Yuliathri
Gender Female
Size 48' long
Colors Emerald, Green-Winged
Features Claws, Crest, Spade Tail, Horns
Powers/Abilities Telepathy, Teleport, Fire Breath, Warmth, Cheer
Restrictions Prefers Bonding
Bond Zekiran Icy



Parents Siere / Almah-aisi
Name Elwince-airi
Gender Female
Size 31' long
Colors Evergreen, Red, Snow Markings
Features Claws, Split Tail, Crest, Fin Ears, Shattarnak Breeding (wing tine), Glowbobs
Powers/Abilities Verbal Speech, Fire/Ice Breath, Light/Dark Magic, Snowmelt
Restrictions (Not necessarily Myrsilk magic)
Bond (not required)  (Zekiran Icy?)