Pickup page for RHIANNON


Parents Yetinanra / Ahdrez
Name Thakez
Gender Male
Size 41' long
Colors Gold Dust / Gold
Features Paws, FinCrest, Feathered-style Wings, Holiday Theme
Powers/Abilities Telepathy, Teleport, Verbal Speech, Fire Magic, Warmth, Cheer
Restrictions Prefers Bond

Fairygirl – Female Fey

Around 4' tall

Born ??, less than 200 (young adult)

This frost-haired wingless-fairy is a royal child, but has run away from her overprotective family in favor of the wilder life. And unlike many in her situation, she is actually well suited to this transition. She has a strong sense of her surroundings, and has a keen ability with animals, even dangerous ones. While they might not attack for her, she's been known to fend off the fiercest attacks with a soothing word and a careful touch.



Parents Veridiain / Fyrrieldur
Name Remenglurin
Gender Female
Size 51' long
Colors Black, White, Red Velvet, Evergreen
Features Armor (smooth), Claws, Mane, Ears, Antlers (do not shed, they grow)
Powers/Abilities Telepathy, Teleport/al (either), Verbal Speech, Winter Senses, Infernal Senses, Naughty/Nice (empathy), Winter Magic
Restrictions Collects stuff, prefers bond

Corsair Cat – Male White phase Tiger kin

Around 6'6” tall

Born on another planet, moved to Planet 20, age 25

Most Kin that have psionic powers are found early, but this one didn't wind up on Planet Twenty by accident so much as by design. While he wasn't necessarily a prisoner on the ship, instead being used as a navigational assistant, he had it in his head to collect a number of powered Kin to take over the ship that they were being transported on, and become a pirate. His ability with tactics, numbers, technology and programming borders on the preternatural, he is a savant with angles and calculations. As he began to meet up with those who rode dragons it was no coincidence that they wanted him to ride as well.



Parents Matsuko / Syerain
Name Scharid
Gender Female
Size 26' long
Colors Ruby, Green-Winged
Features Armor, Claws, Poison Tip Tail, Crest and sm tines, Horns, Ears
Powers/Abilities Telepathy, Fire Magic, Poison Resistance, Sap Spit, Plant-shape, Warmth
Restrictions Not remarkably nice
Bond (not required)