Dragon Image Collection Important Instructions

In order to use these images it's very very important to read these instructions before you do anything.


1 - These are "free ware/link ware", but they are all created by individuals for the purpose of online use only. DO NOT EVER include these images in a collection without a link, they are not to be included in any for-profit distribution including cd's or file collections.

2 - Take images off the site in this manner: for IBM users, right-click on the image you wish to download, and "save as" to your OWN hard drive. For Mac users, click and hold on the image, and then "save" to your hard drive. NEVER use html to link directly to the image. It must be uploaded to your site.

3 - Once you have the set you want to use, if you wish to contact the web mistress about where they are being used, you may. This is not necessary, but each artist might want to know who is using them.

4 - For "color your own" images, you may use whatever means you have at your disposal to color them! If you do it yourself, give yourself credit for your color. If you wish, you might contact the image creator or the web mistress about coloring a particular set of blanks to your liking.

5 - Altering the images is up to you, if you want to you can add features, color, or whatever you wish to the images. Once they are off this site, they're yours to play with. Again, some artists like to see where their work is being used, and might appreciate seeing how they've been colored or altered.