The place was so small, Macra wondered how he’d really fit around to look at these miniscule eggs. It turned out he didn’t really have to worry – his powers kicked in and rescued several of the eggs which might have been crushed by his otherwise careful self as he crept around the Den. And at the very least he had the means to protect them … once they were hatched!

Name: Moridiss

Rank: Female Warrior Low

Size: 4 feet at shoulder

Powers: Resin secretion at a very very high strength

Edibility: Ooh! White chocolate!

Personality quirks: Lackadaisical, Sugary-high

Name: Kalottass

Rank: Female Queen

Size: 4.5 feet at shoulder

Powers: Scent-based happiness, Relaxed in any situation

Edibility: Dark chocolate and cherries inside

Personality quirks: Soft-Hearted, Genial

Name: Tukess

Rank: Male Drone Low

Size: 4.5 feet at shoulder

Powers: Resin secretion, Decoration sense, Quick Motion, Speed running/movement

Edibility: Tastes of rich dark chocolate

Personality quirks: Gluttonous, Punctual



Knowing how weird it was to run into other versions of herself, Anne had Dzaih wait up in the dragon dens, and made her way through the Healing Den carefully avoiding anyone she didn’t already know about. There were plenty of people she thought she knew, but … maybe just yet another Sanger. One of them bolted by her, a girl – Baeris and Kalkin’s latest half-grown daughter Kali. “Come on come on!” She said while running, grabbing at Anne’s hand and urging her into the big den. “You’ll miss em! Come on!”

“Well okay,” Anne chuckled. Maybe this would make up for the flamingodragons that Lethe had on her lawn…

Name: Jonanillass

Rank: Female Queen

Size: 4.5 feet at shoulder

Powers: Quick Motion, Reproduction via spores

Edibility: Milk chocolatey

Personality quirks: Picky, Unwavering

Name: Alynettess

Rank: Neuter Warrior Low

Size: 4 feet at shoulder

Powers: Charm at a very very high strength

Edibility: White and Dark chocolate and cherries inside

Personality quirks: Strong-willed, Obsequious

Name: Baliness

Rank: Female Drone High

Size: 4.5 feet at shoulder

Powers: Hive Mind, Cause drooling in humanoids

Edibility: Very sweet and sugary

Personality quirks: Loving

Name: Stroudanss

Rank: Hermaphrodite Drone Low

Size: 4 feet at shoulder

Powers: Flight, Command Following, Wall Climbing

Edibility: Tastes of rich dark chocolate

Personality quirks: Witty

Name: Bifongss

Rank: Female Drone High

Size: 3.5 feet at shoulder

Powers: Flight, Wall Climbing

Edibility: Crunchy exterior, gooey insides

Personality quirks: Sadistic

Name: Thomcass

Rank: Female Drone Low

Size: 4 feet at shoulder

Powers: Quick Motion, Camouflage

Edibility: A bit tangy, mushroomy

Personality quirks: Curious, Pious

Name: Eybelss

Rank: Male Warrior Low

Size: 3.5 feet at shoulder

Powers: Hive Mind, Melts under heat (reforms), Relaxed in any situation

Edibility: Not apparently edible

Personality quirks: Shy, Open-minded

Name: Marynillyss

Rank: Female Queen

Size: 3 feet at shoulder

Powers: Charm, Plant and Flower arranging

Edibility: Don't eat this one, toxic!

Personality quirks: Envious, Supersitious

Name: Agnepelss

Rank: Female Drone Low

Size: 4 feet at shoulder

Powers: Flight, Plant and Flower manipulation

Edibility: Very sweet and sugary

Personality quirks: Wise

Name: Houlfiess

Rank: Female Warrior Low

Size: 4 feet at shoulder

Powers: Teleportation (short range), Acid Blood

Edibility: A bit tangy, mushroomy

Personality quirks: Picky, Bold

Name: Fialiyahss

Rank: Female Warrior High

Size: 3 feet at shoulder

Powers: Scent-based emotion control, Easily sort small items, Acid Immunity

Edibility: Mmm, chocolate!

Personality quirks: Easily Confused, Subservient

Name: Poulidiass

Rank: Male Drone Low

Size: 3.5 feet at shoulder

Powers: Melts under heat (reforms), Illusion magic

Edibility: Very sweet and sugary

Personality quirks: Charismatic, Just