Dragondeep is connected to numerous other worlds via the Gates and Portals, but also in many ways has become a repository of characters that had their origins in other games, worlds, and fiction that I've written. The most obvious among these is the world of Carramba High School, a planet like Earth. However, other places both related to Carramba as well as quite far flung have gone into making Dragondeep what it is now. |
The Endings - this is the overall story telling world within which Carramba and several fringe Portal-related worlds take place. The Arboreosphere, where the Briar Portal enters Dragondeep, is set among the varied worlds and planes of The Endings. It is a majestic realm consisting entirely of plant life somehow sustained with gravity and an atmosphere - probably by magic. Carramba High is a nexus location itself, where not only the 'locals' from Twoarth attend classes, but superheroes, aliens, witches, godlings and even the spare mathematic construct show up. The Bloody Mutt Vaelan attended classes for several years at Carramba High, and has gone back to instruct there, and the Wolf Queen Wynnah does so as well. As Vaelan is a diplomat of high order, he's usually the one doing this travel around other worlds. |
The Otherforest - a world remarkably similar in many ways to Dragondeep, mentioned in the Lumin description. It had been barren and all but lifeless, and then some mysterious race brought a number of Portals to its surface. The main difference between those and the ones found on Dragondeep appear to be that the Otherforest's actually alter matter as it goes through the Portal. It is a location filled with wildlife, but also a number of elfin inhabitants, their intelligent wolf-like companions, along with deer-shapeshifters, squat humanoids known as Ice-Traders, bear-creatures, and avians. The population of the Otherforest's intelligent life is remarkably small, particularly compared to Dragondeep's. Alorel, one of the Lumin that lived in the era before their downfall, resided on this world during his exile. It is not a huge surprise to discover that he also found his way to Carramba. Portals are like that, apparently. Alorel is among the few people who has traveled through the Otherforest Portals and not been changed, though it's possible that is due to his exertion of magic or psionics over its effects. |
Paragon City - the City of Heroes. Though the game itself is now gone, in-character story lines connect this world to The Endings, and thus to many other of my works. A good number of 'versions' of characters, including Alorel, Vaelan, and Bruno the bear mage, have had their heroic (or villainous) needs filled in the City. Also, it's the source of some images used among the character and species descriptions. |
Zekira - the World of Zekira is an rpg still being playtested, but has been a location that also connects to others. Since it has several 'alternate universe' versions, including an all-furry one, a more or less cyberpunkish background, and a dragon-riding timeline, a number of important characters have made their way to Carramba. Zekirans don't typically show up on Dragondeep, it's usually the other way around - Vaelan and some of his contemporaries provide genetic and social gifts, and can effectively be said to be 'part time' citizens of the world. |
Please remember that this site, the information contained on the pages, all characters and artwork, with the exceptions of the logos on the Credits page, are copyright (c)2014 and beyond, to Lethe Katherine Gray, aka Droppin the Fork productions. No reproduction of anything on this site is allowed, but please feel free to link or request to share things over on my Deviantart page, linked in the Credits area. |