Gods |
The Gods of Dragondeep were killed off around 30 to 35 thousand years ago, by the uprising of the Dragons, who had been their servants. Physically, from the remains on the Isle of the Blessed Idol, they were humanoid in shape, but much larger, from nine to 14 feet tall, and often with oddities such as wings, tails, or extra limbs. Since no living person has ever seen one – that is known outside Forbidden Mountain anyway – their appearance is anyone’s guess. Some say they were ‘angelic’ in appearance, but their strong bones and builds seem to say they were more like giants. In any case, the Gods were highly magical, with equally strong technological prowess. It is said they arrived to this world more than a hundred thousand years ago, perhaps closer to three hundred thousand given their clear penchant for geological manipulation. The Maze of Runes is evidence that they would alter the very ground, and it has been guessed that they may have been trying to do something with the Empire of the Sulfur Shadows before it actually became a truly huge volcano. At issue however was their insistence upon anything else in the world being beneath them. Through generations of elders passing this information down, Dragons have asserted that the Gods were cruel, heartless experimenters and had little regard for the personal lives of those they used as slaves. The servants quarters on the Celestial Wyrm’s Rebellion bear this out to be true. The thought of more than three or four Dragons being near one another on an open valley floor or rocky crag is absurd, but these were cells by the hundred, Dragon-sized, with what appeared to be barely enough room for a fully grown Dragon to turn in a circle. What they did with these Dragons is actually lost to time, but it is known that they did cause Dragon to fight Dragon. In this training, was most certainly their downfall. The Gods gave their servants intelligence and eventually magic, trained them to fight, and then seemingly added to the insult by creating the dragonkin. These days the Dragons and their small kin are very close, but it is known that this was not always the case, and only over the immense time since the Rebellion, have the related species been made close. In the Forbidden Mountain, it is hinted that there is a God yet living. If this is true, every Dragon on the planet would be willing to take a bite out of it just to finish the job that the Celestial Wyrm started. What it could possibly be doing in the Mountain is up to debate. It might be powering magical devices, scrying on other worlds, or merely being poked and prodded for the purpose of science. Only those who reside in the Forbidden Mountain will ever know. Each of the peoples who populate Dragondeep these days know well of the enmity of the Dragons with the Gods. Some merely blow it off as ancient history and concentrate on the present day without them, but others such as the Necromancers are given to wonder what would happen if they tried to reanimate one of the great skeletons on the Isle of Blessed Idols. None of them are foolish enough to try though. It is very likely that the Gods had tampered with numerous other worlds – the Portals and Gates resting here on Dragondeep are definitely not a naturally occurring phenomenon. The fact that several other such worlds sport similar portals is easily proven (by going through them), but no evidence of the Gods themselves, as a species or individually, still exists on those worlds either. |
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