Humans - Overview


While the Humans of Dragondeep are indeed highly typical in appearance and general life cycle, each group does not hail from Earth, and are not the same culturally, even to each other. They tend to be around the same height, from over four feet to under seven feet, and are bipedal with five digits on hands and feet, rounded ears and eyes, and a brown-centric skin, hair and eye color scheme without true markings. Unless stated otherwise, Humans live around 150 years at most, and can master spell magic but often are unable to use elemental innate magic unless they are born to a culture of it.

Humans have come through a variety of the Gates and Portals over time, mostly the Copper Portal but also Mossgate and even Briar Portal. There may have been other portals and gates which opened and closed from other worlds, placing certain cultures in their location: the Reed people did not come from the Copper Portal, very obviously, and certainly not from the Bitter Portal. It is inferred by this, that Humans, like other species, are ubiquitous across whatever universe or multiverse that the Portals reach through.

Humans around the world of Dragondeep speak several different languages with a plethora of dialects unique to locations. They do have what can be considered a ‘common’ tongue, which is actually an amalgamation of sounds from almost every other culture mixed in. The languages spoken on Dragondeep have changed over the generations, but only recently have become more standardized and spoken by almost anyone who has contact with another group. Each group individually however does have some strong differences.

Their cultures are quite disparate, from those other worlds. In some cases their homeworld is now lost or too damaged to return, in others it is likely that the groups arriving from them did so in exile or to escape some fate – be it political or social. Some living on Dragondeep may be the last examples of Humanity from their worlds.

Their names and titles vary per society, but have some easily recognized patterns similar to those found on Earth. Most have an essentially feudal arrangement of government, with a family line or top tier governing agency that passes laws, with a large middle class with merchants and craftsmen, and a spread out system of rural farms. Whether their rule is democratic or inherited, overall most Human cultures have adapted almost instantly to the planet and even to its disparate other peoples.



Features of Humans

• Populate across the globe, in distinct cultural divisions, and comprise the third largest overall population (second if dead-undead are left out)
• Rarely live longer than 150 years, generally have 2-3 children total
• Based on location and origin, appear racially different but can easily breed together and with numerous other non-Human races, have definitely come from distinctly different original locations through Portals/Gates
• Can be equated to ‘Mediterranean’, ‘Japanese’, ‘Middle-Eastern’, and ‘Fantasy Human’ for names and appearances sake
• Most can learn Spell-magic, and some have innate elemental prowess

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