Nomad's Province

On the Western side of the great Patriarch mountain, the domain of the wandering Nomads is patrolled by their warriors and traders. It is a rugged land, rich with both game and danger. It is quite warm and wet almost all year around, and thus the Nomads are less apt to need to find shelter save during the worst storms.

The Nomads do not build structures that remain more than a season or two intact, thus they have not established any sort of cities or even villages. They do enjoy the benefits of living between the Jewels and the Clockworks, and are often relied upon to shuffle goods from one coast to the other.

They generally do not venture south of the Cog Tower, and stay well away from the Maze of Runes for whatever reason. Their northern range is perhaps halfway toward the Copper Portal, and though they do cross the mountains to the east to get to the Blessed Trades island coast, they do not travel northward past the Patriarch. Their fear or superstitious awe of the Wyldkin living on that side of the mountain is so strong the will not bend their rules.

The Nomads society is highly tribal, with women holding the wealth but men holding the power. There are generally equal numbers of men and women in this population, and when the groups meet they often make arrangements for marriages. Warriors and hunters are highly prized, but those who know herbalism and medicine are equally important. Bravery rituals are common among the young men, and storytelling is generally how the girls gain their passages to womanhood. Their history is held only in words, not written except for those who have spoken with outlanders about their tribes history.

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