Land of the Reeds

On the southern side of Stoneside Fall (27,420 feet) is a more calm area than the blustery Kingdom to the west. With rich jungles and heavy forests reaching up into the peaks, the Land of the Reeds is inhabited by deeply religious Humanoids, who respect all life and above all value music and sound. They are known around the world as the greatest musicians, poets and composers, however they rarely leave their serene home.

The cities of the Reed people are tall, elegant things made entirely of plant matter – woven with not only expert hands, but with a touch of shaping magic. It is thought that the Reed people were an offshoot of some travelers from the MossGate, ages ago, who split off from their counterparts who remained in the Gate’s area.

The long land on the southeast side of the Reeds territory ends in a place known as Bellringer Point. This is the last logical resting point before a ship may try the difficult passage around Blighted Crag and the Stormshallows, to reach the other edge of the continent. Since there are no further ports along that southerly route, Bellringer Point and its attendant if distant isle Buglethorpe are heavily trafficked by trade ships. At issue here however, is that any pirates which come through the place are automatically granted asylum from their pursuers – in the hopes that they will see the light and joy of their religion mainly, but more to provide the Reed people themselves with a bit of excitement now and then. This has definitely come into conflict with some of the traders and certainly with the lawgivers in the Clockwork kingdom.

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