The Silent Empire

Dominated by the humanoid Dragonkin, the Silent Empire is indeed quiet and sedate, though not particularly pleasant for non-draconic visitors. The reason most are silent, is that they are intensely telepathic and empathic, thus the populace hardly ever has cause to raise their voices save for celebration or mourning. The Empire’s people live within the waters, but hunt and fly over the entire thousand-plus miles of their territory. They hardly manufacture any buildings, but enjoy trade of any goods including pets and livestock.

The Salt Wash is a large inland sea which, contrary to most of the other large seas or lakes in the World, is entirely salt water. A concentration of salt from below likely was exposed millennia ago, and with little option to run off or drain, became a lake. The waters are known for their regenerative properties, but more for their preservative ones, and thus any needs for brine to store meats is easily taken care of here.

The Wyrm’s Nest is a large protected sea, shallow enough to enjoy warm temperatures, but deep enough that the Dragons choose to lay many of their eggs here. The differences between the air and water temperatures is often stunning, with steam coming off areas that are quite warm. The relationship between the Dragonkin and their full Dragon counterparts is evident here, as many times a dragoness will lay her eggs and then her Kin will tend them, announce their hatching, and arrival to the surface.

The Sacred Outland is a jutting cliff-ridden range. The Dragons that reside here are often ancient, and there are even rumors of one stupendously old wyrm that recalls the days of the war with the Gods. Humanoids unless they’re specifically brought by their Dragon partners, are not welcome here. It is lush, but chilly, and the seas to the south are quite deep: the resting place of most Dragons who die of natural causes.

Blighted Crag is the site of one of the decisive battles that ended the War with the Gods. Bones of Dragons and possibly Gods litter the countryside. Some of the fires that Dragons blew from their mighty lungs still burn even today, keeping the grasses scorched and any trees well away from the battlegrounds. In fact it is a common occurrence to have a wildfire spread almost all the way off the Crag, once more blackening the land.

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